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XX and XY in USPSA


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Isn't Hi-Point looking for a GM with man-boobs? :D


I think for guys in the trenches it seems this way, but it can't be true because there are so many more male shooters. If only 10% of particpants are female in this sport, and out of them, 2% sponsored, let's do the math...100 players, 10 female, 2 sponsored. If you only saw the sponsored female shooters it would seem as tho all that it would take is to be female to get sponsored, but that is only because there are two of them. Of course my numbers are coming from nowhere, I don't know what percentage of female shooters are sponsored, but that is where I think that notion would come from. I could just be completely wrong and the industry probably knows what it is doing, every sport is like that now. Attention should be given to those that might not normally be there. Props to all the ladies, sponsored or not...

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And boobs are not the answer to EVERYTHING!!!! :P

(And don't be saying it's the ONLY thing because I will have Chuck Norris roundhouse kick you until all your teeth fall off!)

I'm not scared of Chuck Norris. My last girlfriend could kick Chuck Norris' butt... she was a part-time knife-thrower. B)

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If I had breasts, I'd have sponsors.

Erik, maybe you need to get out more on the weekends. Then you could get more breasts! :)

Remember, for sponsors it is ALL about business and what sells. Don't take it personally. Seriously now, Are you finishing high enough in area and national matches to warrant sponsorship?

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And boobs are not the answer to EVERYTHING!!!! :P

(And don't be saying it's the ONLY thing because I will have Chuck Norris roundhouse kick you until all your teeth fall off!)

I'm not scared of Chuck Norris. My last girlfriend could kick Chuck Norris' butt... she was a part-time knife-thrower. B)

Obviously you have not heard what Chuck can do.


Thank god I just like breasts.


On a woman......

Yeah...... Woman.......

Had to think about it........

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Where's Carina when we need her ;)

I was at the TX Ltd Friday and cooking up a bunch of food for a Swedish thing yesterday. Today I am home and catching up on my forum reading. I think my fellow ladies have done a superb job of responding but naturally that won't prevent me from adding to the thread :P

Erik is right. I would guess that if he were a woman with his skills, he might get sponsorship. It's the out of the ordinary that will attract attention. Women are, unfortunately, not an ordinary sight at a match. Women who can shoot well enough to win or place in a class (not just a category) are also out of the ordinary. So when they show up to a match to shoot and display some good skills, people watch. Sponsors recognize this. Maybe sponsors also recognize that women are different then men. The top men are sponsored, why not the top women? To put it in golf terms, does Annika need to beat Tiger before she should earn sponsorship?

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It's times like this I wish I was still a moderator so that I could attach a poll to this thread.


If Erik Warren straps on a pair of 46DD falsies and shoots the Open/Prod Nationals in said garb, will he gain the coveted sponsor?

* Yes

* No

* I don't want to know.

* I don't want to know and don't want to watch.

* I'll be there with a lawn chair a cooler of Blue Moon to watch the festivities.


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If I had breasts, I'd have sponsors.

So go on the donut and cola diet and grow some, or drop the $4K plus and buy you a nice set. Either way, quit crying and start trying. None of the ladies who are sponsored got where they are today by looking pretty, they got there because they came to the sport to chew bubblegum and kick butt, and they ran out of bubblegum back in C class.

BTW, Sharyn and Athena, we're looking foreward to both of you shooting with us again at the Orange Gun Club. I'm putting together the club championship match and a nat's qualifier, later October and November.

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You can take my post as

1) a misogynistic rant from an also-ran curmudgeon


2) a way, however uncouth, of provoking discussion about the apparently disproportionate media coverage and sponsorship among males and females.

I'm happy to see most of the female replies have been about the latter.

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If Erik Warren straps on a pair of 46DD falsies and shoots the Open/Prod Nationals in said garb, will he gain the coveted sponsor?

Dan Hash wearing a bra at the 2005 Area-1 match got a lot of "attention", but I'm not aware of any sponsors clamoring to sign him as a result.

Just a data-point :P


provoking discussion about the apparently disproportionate media coverage

Dunno about "pure" sponsorship levels, but it might be interesting to ask Dave Skinner for some stats on the STI contingency program.

My guess would be that the male/female mix of registrants pretty closely matches the male/female mix of our overall demographic.

...which would serve to illustrate that we would benefit by getting more females involved in our sport...

... which might be the *reason* that sponsors have a greater interest in sponsoring female shooters, if in fact that is the case.


(Besides which, they usually smell nicer ;-))

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On a more serious note, the women in USPSA, on average, *seem* to be more achievement-oriented than the typical male USPSA shooter. Actually, let me restate that as a fact. And yes, I'm aware that we don't have any female GM's...yet. (I'm not going to speculate as to why here, primarily because I'm not qualified to.)

After 5 years of forum surfing, the distinct trend I see in the industry is men who buy a pistol and spend an inordinate amount trying to "fix" it, as opposed to women typically running whatever Limited or Open gun their gunsmith suppies them with, followed by very organized ass-busting on how to move up the ladder.

And Erik, I'm not saying you haven't busted your ass and applied yourself, because you've got your G-card in the time that I've accomplished exactly jack squat. However, in general, I think sponsors look at the women in USPSA and correctly see the growth market into which they should invest their sponsorship dollars. Advertising is about getting market share you *don't already have at the present time*. There's not a lot of point in marketing one's self to a mature, established market.

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How about tennis and Anna Kournikova? Didn't win a single major tournament, but her face was everywhere. Martina Hingas wins, but doesn't get a lot of magazine covers.

Danica Patrick? I remember a few months back some of the Indy car male racers where complaining about all the media coverage she gets. Anyone remember Lynn St. James?

Just the way things are I guess. It's a system of our own making; the market determines what "sells" buy our responses to advertising.

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Just the way things are I guess. It's a system of our own making; the market determines what "sells" buy our responses to advertising.

Buy or By? That was a freudian slip.... :D

Somehow a women selling what is basically a man's product really doesn't strike me as anything new in the realm of marketing. How many women are in men's razor commercials, car ads, etc? I chalk that up to the laws of nature rather than the capitalist system of economics however. I offer the "women we love" thread as empirical evidence...hmmm...also created by Mr. Erik Warren coincidentally. :)

Edited by carinab
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C'mon Eric. This one is easy. Go to an old Front Sight and find the add with Julie G. in that tight black dress. You CAN'T tell me that didn't stop you from turning the page. I don't know about you, but it took me a minute (or 5) to actually realize that Dave was on it too. I can still see the add in my mind. When's the last time you vividly remembered a TGO add?

Call my words un-politically correct, sexest, etc, but I know I'm pretty much hard-wired like this. Hell, there are advertisement firms out there that make a living on this hard-wiring. ....and twins..... That's all I have to say and you're singing along with me :D (I will just briefly mention that gun makers are selling to a predominently male consumers, like beer.)

Now for the other half. They have to shoot damn good before they get those sponsers. When's the last time another female beat Julie G. in a major match in production? USPSA is a unique sport where men and women are scored without completely separate brackets. If you want to compare sponsership fairly, one must revert to the societal norm of separate brackets. Looking at it from that perspective, it's hard to feel slighted that Julie, Lisa, Kay, or Athena etc are sponsered.

I will give you "guts" points on opening this string though....

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