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Smm 3 Gun Match

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HM: Lund won HM overall (HM/Auto). Jeff Gross won HM/Pump. Go Jeff! Southern Kali in the house. :P

Tactical Iron: Kurt Miller

Congrats all.

Saturday was just AWESOME! First time shooting with snow, with REAL rain and with temps in the 30's. My car used at least 1/4 tank of gas by just idling with the heater going on full blast.

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Here's my full After Action Report

This was the match’s first year under new management. That considered it ran fairly smooth in spite of the weather conditions.

The match began on Friday. High winds persisted throughout the day along with dust storms.

We had been without rainfall for over 140 days. Early Saturday morning the sky let loose with heavy constant rain fall throughout the day. Temperatures got as low as 37 Degrees, with snowfall for over an hour. The snow melted as soon as it got to the ground. Many shooters decided to quit, stages got backed up as targets needing constant replacing due to water saturation in spite of being covered with plastic bags. My squad got 3 of our 4 scheduled stages shot on Saturday. Other squads got only 1 or 2 stages done. The cold weather dramatically effected all of our shooting, reloading shotgun was a cause for much cursing and bleeding, and pulling the trigger became an exercise in squeezing your whole hand as your fingers went numb.

Sunday the weather cleared up, and shooting continued without much trouble.

The round count was lower than I would prefer, but the stages were well thought out with few traps or tricks for the shooters to deal with. One could easily progress through the stages and find the target by scanning for them without much difficulty. 7/10 stages were multi-gun. 7/10 were close quarters oriented, the rest being long-range (100-300 yards). Stage 1 required the use of a provided Surefire flash light. In my opinion the stages were the best they have been in a few years.

I particularly enjoyed the long-range stages. Out of all the stages these were the most fun. Unfortunately, Stage 5 was thrown out because of constant failures by the self re-setting targets being used. While we were waiting to shoot this stage I counted at least 3 times that the targets had to be repaired. These particular targets are constantly a problem, and yet they are used year after year. At least one previous year, a stage was thrown out because of problems with the same targets bogging things down. I would think they’d get the idea to stop using them at this point. To be clear, I am not blaming the targets…I am blaming whoever makes the decision to keep using them. We have 5 MGM Flash card targets, we will be happy to donate the use of these to the match next year if it keeps another stage from being thrown out. If shooters are taking too long on these stages a max time of 180 seconds should be set.

On stage 7 we were allowed to hot re-holster our sidearm if we so chose, a grounding area was also available to those who didn't want to. I hope we are allowed to do this on all stages in the future. I would also like to see shooters be allowed to use their own weapon mounted lights in the future, with no impact on class, and be allowed to remove them when not required by the stage without being considered reconfiguring the gun.

Next year I would like to shoot this match all in one day with the ROs. The round count is low enough and the stages short enough this should not be challenging. It would also be nice to avoid getting up so early 2/3 days and the nonsense associated with whatever hippy tree-hugger marathon of commerce disruption that is running every year on Sunday. In general I believe it would be a good idea if shooters could finish the match in 1 or 2 days rather than 3. Simply schedule all the out of town people to start shooting on Saturday, and all the locals start shooting on Thursday or Friday. Doing 6-8 stages in one day if not the whole match would be preferable to the amount of down time between stages and inconsistent start times every day.

The range officers of every stage are to be congratulated for doing their best to get every squad through in spite of the weather conditions. I am frankly impressed that it went as well as it did all things considered. The range officers were also helpful and friendly.

The prize table as usual was huge. I placed 100/173 in my class and I still received close to $200 retail value when it was my turn to walk the table. Even if you place low, you won’t feel like you wasted your time at SMM3G.

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Major kudos to the heroic match staff who kept things running in what had to be the most difficult circumstances that I have ever competed in. And of course Dave Sabia collected a spectacular prize table.

Great stages too. The pistol shooting was more challenging than in the past and there was some real rifle shooting. The stages were straightforward shooting tests but you had to pay attention to target location, particularly on Stages 2, 3 and the now lost 5.

I'm not sure how I feel about the flying clay targets being mandatory engagements, unlike USPSA where they are bonus targets. I think that I prefer that they are mandatory.

I also think there should be "super squads" for all competitors in likely contention to win. The best shooters in each division were all spread out and shot the stages in VERY different weather conditions. We should squad more like highpower at Camp Perry where they place all the High Masters on the same relay so they all shoot in the same conditions.

Squadding and weather conditions will never be perfect or completely fair but I think more of an effort should be made to put potential winners on the same squad. Just my 2 cents.

Thanks to all the incredibly generous sponsors such as DPMS, Springfield Armory, Patriot Ordnance, Leupold, STI, Sabre, JP, 3 gun gear, S&W, VLTOR etc. etc. for their continued support for our sport.

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I also think there should be "super squads" for all competitors in likely contention to win. The best shooters in each division were all spread out and shot the stages in VERY different weather conditions. We should squad more like highpower at Camp Perry where they place all the High Masters on the same relay so they all shoot in the same conditions.

Squadding and weather conditions will never be perfect or completely fair but I think more of an effort should be made to put potential winners on the same squad. Just my 2 cents.


