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I Hate Being A "grown Up" Person

Shooter Grrl

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My 15 year old cat, Smiley, was euthanised at 12:15pm this afternoon. She's better off, I'm not! It really really sucks to be *that* responsible for another life (even if it is an animal life!)

Be free my old grrl - you'll live in our hearts and memories forever :wub:

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Our local range owner has a 10-yr-old dog (who's had a wide array of health idiosyncracies over the past 5 years), and the dog is not doing at all well at the moment... and today I mentioned to him that it's really a shame that dogs--who've provided such splendid service and companionship to humankind for ages--live such scandalously short lives! And cats, too. Cats sometimes live longer than dogs but not always. Why izzit that our cat and dog friends are with us for such delicately short times.....?...... It just isn't fair.


SiG Lady

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Thanks everyone. It really means a lot to me to have the sympathy and commiseration. It was truly one of the worst things I've lived through. You see, Smiley was my "rescue" kitty - she rescued me at one of the darkest hours of my life - she gave my life a purpose where there was none. Sigh - I could go on for awhile but I can't see the damned monitor anymore.

'Night all!

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Oh Kath, that's awful. I'm so sorry for your loss. Back in July of 1991, we walked through a pet store in a mall, and Carol's son Jeremiah spotted a beautiful black and white "Tuxedo" kitten. We bought her --- and named her Blitz, because she seemed to have two speeds: Comatose, and zipping around the apartment like a lightning bolt. For reasons I still don't understand she picked me as her pet. When she was young, she'd climb up my recliner, walk up my body and curl up on my chest to go to sleep. In later years she'd come when called. She had her own ideas of what constituted acceptable petting ---- basically it was limited to her head --- anything else was answered with growls or hisses.

It was truly one of the worst things I've lived through. You see, Smiley was my "rescue" kitty - she rescued me at one of the darkest hours of my life - she gave my life a purpose where there was none. Sigh - I could go on for awhile but I can't see the damned monitor anymore.

'Night all!

Last fall --- when I spent two months feeling as lonely and isolated as I've ever felt in my life, she was the only being that kept me going. Just after the New Year she stopped eating. We took her to the vets to have her teeth cleaned/removed, figuring her mouth was simply to sore to eat. Under anesthesia they discovered a large tumor under her tongue. Holding her, and saying goodbye, while they put her under, was one of the hardest things I've had to do in my life ---- but it was also the thing she needed me to do. And, after almost fifteen years of faithful companionship, she deserved no less. I think of her daily --- often prompted by something the other cats are doing. I wonder what she would have thought of this house, how much she would have enjoyed the window ledge in the living room, that overlooks the bird bath and feeders in the back yard. I'm pretty sure she would have spent much time there with her tail twitching and her jaw chattering.....

After six months, I spend more time thinking of her as she was ---- alive ---- than of her the last time I saw her. The sadness, in time, will fade, and happy memories will grow stronger......

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  • 3 months later...

So sorry for your loss. We have two that we have had for 14 years. One has FIV and is slowly going down hill. The other has lost a lot of weight lately. I don't think they will be with us much longer. I know my wife will be a wreck when they go. Hang in there.

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