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Idpa Participation


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I live and shoot in SE Michigan. Two years ago and last year, we had full matches. This last year, we saw those formerly full matches only close to full. You can not just show up an know that you will shoot at those events, but it can work.

During the warm months, I can shoot four good to excellent IDPA matches each month. The local matches are all good enough that I do not feel any need to travel far to regional and other matches. During the winter there is still one good match and several practice sessions every month. Things are healthy and a good core exists.

I think that what is happening is the Ford/GM/Daimler-Chrysler woes ripple through the rest of the local economy with predictable results on descretionary spending and recreational time. Those of us that are still on the job are working more hours, and that gets in the way too.


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In the greater Houston TX area, one can shoot IDPA everyday but Friday and a few Sundays. Typical of most sports, we see some people drift away from the sport as new ones come in. Typical local match participation goes up and down depending on weather (hot, very hot, and damn it's hot) not unlike other sports. Regional and State matches overall are about the same in participation. Increase or decrease in numbers in these matches are dependent on the history of those putting on the matches rather than any problems (personal) with IDPA or those associated with IDPA

In one of my clubs, West Houston IDPA (whidpa) we saw a significant decrease in those shooting with us about 3 years ago. The reason: We were forced to move from a local outdoor range that was in easy driving distance to a new and developing outdoor range that increased driving time by 30-60 minutes for many of our shooters and had some growing problems. At our old range we had 40-60 shooters for a Wed night shoot and now we average 20 shooters. Was this IDPA? Problems with rules? No, it is just not as easy for those shooters and thus they found other ways to toss lead. Our group of 20 or more sees new faces and old. Any sport grows in one way. That is those that participate enjoy it enough to talk it up and get others with like mind sets involved. You like playing softball, and you talk it up and get those around your office that really don't play or haven't played in a long time involved in a local softball league. Now, when was the last time YOU talked IDPA up and got a friend or for that matter anyone involved/introduced to IDPA?

One other idea that we have done is this. Our group shoots IDPA every Wed night and the first Sat of the month. "Friends of Whidpa" also have a friendly "non-IDPA" 3 gun match the second Sat of the month. Besides the match fee, every shooter puts in a dollar. The club and the range match that dollar out of the match fee, so $3.00 goes into a gun fund each time a shooter participates. At the end of the year, we buy guns and for each match fee the shooter gets one chance in the drawing. More match fees, more chances at a gun. Win one gun, and you are done so more individuals can win. This year, it looks like we (whidpa) will be giving away 6-8 guns back to our members.

The growth of this sport is directly dependent on those individuals participating in the sport and their willingness to introduce others to the sport.

Garry N

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In the Tampa Bay area there are two clubs and both are growing. This is a area where you can shoot almost every evening of the week and every weekend. With no more than a ONE hour drive you can shoot both IDPA AND USPSA all year around.

As stated shooters come and go but if you put on a good match and treat the shooters right you are good to go.


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In the Seattle area, we had monthly match attendance in the 30-40 range from 2002-2004, then last year, it picked up to 50-60. We have also seen at least three new clubs spring up, in outlying areas. We've hosted the state championship for five years, and have seen an addtional five shooters, each year. This year we had 92 paid, and 83 actually shot.

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We have some people that show from time to time and a lot of regulars. I like my small club. They are like family. We get newbies from time to time and they are always welcomed. Some show back up some don't. I would like to think if the club was run a little more effeciently we would have more shooters.

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After our club joined IDPA our numbers dropped.We had been shooting by our own rules for the last 6 years and a lot of shooters resented having to buy new gear.We still shoot a second gun [Revolver} after the main match with the old equipment rules.Another club in the area that shot USPSA a few years ago before stopping joined IDPA a couple years back and they draw 30-50 shooters per match.

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I agree with the earlier statements by a fellow Michigan shooter.... but would also like to add a few more more comments. about what I see going on in our area.

The number of active IDPA clubs in Michigan has grown to fifteen...which probably represents one of the largest concentrations of clubs in any one state. So while most of the clubs are not experiencing fast growth at their monthly matches (or in some cases they are actually shrinking)... the total number of IDPA shooters has probably grown - - - a lot.

Secondly....our state also has a healthy community of USPSA clubs featuring IPSC style shooting. I see a lot more cross over shooters at those matches ...(myself included).... participating in Limited 10, Single Stack, and Production Divisions who used to be IDPA only shooters.

Lastly..... while my friend Bill doesn't travel to attend out of area matches..... I know a lot of shooters are doing more of that each year. Over 80% of Michigan's population lives within a two hour drive of either Ohio, Indiana, or Illinois. So shooting in major out of state and regional IDPA & IPSC matches is also taxing the attendence at some "club" matches. For example---the Ohio State IDPA match last year had more than two full squads of Wolverine shooters in attendence.... so several clubs were missing a number of their regular shooters that weekend...... and we needed a trailer to bring home all the placques that we won. :rolleyes:

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Ot's very slowly growing in Ontario, Canada.

1 club affiliated (Sarnia), 1 club waiting for the return (if we haven't got it by now) - Pembroke Outdoor Sportman Club, and 2 others running IDPA type matches.


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Here: Southern New Mexico and the El Paso area.

2 Clubs within 50 miles of eachother. IDPA matches are held once monthly.

Both on the decline

One used to get about 15 shooters, now down to 5 or 6.

Our club was getting about 20-25, now down to the usual 12 or so.

Our state match had little interest as well.

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The areas I shoot in seem to be declining. I was able to shoot a few matches in the DFW area recently and they seemed to be having fewer shooters also. I have backed off shooting IDPA for several reasons. Most other shooters that I know have left also. I don't want to get into reasons, but I can assure you they are all very similar.


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IDPA is pretty much DEAD in the Albany/Schenectady/Saratoga NY area compared to what it was a few years ago. We once had a group of about 85 IDPA members combined within 3 clubs.

That's sad :( there are a bunch of us that would go through the trouble to get the necessary paperwork to come and shoot.

You aren't that far away.

Hell, I travelled fron Ottawa to Hardwick, Vt for a PPC match (about 300 miles 1 way) and that was a day trip.


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