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Had my job eliminated today because the Greeks who own the company don't know what they're doing.

I started the place up from scratch and made money the first year. The second year they shoved me into limbo-land and managed to lose $100K a month. Breaks my heart :(

They're going to pay me for another couple of months, but it still sucks.

Thought I'd post during my denial period before reality, depression and drunkeness set it.

Lucky that I have a lot of components, tons of loaded ammo, and a range 7 minutes away.

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Well, let's make this the I-Lost-My-Job-Today thread... because it seems to be in the air:

I lost (essentially) my job today, too, because the l******s that run the place make questionable judgment calls about personnel all the time and tend to treat people with both careless disregard and ask them often to do the work of two or three people. I began as a volunteer 2½ years ago, creating-from-scratch their extensive relationship with the local media so they'd have non-stop publicity; I netted $3,400 in eBay sales over a period of a few months last year--enough to pay nearly one month's rent on the bldg; constantly developed better ways of doing things; cleaned up after countless numbers of volunteers and other people who seem to have been raised in a barn; created attractive business forms and communications devices; created a combo admin assist/computer builder position and bailed their asses out of a HUGE backlog of computer 'builds' that weren't getting done; conducted detailed statistical surveys on all telephone calls that came in (for about eight months) which identified where our communications problems were and what our customers were really calling about; built approximately 110+ refurbished computers for them since last summer; designed a customer repair intake form two weeks ago and assumed the role of Customer Repair Intake Person on top of my computer-building tasks; and much more. :wacko::wacko:

I picked up on a low-paying Federal grant program 13 months ago and so, at last, received a small paycheck for my efforts over the past year. Yesterday my contract was terminated due to a technicality and the "employer" (aka--"host agency") said today in a curt little email that they couldn't hire me because they couldn't afford it. Not so much as a thank-you or ANYTHING!!!! :blink::blink:

I'm not so much taking this expulsion 'personally' (though that temptation is there!) as I'm seeing it as a profound PROFESSIONAL disappointment, because there have been a couple of indications along the way that this is how they treat people. <_<<_<

JFD, at the risk of sounding trite, I really DO feel your pain. Totally and directly. I am deeply sorry that you've had to go thru this on your end. I, myself, have not sunk to the second or third stage of denial or whatever yet, but it could happen at any moment. :angry:

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Hang in there guys. Look at this as an opportunity instead of a challenge. As Mark said, go find a better position. The demand for skilled people is growing daily and I'll bet you're both happier a few months from now than you were in your previous jobs.

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I think it will be an opportunity for sure, but today is all about the negative.

At least they didn't just boot me out into the cold. I also didn't get the "excort" treatment; they just asked for me to leave my laptop and whatnot when I left.

It's the second time this has happened to me in this exact same location/plant, but with totally different companies. I think I'll stay away from that building in the future...

Sorry to hear about your experience SiG lady. We both get to join the search.

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Partner, don't get down. It will work out or it won't, and I sincerely believe that part is up to you. I lost the best job I have ever had to idiotic decision making a little over 5 years ago, and my job now sucks, but my bills are paid and I am finishing the build of a second gun in 2 months in the next couple weeks. That stuff all comes well after the 'essentials'. It may suck, and you may not want to do it, but when the bills are paid and you can recreate some it isn't all bad. Follow the dollars, not much else measures up. Satisfaction doesn't pay for anything in my experience. Yes, I have grown quite cynical, but it pays.

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I was in DESPERATE need of a few days off so I guess this will be the opportunity to clear the air and take several deep breaths... and, by God, go SHOOTING a time or two next week to, uh, yes, clear the air. The damn' job even had me skipping my weekend shooting stuff... now, that's bad.

Yes, it's a time to start over. The whole deal was getting to be a profound hassle each day anyway. And I wasn't being paid nearly enough to put up with THAT. :angry:

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Not saying it is possible but it would be sweet if you could use your knowledge of the particular industry and the relationships you have made to go into the same business on your own.

A competitor , if one exists, might love to have your services also.

You all could move to Kentucky. I suspect you all require much more in Salary than what is the norm around here though. I expect that would be the case in most instances with the types that frequent this forum and participate in the shooting sports. I saw a demographic of USPSA shooters once. I think it was 70% were professionals or business owners.

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chuck, just about ANYTHING would be better than minimum wage!... which is what I've had to deal with for 13 months...!! :angry::angry: I put up with all that crap all this time for minimum wage! And before that (1-1/2 years), a volunteer. I really 'gave away the store' with these people hoping this effort would turn into a nice little job. But, NOOOOOOOO.

The cost of living where you are might well be considerably less than HERE. The cost of living in Eugene is stupendous. And the jobs (when you can find one!) usually pay minimum wage or close to it. Not a great place.

I'll probably try and find a secretarial support situation, but one that leans more toward the IT industry now instead of generalized stuff.

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Im looking at getting axed as well. Thanks Diamler! Funny part is I quit a job with a Japaneese comp. cause they looked like they were going in the tank, now they are doing well. I may go back.

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MORE time to dry fire!

I know it totally sucks I'm still working on getting the job. have to pass the state real estate test in a few weeks and finish this stupid class up first. but then I'm on my way to gainful employment!

I did my exit interview for my night job today and Friday night will be my last night. :)

Saturday I will be a full time Realtor. :D

More time for dry fire, live practice and matches? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


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Man so sorry to hear the news. :(

For what it is worth, Honda has announced it will be building cars in the North Mississippi area (near Tupelo) Ground work will start this next week............Might be worth looking into ;)


Hang in there, It seems the IT job industry is the booming place to be.......maybe you can get your share and then some. :)


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Production or quality management is my main thing. For the first year I did everything myself, being the Quality Manager, Production Manager (this is what I really like), Shipping Manager, Maintenance Manager (I'm handy, but not THAT handy), H/R guy, etc... It was kind of interesting writing the employee manual from scratch.

I settled into the Quality Manager position in the end, but when my boss was fired (He just couldn't deal with the Greeks), I suspected I was living on borrowed time. My mistake was thinking they wouldn't be in a hurry to get rid of the only person who knows anything about the industry (plastic strapping).

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Don't know if it would help but if you need a in at PPG my brother is the plant manager for ppg at the nissan plant in jackson, ms. He might be able to pull some stings. Let me know if it would help.

Sig Lady

I'm sorry and hope you find something better


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Thanks. Mostly I think I need a few days 'off' to just chill out and remind myself I don't have to "go to the shop to work" any more. I also have to get over the damn' head-cold that just hit me like a brick yesterday. Talk about insult to injury! :wacko:

I have a new camera that needs my attention and some guns that need shooting. I'm viewing this little period of 'off' time as a mini-vacation and a break in a deadening, long-standing routine. Ah... relief. :rolleyes:

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If you would be willing to move to Nebraska I may be able to help.

Our local factory is in dire need of people in the quality control arena.

They manufacture residential and industrial gas meters and regulators.

We have an excellent range and club 40" away.


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I appreciate the offers, but my wife is working here and we aren't in any danger of starving.

The local job situation isn't bad locally, it's just that job searching sucks in a major way.

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My particular situation involves an elderly mother and the management/overseeing of some hefty financial accounts. I can't leave until she's gone. Otherwise I'd jump at the chance.

I've thought many times of relocating... and may yet do so if things don't stretch out too long HERE.

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I appreciate the offers, but my wife is working here and we aren't in any danger of starving.

The local job situation isn't bad locally, it's just that job searching sucks in a major way.

What really sucks is when you get a new one! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


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