Great efforts are taken to put the squads together. Under the circumstances, this year filling up in only two days - many people sent in their apps all together. If you don't put who you'd like to be squadded with... the problem then exists that there is no "database" to check to see "how good you are" - i.e. what (USPSA) class - D C B A M GM - for a three-gun competition (you all have "no" class - hehehe). I know many of the guys are here from out of town and need to be squadded together with the guys they drove with. This is particularly more difficult in the three-gun format, as there is much more equipment to deal with. As it stands right now, I'm doing the best under the circumstances at hand.

Thanks for your input.

AZ Stats Chic :ph34r:

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Boy did I tank the match!!! However, I do appreciate all the efforts put out by the SMM3G match crew!!!!! They are the heroes of this match! Weather $uck$ big time, but hey, us 3 gunners are a sturdy bunch so rain or shine (or SNOW!) we don't quit! Thanks to the ROs who stuck with us and worked through nasty, un-familiar weather conditions. I am used to shooting in cold snowy weather, but not cold, rainy, and wet snow all in one bag!!!! At least I had a pair of Gortex boot :P . I learned that "water-resistant" rain coat means wet after 4 hours in the rain...It was a good time after all. Thank you!!!!

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One more issue. Am I wrong or do the Tactical Iron shooters' point totals not add up?

I add Kurt Miller's point totals as approximately 825 match points, mine at approximately 772 match points and Bruce Piatt's at approximately 745 match points. If so, Kurt should have been second, me third, and Bruce fifth in Tactical. The Tactical Scope scores which I added appear to be correct.

Is my math wrong, or do I not understand the scoring, or was there an error?

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I can't believe I flew 3000 miles to get away from that weather and it followed me. Your first match under new management had more adversity than most matches have in a life time. I take my hat off to all the staff. I recommend that you take some of the profit money and throw a picnic for the staff and their families, for their dedication to the match. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication for our sport. A standing ovation to all.



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Yep I added up the scores and I must be as off as Kelly I get a far different number for ALL the iron sight shooters. If I don't miss my guess stage #7 was never added in to the overall results for any iron sight shooters. this woulsd indeed put me second, Kelly third, and Bruce fifth. and all the Iron guys would move up the amount of adding #7 to the reported scores in the published results. Thanks for catching that Kelly!! KURT

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One more issue. Am I wrong or do the Tactical Iron shooters' point totals not add up?

I add Kurt Miller's point totals as approximately 825 match points, mine at approximately 772 match points and Bruce Piatt's at approximately 745 match points. If so, Kurt should have been second, me third, and Bruce fifth in Tactical. The Tactical Scope scores which I added appear to be correct.

Is my math wrong, or do I not understand the scoring, or was there an error?

It looks like it. A pitfall for using Excel (AFAIK) to score the match. :(

Stage 7's points weren't added to the TI shooters' totals.

Stage 7 Points + Listed Total = Adjusted Total

KurtM: 100 + 725 = 825

KellyN: 69.6 + 703.6 = 773.2

BruceP: 95.5 + 654.8 = 750.3

But hey... it was still fun right! :D

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bronco we missed ya, not.....just kidding. man what a match & a drive home, it sure would be nice if i could teach that dog of mine how to drive. the weather for the match was wonderful, i don't know how the match staff got GOD to test our physical/mental fortitude, and they got to test our shooting talents. this match match will be talked about for a long time. when we pack for our next match i'm sure everyone will think about cold weather gear

it was an excellent example of adapt and overcome, or puss out and go home. i'm definetly looking forward to next year.

to all the match staff, thank you so much, you guys are the best. scout says HI, too


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Trapr, thanks man that means a lot! When it fills up in two days it kinda makes it hard on those of us that live 5 days away by snail mail. I could have done the next day thing but didn't feel like it. They called Mel 2 days before the match and told him he could get in but that was a little to last minute for him as it would be for most. I'll see Kurt this weekend and get all the gory details glad you guys survived. I'll see you at RM3G or maybe San Angelo. Keith

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looking at the points from stage 7 (82 pts) moves me from 28th tact. oa to 13th tact. oa. which makes me feel better about how i shot the match, but makes me wonder what will good it does now????? anyway extra congrats to kurt and kelly, and bruce. mike .45 it really was good to see you again and i look forward to sharing a room with you in greece. cheers buddy. trapr

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I also think there should be "super squads" for all competitors in likely contention to win. The best shooters in each division were all spread out and shot the stages in VERY different weather conditions. We should squad more like highpower at Camp Perry where they place all the High Masters on the same relay so they all shoot in the same conditions.

Squadding and weather conditions will never be perfect or completely fair but I think more of an effort should be made to put potential winners on the same squad. Just my 2 cents.

I'm just wondering how this is determined.. is it by finish? Or ??

Like for next year, take the top 10 Open shooters in put them on the Super Squad?

Maybe the top 20 tactical, and do the same?

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Just a couple of idea's for next year. All long range stages are steel only w/ a par time of no more than 150 sec's. 2 gun's only per stage for faster time per shooter & try to even up the points between all three guns at about 33% each instead of stacking it mostly on one gun as this year, rifle.

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