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XX and XY in USPSA


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Keep in mind that IPSC is a fairly inexpensive sport, most of us can afford to be competitive at a top level if we are willing too. Auto Racing is not, Without sponsor money is is near iimpossible. The books posted below give lots of info on getting and keeping sponsors.

Read this, in particular page 1-6 paragraph 2...toggle to it then buy the book.

Theres lots of information that is relevant to shooting


and these:


In particular books 3 (Inner Speed Secrets) and Book 5 (The Complete Driver)

All have sections on getting and keeping sponsors (plus a host of other good info.)

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I go to 10 major matches in one year with at least one of witch is the Nationals. I will spend over $15,000.00 to just get to the match. Not to mention the training for the match. In one year I will shoot any where from 50,000 to 90,000 rds. That’s just under $9,000.00 for ammo… So on a light year of shooing without any guns, magazines or accessories of any kind I’m at $24,000.00… I’m not the poorest person in the world and that’s a lot of money to me!!


Chris Tilley

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I go to 10 major matches in one year with at least one of witch is the Nationals. I will spend over $15,000.00 to just get to the match. Not to mention the training for the match. In one year I will shoot any where from 50,000 to 90,000 rds. That’s just under $9,000.00 for ammo… So on a light year of shooing without any guns, magazines or accessories of any kind I’m at $24,000.00… I’m not the poorest person in the world and that’s a lot of money to me!!


Chris Tilley

Our race car cost us over $20,000 to build...and thats on a street car we purchased for $2000

$7000 suspension and a $10,000 body refresh was sponsored and not included in the cost

We go to 10 race weekends a year, $375 entry fee, +hotel, food, gas, tires, brakes etc. adds up to about $2000 a weekend. Practice days (we get 10, one before each race weekend) is $350 entry plus extra gas, hotel etc.

And thats just for a regional series, not national or international events, the USPSA Nationals would be on par with 24 hours of Daytona for the level of competition....and that would cost a lot closer to a 6 digit amount for one weekend.

Name another sport the size of IPSC where you could be the National champion and spend less that $24,000

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There is no rule of thumb and all companies are different, but here is what I suggest to those (men & women both) who inquire about what they can do to become sponsored:

1. Win

2. Win with grace

3. If you lose, lose graciously.

4. Promote your sponsors/products you use with pride, to the best of your ability.

5. Do your best to be approachable & friendly to EVERYONE.

6. Promote yourself and understand that you may have appeal to a potential sponsor to aid them in capturing a specific market.

7. Understand you are seeking to be a representative for a company with a product or service to sell to consumers of any race, gender, religion, etc. and represent yourself accordingly.

Best wishes!


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Keep in mind that IPSC is a fairly inexpensive sport, most of us can afford to be competitive at a top level if we are willing too.

Most of who??? I really doubt $24,000 is a realistic disposable income for the mainstream IPSC shooter. In fact, 24 grand is approaching 50% of the annual median income for a family of four in my state. :wacko:

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I go to 10 major matches in one year with at least one of witch is the Nationals. I will spend over $15,000.00 to just get to the match. Not to mention the training for the match. In one year I will shoot any where from 50,000 to 90,000 rds. That’s just under $9,000.00 for ammo… So on a light year of shooing without any guns, magazines or accessories of any kind I’m at $24,000.00… I’m not the poorest person in the world and that’s a lot of money to me!!


Chris Tilley

On the other hand, correct me if I'm wrong, but a couple years ago, someone who didn't go to ten major matches, and trained all year with an airsoft, win the Steel challenge. If he hadn't lived over seas how much did it cost him to train and get to that leval? I know its not USPSA but I think its still a valid point that it can be done for far less that you've stated.

As for the actual topic, I like the m/f Golf comment. The top females in any sport will always be recognized. Why are we trying to knock our top female shooters anyways? Its hard enough as it is to get females to come out and shoot USPSA, and when they see or hear comments like this it doesn't make it easier.

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Keep in mind that IPSC is a fairly inexpensive sport, most of us can afford to be competitive at a top level if we are willing too.

Most of who??? I really doubt $24,000 is a realistic disposable income for the mainstream IPSC shooter. In fact, 24 grand is approaching 50% of the annual median income for a family of four in my state. :wacko:

Nobody said you had to spend $24,000, go to half the matches and it cuts the cost in half. And it won't hurt your performance at the Nationals. I've had some of my best results in years I hardly went to any big matches at all and that includes my best finishes at the Nationals and Area 2.

It means you have to make sacrifices too, if you want to be at the top AND drive a new SUV and have a plasma screen TV at home...well it might be tougher.

I'll Quote Carroll Smith

"So far as the money thing goes, this arguement is usually advanced by the wannabe's, could-have-beens and the shuold-have-beens - those who didn't make it and those that were afraid to even try"

"In order to be sucessfull at his chosen profession,the racing driver must be a truy selfish human being- willing to subordinate and sacrifice anything and anybody to further his career."

I got on pretty well in my early years of IPSC on a pretty thin budget, but it sometimes meant my car payment would get put off a month to pay an entry fee, more than once I ended up owing guys for hotel bills etc (thanks guys!) so my credit rating sucked for awhile. I shot a P-9 for years after better stuff came out because I couldn't afford it...but I won a lot of matches with it. I'd dry fire instead of live fire because I didn't have money for bullets, but regularily beat guys that were shooting 1000+ rounds a week. At the last area 2 I shot I had guys tell me about all my gear I need to update, I still use a Bianchi Hemisphere holster, not exactly state of the art nowadays, and I beat them all at that match with my antiquated equipment.

