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Airport luggage theft


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Here is a LINK TO NY TIMES article on luggage theft at airports.

Has not happened to me (yet). But, friends have lost guns that were properly checked in baggage that was stolen in transit. Newspaper accounts like this one really make me think twice about travelling with my guns by air. Does it seem to anyone else like the airline industry is really going down the tubes?

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My folks flew to Miami last month. My dad's bag was misplaced for a few days. When they finally did get it back, his bottle of Vicodin (knee replacement surgery) had grown legs and walked off. His blood pressure meds were still there, just the painkillers taken. Not a happy day for my dad.

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I have friends that work at the local airport in the police dept. there and they have told all of the shooters that they are taking a chance everytime they travel through with guns. It doesnt matter which airlines either. The local police cant investigate as it is a TSA problem and jurisdiction, and we all know how effective the great masterminds at TSA are. I travel quite often and have made it my practice to carry on everyting I need for a stay of 2 weeks. I am allowed 2 carry ons and I can get everything in the 2 bags with 1 of those being my laptop bag. If I need something I purchase it and if I cant fit it in to bring it back I throw it away. This inclueds toiletries underwear and socks if needed. I just charge my company for it and they would rather reimburse than have to wait for my bags to get returned and loose the productivity. So far the guys who have been doing this havent gotten rediculous with the expenses and the VP of accounting used to be a feild guy so he is sympathetic to our plight. The only way it will stop is if the customers of the airlines start making the airlines responsible. Right now if the match is within 12 hours drive we drive rather than fly as we dont loose our stuff. We also carry other shooters equipment that are on tighter schedules if we have the room(and we usually do). From Raleigh NC, we drive to Frostproof, Tulsa,, Barry , and points north such as Michigan or the Boston area.

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I trust my Open guns to airlines all the time. Only once did they ship a box of Glocks (and ammo) to Tokyo.... :o I had them delayed a time or two, luckily so far only on the return trips, and nothing's gone missing yet (other people aren't so lucky...)

I do take precautions-- use a very tough locked inner case (the Secure Firearms Products cases rock) which is itself firmly locked to the outer bag. Make the outer bag look distinctive and as little like a 'gun' bag as possible. Hello Kitty if you can stand it :D. Tie-wrap all the zippers with colored zip-ties so you know instantly if somebody's been in there. Get to the gate early enough to sit and watch them loading the bags if you possibly can. Don't dawdle on the way to the baggage carousel to pick them up. If I could figure out a locator beacon, I'd do that too.

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When you think about this stuff, ask yourself why your tax dollars are subsidizing this kind of crap, too.... :roll:

If you get to your destination and find that you bag is missing, let the luggage person from your airline know that you are leaving their desk to go call the FBI and let them know there is a gun loose in the sterile zone of their airport, and every airport you passed through. A friend has done this twice, now, and magically, his bag was located shortly after making the threat....

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When you think about this stuff, ask yourself why your tax dollars are subsidizing this kind of crap, too.... :roll:

If you get to your destination and find that you bag is missing, let the luggage person from your airline know that you are leaving their desk to go call the FBI and let them know there is a gun loose in the sterile zone of their airport, and every airport you passed through. A friend has done this twice, now, and magically, his bag was located shortly after making the threat....

I like it :-)


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When you think about this stuff, ask yourself why your tax dollars are subsidizing this kind of crap, too.... :roll:

If you get to your destination and find that you bag is missing, let the luggage person from your airline know that you are leaving their desk to go call the FBI and let them know there is a gun loose in the sterile zone of their airport, and every airport you passed through. A friend has done this twice, now, and magically, his bag was located shortly after making the threat....


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When you think about this stuff, ask yourself why your tax dollars are subsidizing this kind of crap, too.... :roll:

If you get to your destination and find that you bag is missing, let the luggage person from your airline know that you are leaving their desk to go call the FBI and let them know there is a gun loose in the sterile zone of their airport, and every airport you passed through. A friend has done this twice, now, and magically, his bag was located shortly after making the threat....

I like it too.

Best part is: it is not an idle threat and your call CAN be made in good faith, since the that bag with the gun in it is not in your hands, nor in the airlines' hands, nor in TSA's hands. When a gun goes missing, its always serious. When it disappears while passing through secure areas of an airport, you SHOULD raise holy heck until its found.

Wish they treated every theft as seriously.

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I had a firearm show up missing while shipping NDA with UPS. I finally got to the person at the hub and informed them that they had better find the firearm or ask questions of the ATF (I am a licensed dealer) how one of their employees stole the firearm. She informed me that their employees did't steal the firearm. So I asked if they let anyone off the street enter the Hub in question. She said NO. So then one of the employees stole it. She finally saw the light how it was not going to be plesant to talk to the ATF and ended up finding the firearm.



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