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Had To Dq My First Shooter Today


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I've been RO'ing for a few months now, since taking Troy's class.

I had to DQ my first shooter today. :( Worst part is it's a great friend too!

Rules are rules, of course, so I did what I had to do....... but it sure didn't feel good to do it.


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A good friend of mine, bobert1, had to DQ someone a month ago at the Ohio Sectionals. He felt bad at first, but you've got to remember that it wasn't you that DQ'd the shooter, rather it was the shooter.

BTW-You RO's do a fantastic job! Thank you :)

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I enjoy RO'ing.......kinda feels like giving back a little bit to the sport.

I find it fun, since I get to interact with all the shooters and such...

It just sucked today when I had to do the DQ action. I appreciate any and all people who help--setup, tear down, scorekeep, etc.


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I've been RO'ing for a few months now, since taking Troy's class.

I had to DQ my first shooter today. :( Worst part is it's a great friend too!

Rules are rules, of course, so I did what I had to do....... but it sure didn't feel good to do it.


Yep, it's painful to DQ someone.

I know there were a few spots yesterday where you needed to watch the 180.

Do you remember which stage and what was the safety violation?

Edited by joseywales
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Yeah...the one where you started at one end, ran backwards, hit port in middle, and then finished on other side. No problems on the one where we laid the markers down for the 180 on our squad...just one of those unfortunate times when the shooters feet worked faster than the brain. I know a lot of us don't practice moving backwards, and this is an example of why it isn't a bad idea to add it to your routine.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Worst part of being an R.O. is having to issue a D.Q.

Luckily, my first two D.Q.s were dropped, loaded guns (race holsters & either turn and draw or seated start). At least they were obvious ones. Its the call on a 180 break that I really dread. D.Q.s suck any way you slice them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not an RO yet, but was DQ'd once. I broke the 180, plain and simple. I guess my feet went a little faster than the gun. The RO was attentive and caught my screw up = no one got hurt. The rules are there for a reason.


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Well I DQ'd today and was being run by a real good friend. I had and AD and jsut agreed with him went and put up my stuff and ROed the rest of the match. It has either happened or will happen to anyone who shoots a lot. The above posts are right he did not DQ me I DQed myself.

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  • 5 weeks later...

It finally happened to me. That is I called a 180% on a shooter. I am very sure it was a righteous call. It was ugly. Shooter was real irate and the conversation went from me to several club officials and the shooter left glaring at me. I feel like shit.

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It finally happened to me. That is I called a 180% on a shooter. I am very sure it was a righteous call. It was ugly. Shooter was real irate and the conversation went from me to several club officials and the shooter left glaring at me. I feel like shit.

No reason for you to feel bad. The shooter violates one of the safety rules, you are certain of it and you make the call. How the shooter handles it is beyond your control. He will get over it or he won't, either way it sounds like you did the right thing.

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Shooter was real irate and the conversation went from me to several club officials and the shooter left glaring at me. I feel like shit.

You shouldn't have to feel like shnit and that's one of the reasons I don't shoot much anymore. I got tired of the bs and it just wasn't fun anymore.

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Any person of good character ...will not argue but accept his or her error and learn from the mistake.

Being mad at the RO is just wrong.

If I break a rule, I want to know..so I can correct the problem!!!

Is is a pleasure to deal with people who care, even under harsh circumstances.

You did the right thing....and your friend did too...Bravo!

You only feel bad because you care..

You and your friend get my vote!


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I don't think as an RO you can walk away from letting a shooter know they've DQ'ed themselves and not feel a bit bad. Sounds like the shooter passionately disagreed, which probably added some doubts in your mind. You had the best interests of the entire squad and match in mind and you know what you saw so don't keep beating yourself up.

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Merlin, Don't worry about DQ'ing that person. He should be told not to return to the club shoot for awhile. If he is going to act like a child than he needs to grounded!!!! B) Personaly I would DQ him just for signing up!

Don't worry My boys that were at the match on your squad said it was a GOOD DQ!

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The best DQ situation is when the shooter knows exactly what he's done, and DQs himself before the RO even has to say a word. We watched a friend of ours do this, and I made a point of telling Sam (who was 11 years old at the time), "See that? That's how a man acts."

Edited by Carmoney
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This is a little off the subject (sorry) but I shot with a friend yesterday who had a Mike on a stage and the scorekeeper failed to write it down. He noticed it just before he turned his sheet in and he added the mike to his scoresheet. That's honesty. Sorry to get off topic.

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"See that? That's how a man acts."

Wow. You can go a long ways with that simple statement.

I hope I think about that (and live it) when in a situation that requires some self discipline and personal character.

Thank you to all that have commented.

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