If you want it bad enough you can afford it. You'll find a way.

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The cost of shooting isnt relative to the cost of other sports, it is relative to your own personal budget. Anyone who thinks this sport is "cheap" must make enough money to cover all my expenses as well.

We all decide how to spend our own cash, but you better believe that I'm not gonna delay a car/mortgage/insurance payment just to make it to a match. This is just a game we do for fun, we aint savin lives here. No way I would take away from a family budget just to sling some lead.

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Thats the difference between those that want to win and those that want to have fun. I only get irked when some of those that say they are in it for fun, complain about things like sponsorship, money and not winning because of a lack of sponsorship and money. You will do what you are prepared to do, and place accordingly in matches.

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Why are we trying to knock our top female shooters anyways? Its hard enough as it is to get females to come out and shoot USPSA, and when they see or hear comments like this it doesn't make it easier.

Reading through this thread, I've been asking myself the same question.


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This year alone, I traveled to major matches from South Florida to Michigan to Pasa Park.

With travel, lodging, entry fees, etc, I'm guessing conservatively around $7,000.

I burned about 8000 rounds of ammo this year so tack on another $2000.

That doesn't take into account the two guns I bought in the last 9 months (add $4,500)

I can't even guess at the money spent on parts, gunsmithing fees, clothing, magazines, reloading tools, holsters, shooting glasses, the wagon I bought to haul my gear, etc. etc.

I typically spend at least $15,000 a year to participate in this sport and I am no where near the highest level.

Not to mention the hours and hours I spent in the gym trying to keep my 54-year-old body in good enough shape to race through a course of fire without having a stroke.

This is not a team sport.

It is very much an individual sport and what we accomplish (regardless of gender) depends on individual drive, determination and talent.

It also depends on a willingness to absorb the cost and bear that burden alone.

I don't know how far I will go in IPSC, only time will tell.

However, when I reach the pinnacle of my shooting career, I will have the satisfaction of knowing I got there by my own effort and my own wallet.


Edited by tlshores
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This is probably why I'm not a top shooter!

I don't have a sponsor and I spend my money on my family and back into my business!!


I'm doing pretty well for myself but I'm a little stunned thinking about spending $24k in a year on the sport.

Makes a person think about what it really takes to reach the top in this sport.

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Nobody said you had to spend $24,000, go to half the matches and it cuts the cost in half. And it won't hurt your performance at the Nationals. I've had some of my best results in years I hardly went to any big matches at all and that includes my best finishes at the Nationals and Area 2.

I'd dry fire instead of live fire because I didn't have money for bullets, but regularily beat guys that were shooting 1000+ rounds a week.

Everyone situation is unique, but what if you had attended more matches and live fired more to boot? Might you have done better? :) If you are happy with what you have accomplished it's all that matters.

Maybe if Chris T had dry fired more and gone to less matches he would have done better this year, i suspect he left no stone unturned and his results speak for itself anyway.

Thats the difference between those that want to win and those that want to have fun. I only get irked when some of those that say they are in it for fun, complain about things like sponsorship, money and not winning because of a lack of sponsorship and money. You will do what you are prepared to do, and place accordingly in matches.


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What erik said is just odd but for a sponsored shooter, to bash his fellow sponsored shooters just because they are female is even more odd and irresponsible. Especially for someone that has benefited from a sub-catagory him self, "Junior shooter". When does a junior title trump a womens title?

If I could win the Limited Nationals with a freaking Glock, I could be sponsored.

If I had as many National titles as TGO or Todd J., I could sell out shooting classes every weekend.

If I could run and move like Reggie Bush, I could be playing in the NFL.

Edited by f250sd
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Thats the difference between those that want to win and those that want to have fun. I only get irked when some of those that say they are in it for fun, complain about things like sponsorship, money and not winning because of a lack of sponsorship and money. You will do what you are prepared to do, and place accordingly in matches.
Good point, and it's also mean-spirited to belittle their achievement because for some people at the top in some sports or businesses, winning is all they have! If you're an also-ran but have your health and a stable family, at least let the CEO/champion enjoy his reward.
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What erik said is just odd but for a sponsored shooter, to bash his fellow sponsored shooters just because they are female is even more odd and irresponsible.

Well said. I was surprised that more women didnt comment on the original post. Guess I just answered my own question that I posted a while back about why a women's forum is neccessary.

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ROFL… you think I have benefited from winning any thing as a JR.!!!!!! I WISH I WAS NEVER A DAMN JR. SHOOTER! I know that most of the women shooters want every one to look at them as equal and to see what they did overall instead of in a special category…



PS: If you think any of what is on this thred is serous you have issues…

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I agree; I see a number of women who want to push the envelope into what were traditional male pursuits. Danika Patrick, Michelle Wie etc. are all moving up slowly but surely on the men in competitions. Michelle may not win a PGA Major anytime soon, but she has time on her side and if you try, try , and try again, sooner or later you WILL succeed.

The percentage scores of women in Nationals is going slowly upwards, about 2-5% per year.

I'm willing to bet that a lady will break the 80% barrier this year.

Five years from now a woman will be getting 90% at Nationals, a few years later 95% and when you get to that level you have a shot at winning it... I know that there are separate prizes for women and that's all well and good, but I can't think of many sports other than Golf and Racing where men and women compete side-by-side in such a physical and dynamic sport.

If there's sponsorship available then it should go to the best, those women that have sponsorship of any type, have earned it.

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