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Drunk Drivers


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I hate DWI. going over the stuff in the police academy makes me realize that i hate them MORE than even the dope dealers.(at least they KNOW who they are killing and they dont MAKE you buy the dope) whereas a drunk driver will/can/does kill whoever is on the road at the same time they decide they "need more beer".

moreover the process of putting someone in jail and getting a conviction is crazy.

The crime only has Two elements in texas: operate a motor vehicle in a public place and be intoxicated.

field sobriety tests

Blood tests

breath tests

3.2 miles of paperwork

all this for a Class B misdemeanor (in texas First offense) 180 days in jail and/or a fine not to exceed two thousand dollars.

The crazy thing is there are many officers out workign that do not arrest for DWI because of the fierce paperwork and 3 hours of reporting and documenting the arrest.

something like 50 percent of the fatal auto wrecks in Texas are alcohol related.

its crazy!

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Years ago, I was a policeman in a small town. I put many drunks in jail and NEVER had a second thought about it.

It's a shame that there is so much paperwork today, but the fact remains that drunk drivers kill.


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Drunk Driving is like the official state sport in TX, isn't it?? When I moved out here, it was still legal to have an open container in the car.

If you happen to be reading this thread, and you're one of the cops Harmon mentions who don't arrest DUIs because of the paperwork - you're not doing anyone any favors and you should leave your job now. You're not protecting the people you're sworn to protect by leaving the threat on the street. You're not helping the drunk - (s)he's quite likely an alcoholic, and the only way they're going to get the help they need is if it becomes painfully obvious to them that they have a problem (jail time tends to do that in a lot of cases, though not all...). Your lack of responsibility brings a bad name to your profession. Get out now. Make a spot for people who care about doing their job, even under the weight of the paperwork that our pansy-a@@ society makes you do.....

Just my opinion ;)

Edited to add.... and we think alcohol is less dangerous than other things... heh heh... humans crack me up... :D

Edited by XRe
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We're fortunate in Austin that there doesn't seem to be a lot of tolerance to DWI. I suspect there is a local unwritten rule that if you have alcohol on your breath, you're DWI, you're going to jail.

Official state sport? I don't know about that, I do know that for a DWI 1st, there is an administrative fee of $1000 (upon conviction) per year for three years charged by DPS to maintain your driving priveleges. I wonder what kind of impact that has had on drunk driving, hopefully a positive one.

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I lost a few friends in high school, DUI. My brother and 2 uncles at the same time in 1979, DUI. 2 more uncles that just drank them selves to death, and a screw in my ankle from a drunk driver.

Yes I hate drunk drivers.

Do your job cops. We know that most of you can't shoot, but surely you can write. If someone had been arrested, maybe my brother and 2 uncles would be here today. :angry:


Edited by Still Praying
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I hate DWI.
Me too, but I hate most of all hearing about they deserve sympathy because they have a "dependency" problem and it's hereditary and they aren't responsible.........

Anybody who drives a car drunk is responsible. And they do a staggering amount of damage. The CHP compiles stats on it, and I recall that something like 60% of all accidents where a fatality occurs involve at least one operator who was impaired by drugs or alcohol.

We're fortunate in Austin that there doesn't seem to be a lot of tolerance to DWI. I suspect there is a local unwritten rule that if you have alcohol on your breath, you're DWI, you're going to jail.

Official state sport? I don't know about that, I do know that for a DWI 1st, there is an administrative fee of $1000 (upon conviction) per year for three years charged by DPS to maintain your driving priveleges. I wonder what kind of impact that has had on drunk driving, hopefully a positive one.

In Kali, there are some cities with mandatory jail time for the first conviction, which it should be. I guess that's good, but what I've noticed is it means rich people get to plead it down to a lesser charge like reckless driving or something. At least the intent is good.

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Ok, I'll give you something to hate:

If a driver in MA refuses the brethalizer test, there is an administrative license suspension (6 months, I think), BUT.... the judge is prohibited from telling the jury why there was no alchol test; that there are many reasons for the absence of a test; and that they should draw no inference regarding guilt or innocence from that absence. The police are not allowed to mention the subject's refusal to take the test when giving testimony.

Conventional wisdom in this state is that someone who is guilty of DUI can in all probablity beat it if they have a few thousand for an attorney and decline the test.

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Keep up the good work it is Officers like you and me that keep our families and friends safe.

I have lost loved ones to a drunk impaired driver.

To the Officers that don't process Impaired drivers due to alcohol or drugs should realize that you are not helping by giving these people a ride home or calling someone to pick them up. What happens is that next time they will expect to be treated the same so to them it's ok because they were not processed before. (Next time they might kill someone if we don't stop it.)

I work for a department that aggresively enforces the DUI laws. I have even come into work on days off to process an impaired driver on alcohol or drugs.

Remember if you see an impaired driver on the road call your local police or law enforcement agency and report it. You will save a life.

Rob in Arizona if they refuse the license is suspended for 12 months or 2 years if there is a prior suspension for DUI. Next a Judge is called and we do a telephonic search warrant for blood. We don't have the problems in the court to have the processes admitted if everything is done correctly.

