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This really goes deeper then Mayo

In my experience it goes deeper.


There are two kind of "children":

Hellmanns or Miracle whip


Skippy or Jiff

Who can set a POLL on this very important subject?

Later we can match GM's, M's & A's to their favorite combo!


Your wish has been granted.


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So is it the eggs, oil or lemon juice in particular that ruins it for you or is it the combination?

Wow...little did I know what a hot button topic this would be! Yes, I know lots of people love mayo (Mom, Dad and Sis all eat it).

It's really the combination. I think it's mostly texture and smell. One time I was eating a sub and finished half...started on the second half and mayo squirted out when I bit into it....everyone laughed as I jumped up and down, spitting the stuff out onto the wrapper (this was at work) and dashing over to rinse my mouth out with water. Needless to say I wasn't very happy with the dolt that made the sub half and half.

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What about Miracle Whip, Mustard and Ketchup? What are your feelings on the other condiments?

Miracle Whip is right there with mayo in my book. I'm down with ketchup, mustard, relish and most other condiments....maybe it's just the white ones I don't like?

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ROFLMAO :lol::lol:

Must say some of the responses were priceless.

Food is a real funny thing ...people will eat things that just plain scare me :o

Watched a couple of guys eating monkey brains once.....makes mayo look pretty good.


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ROFLMAO :lol::lol:

Must say some of the responses were priceless.

Food is a real funny thing ...people will eat things that just plain scare me :o

Watched a couple of guys eating monkey brains once.....makes mayo look pretty good.


Monkey brains pretty much describes me on stage 2 today! I must have been thinking about mayo when I did the walk through :wacko:

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I'm with Jim on this. It's funny what turns folks on and/or off when it comes to food. And most times I've found it isn't taste as much as textue that grosses people out.

Me? I hate beans, in all varieties, EXCEPT green beans. I don'tknow why they're the only I can tolerate. They just are. Limas, pintos, butterbeans, navy beans, etc., etc., ad nauseum (emphasis on nausea!), I can't stand them. And yes, I am from the South and still can't warm up to them. Yuck!

And the only thing I hate worse than beans (or oysters)..........Miracle Whip.

To each his own, I suppose.

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Me? I hate beans, in all varieties, EXCEPT green beans.

I have never known a man(until you) that didn't like beans.

I like Mayo. I hate Mayo jars. I do not need Mayo on my knuckles.

I am a big texture freak. There is no way I could swallow an oyster. Tomatoes can only be tolerated in the sauce form. I'll lift up the cheese to pull mushrooms off a pizza.

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WE are such a fickle bunch, are we not?

Some of us paint our guns BLUE...my wife included :rolleyes:

Food that makes some of us salivate profusely ..makes others upchuck :lol:

Some shoot only plastic guns ...others sneer if it aint a colt....yuk yuk :D

You just have to get a kick out of all strange stuff folks think...eat ..and do.

What a boring world it would be if we were all the same.

Jim :D

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I DON'T DO ANYTHING tomatoes in it!!! Pizza is only tolerable if there is only a light coating of thin sauce with NO tomato chunks!!!

Eating is about texture to me!!

Not a rebuttal ;)

My old Norwegian step-grandmother used to make homemade mayo and put on top of freshly sliced tomatoes. We had it at every holiday meal I ever ate in her house.

With that said, I must caveat this info with the fact that most of the Norwegian's I've know can eat just about anything (self included). I mean, my god, who would think to soak Cod fish in lye for days and then boil it and eat it.... Lutafisk, eaten that more than once at holiday time too :blink:

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My old Norwegian step-grandmother used to make homemade mayo and put on top of freshly sliced tomatoes. We had it at every holiday meal I ever ate in her house.

With that said, I must caveat this info with the fact that most of the Norwegian's I've know can eat just about anything (self included). I mean, my god, who would think to soak Cod fish in lye for days and then boil it and eat it.... Lutafisk, eaten that more than once at holiday time too :blink:

That reminds me of the line in "So I married and axe murderer" when Mike Myers is talking about haggis and says that he thinks most Scottish food is based on a dare.

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Mayo sucks.

What sucks more is when you make a very vivid point when you order your food that you don't want any of that crap on your tasty burger. Then is comes with it. Even worse is the half-wit that just wants to take the burger and scrap the mayo off of it for ya.


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Ok, so I am in the hate mayo crowd as well.

I dislike Sour Cream even more though. The other day got a nice burrito at Chipotle to go, did not pay enough attention. Got home and the thing was slathered with Sour Cream. So big ole burrito in the garbage.

I can tolerate some things such as ketchup, mustard, etc in small quantities.

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Hmm.. all this talk of food made me.. well, glad that I can eat what I can.. There is an awful lot of food I can't eat at least in it's raw state. Fruits, veggies, most nuts on the planet, and egg yolk products (though in fresh mayo, I think the vinegar/lemon juice cooks the yolk). The other egg based sauces I just thought up are Caeser dressing (egg yolk, garlic, olive oil, anchovy, pepper, parmesan cheese, red wine vinegar, lemon juice, and a little salt) which is basically a thinner Mayo with some stuff added and Hollandaise (egg yolks, butter, lemon juice, shallots, white wine vinegar, pepper, salt) served warm usually with asparagus and sometimes with steak, usually filet mignon if I remember correctly. Talk about coronary sauce.. :D I can understand why people don't like certain items. My challenge has always been to try to remember what thing friends and family don't like and plan the meals around them. A cook's courtesy as it were.. That being said... if I could eat all these things fresh, I think there would be nothing better that to munch on any fresh fruit, heirloom tomatos, and all those other things I need cook before I munch on em. Odd that I was a pro cook at one point and could only eat about half the things I made..

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I can't stand the stuff....no really, I hate it. If you held a gun to my head, I knew it was loaded, and I really thought you'd use it, I MIGHT eat mayo :sick:


Luckily, my wife can't stand it either. When I found that out about her, I realized she really was the perfect woman for me :)

Lucky man, my beloved eats that vile stuff. NASTY. :blink:

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Good thing you don't live in the south...it's against the law to hate it here :goof:

I think it is in my genetic code....(I don't do this) but my grandfather used to eat it with chocolate cake!

Hope you have a can near your computer...even makes me :sick:

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Mayo sucks.

What sucks more is when you make a very vivid point when you order your food that you don't want any of that crap on your tasty burger. Then is comes with it. Even worse is the half-wit that just wants to take the burger and scrap the mayo off of it for ya.


Yeah, you make the point very clear, they put the mayo on it anyway and then you end up getting your food around the time everyone else is finished eating....arrrgh.

I've had to specifically tell waiters that they need to start over as I won't anything that even touched mayo!

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I spent summers in my misguided youth with relatives who put mayo on EVERYTHING. Wanting to fit in with my cousins I acquired the taste too. Always have a coupla them bottles just under the gallon size in the fridge and pantry. Don't go through it like they did - like a gallon a week - but I am on cholesterol statins...what can I say, it's an addiction.

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What about Miracle Whip, Mustard and Ketchup? What are your feelings on the other condiments?

Around here, green chili is the most used condiment; hamburgers, hotdogs, eggs, sandwichs, dip, salad...

I don't think it goes well with ice cream or cereal. B)

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