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Blue Tooth Devices

Ted Murphy

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They make it a bit harder to tell if someone is just a nut standing there talking to no one, or if they are on a telephone in the midst of a conversation.

I liked it before the hands free; someone talking loudly with no one near him was definitely someone to be wary of.

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The only thing worse is the walkie talkie phones where you are forced to hear both sides of the call.... and the constant beeping.

I was having lunch in a resturant the other day while the woman in the next booth discussed the deails of her recent surgery with a friend.

That will ruin a meal for you.

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I hate phones in restaurants in general or any public service related business, ie grocery stores, doctor's offices, etc...

I think they should make cell phone booths that you're required to stand in to talk. Ban them in cars unless parked.

Cell phones are probably the technology I hate the most that I can't live without.

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I have one only cause I want to look cool! No seriously US military installations have banned all hand-held cell phone use and seeing as how my phone has BT I decided to get one. They are really kind of uncomfortable. I don't see how some of these people can wear it all the time!??!

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One of the problems with them is that people don't realize that they don't have to talk really loud. Apparently, they still don't know about amplification.

Usually, the same people that talk real loud in face-to-face conversations are the same ones talking so loudly on the phone.



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Not to mention people look like dorks when they walk around with their Bluetooth headset when not on the phone.

Amen to that brother.

I was looking at this guy yesterday with a bling-bling Jabra (earpiece) stuck on his ear. His chromed Jabra din't quite match his white-trash attire of flannel shirt, 80's era parachute pants and Chuck Taylor hi-tops.

I'm sure he was such a "busy" guy that he just needed to have the earpiece on. He didn't want to miss the call asking what he wanted for dinner. "Hi honey, jw'want Pork'n beans or Spam roast with ahh-juice for supper?"

The earpieces are great for driving. They have voice recognition ala OnStar. You just press the button on the earpiece and say a command. It will then communiucate with the phone in your pocket and call "home" or "Brian Enos" or check messages ect.

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I use one religiously nowadays. I wear it all the time while working because it allows me to talk while still using both my hands. Holding a device up against your head with your hand is archaic once you get used to not doing it.

I think they are the best thing since sliced bread if you are in a business that demands connectivity.

I like the Plantronics models. they weigh almost nothing and you don't notice it being there because of the way it fits. I once looked for mine for a half hour before I realized it was still on my ear ;-)

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I use one religiously nowadays. I wear it all the time while working because it allows me to talk while still using both my hands. Holding a device up against your head with your hand is archaic once you get used to not doing it.

I think they are the best thing since sliced bread if you are in a business that demands connectivity.

I like the Plantronics models. they weigh almost nothing and you don't notice it being there because of the way it fits. I once looked for mine for a half hour before I realized it was still on my ear ;-)


I cant hear on regular ear buds. My Motorola has a volume adjustment and it goes up loud enough for me to hear it while driving with the window down.

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Tonight we had a little gathering for the mother in laws birthday at a local restaurant My son Ryan(14) sat next to me and we were across from my sister in law. She started saying Adam how are you tonight and then had that blank look. I looked at her with a puzzled glare and said Adam? I turned and looked and Adam was no where around. I thought she was loosing it calling my son Adam who I granted resembles Adam when he was that age but now there is 7 years between them. I mean she was looking right at him but a little spacey also. She kept saying things that made no sense at all. Finally I realized she was on her blue tooth calling Adam to see if he was on his way. It was covered by her hair.

Those things could really be embarrassing in the right situation.

I want one though.

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George is there one Platronics model you prefer?

I am looking at purchasing a Blackberry 8703e soon.

For some reason I don't expect much out of the one that comes with it.

Maybe it's the lack of information concerning the head set.

I am dieing to be hands free at the keyboard and the steering wheel.

It would make reloading easier too! :lol:


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I am SOO glad to see I'm not the only one who dislikes those things... AND not the only one who asks those folks how the assimilation is going!! :D

I grew up with a Dad who was a fairly eminent Psychiatrist Down Under..... and in my youth saw some of his patients standing around talking loudly... to thin air..

Not surprising what I think when these folks start yabbering!

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I have one and never use it. It's in my car, but I just use my phone's speakerphone. I'm sure when I want to play with it the battery will need recharging....

Our customer service and sales people use them. Most of thesales guys are holding the damn phone in their hands anyway so I don't see the point.

You'd think when you walk into someone's office (at their request) and they're using the stupid thing, they could give you some kind of signal. Instead they stare at me while talking to someone else in an attempt to make me crazy. Most of our women have them hidden by their hair.

I would think that discussing the relative merits of various blue tooth devices in a blue tooth hate thread is kind of uncool B)

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I never said I didn't hate my cell phone ;-) What it has done to my life staggers me when I think back on how much calmer things were before instant access put the electronic leash around my neck 24/7. The pager was the beginning of the end of personal privacy when away from the office :-(

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