I don't know how to post videos but if you do a search for the group Simple Plan and the song is called Untitled. Watch this it showes the dangers of DUI Collisions and what the family and First Responders go through.

Stay Safe,

S. Rodriguez

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I wonder how many people realize that the legal limts here in the US for being drunk (.1% a lot of places, .08% minimum) are too high and represent a severely impaired driver. In most countries, .05% is the limit.

0.09% is achieved if an average person chugs three mixed drinks straight down and lets the alcohol "hit" (you get about .03% from a single drink or beer).

For most people, that is pretty drunk.

In kali, you can be written for "under the influence" if you fail the sobriety tests even if you are not over the .08% legal limit. MANY people will fail without going over .08%.

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A couple of weeks ago in the twon next to mine, some moron who was already taking anti-depressants decided to go on a binder and then drive 15 miles to his moms house. On the way there he ran over and killed two 16 year old girls on the way to see a movie. It is reported that he blew a .3 and change. How he wasn't out cold is beyond me but two young women are dead because of him. I hope he never sees the light of day.

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In Arizona you can be convicted of DUI being under a .08% BAC. The ARS code is 28-1381A1 Physical Control / Impaired To The Slightest Degree. If you are above a .08 then your license will be suspended by MVD. If you are extreme you get an interlock device, your license suspended and also your vehicle gets towed / impounded for 30 days due to the new ARS 28-3511 Law.

Still not enough punishment in my book....

Need stiffer laws and penalties.

.05% would be better...

S. Rodriguez

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Have no fear if you live in Texas, cops there can arrest you for being drunk in a bar!! Yes drunk in a bar. Check into the hotel go down to the bar and have a couple, stumble on the loose carpet and a couple of undercover cops will grab you and take you to jail haha. No matter you werent driving or even have a car you're drunk. Drunk driving is bad but the madd bunch has driven this to rediculous heights. No longer is drunk driving based on your driving but on passing a test which may or may not be valid for you and your tolerence and experience. I know cops who wait for anyone leaving a bar and pull them over for some made up reason. They know they will blow over th limit if they've had more than 2 beers. We need to use some reason in this war on alcohol. Flame on....

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Have no fear if you live in Texas, cops there can arrest you for being drunk in a bar!! Yes drunk in a bar. Check into the hotel go down to the bar and have a couple, stumble on the loose carpet and a couple of undercover cops will grab you and take you to jail haha. No matter you werent driving or even have a car you're drunk. Drunk driving is bad but the madd bunch has driven this to rediculous heights. No longer is drunk driving based on your driving but on passing a test which may or may not be valid for you and your tolerence and experience. I know cops who wait for anyone leaving a bar and pull them over for some made up reason. They know they will blow over th limit if they've had more than 2 beers. We need to use some reason in this war on alcohol. Flame on....

It's all about the money.

That's why you get speeding tickets leaving a state, not entering a state.

(With out of state plates.)


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dajarrel, The worst part is that I deal with people who have felony DUI (4 and over in Montana) and they really do no serious time. A guy with 13, yes 13 just rejoined the community about two weeks ago. Wow. Nate

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I have been hesitating to reply. I have been a volunteer in the emergency services for over 20 years and I can't even begin to count the number of car crashes that I have responded to involving drunk drivers. Anyone who drinks and drives needs to have their scrotum slit, their leg stuffed through the incision, and chased down the road by a cop car.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree, drunk driving is stupid and hurts many people. My sympathies to those who have suffered because of an alcoholic related accident.

What puzzles me is the stats. If 1/3 of traffic fatalities are alcohol related, then what about the other 2/3? Doesn't that mean that the majority of people killing people are sober? What's up with that?

I hate drunk drivers, but I also hate laws that enable shitty drivers (the other 2/3rds) to legally propel a 5000lb vehicle at 70mph on a freeway! There should be levels of driver's licenses. You should have a big red "rookie" sticker if your under 18 and you should attend a high speed manuverability class to authorize freeway driving.

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The other 2/3 are driving with their head up there A$$ yapping on phones, shaving, reading, putting on make up, changing the radio. Take all the techno crap out of the car and the crashes would go down.


sorry sunshine but 2 drinks won't put you over the limit. (unless you weigh in at a whooping 35 pounds) I hear that excuse from a lot of drunks.....gee I only had 2 beers. Unless they brought them out on wheels 2 beers aint doing it. of course most of them end up blowing a .15 or better also.

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The other 2/3 are driving with their head up there A$$ yapping on phones, shaving, reading, putting on make up, changing the radio. Take all the techno crap out of the car and the crashes would go down.


sorry sunshine but 2 drinks won't put you over the limit. (unless you weigh in at a whooping 35 pounds) I hear that excuse from a lot of drunks.....gee I only had 2 beers. Unless they brought them out on wheels 2 beers aint doing it. of course most of them end up blowing a .15 or better also.

Those girly beers you drink won't, but there are some that will.

I'll bet if I could get you to drink two DFH 120 Minute IPA's, in one hour, you'd be falling down drunk.

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