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Favorite movie scenes


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I don't think anyone has mentioned the final gunfight in "Way of the Gun". It's a better shootout scene than Heat or Ronin. The gunfights in Heat and Ronin were a bit contrived. The last scene in "Way of the Gun" looked like the way a real gunfight might go down (eveyone gets hit, everyone reloads, nothing goes right, and there's never enough cover). The movie sucked, but the gun handling scenes are top-notch.

Best use of a 50 BMG rifle : US Navy SEALs - Bill Paxton w/ a Barret: "God here..."

Best use of an open gun: Wesley Snipes in "Rising Sun", or the assassin in Ronin with the wicked open Glock.

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Arnold gets shot in the teeth at point blank range, spits the bullet out, and says "Don't do that."

When T-X first appears...(drool) :wub:


When they siege the school.

Used Cars,

When the superstitious guy is driving past the truck with all the mirrors in it and realizes he is driving a red car. :lol:


When he turns around after winning a battle and the emperor realizes it is him....get chills everytime I watch that scene, even got what he says memorized.


When Neo is flying and everything behind him is being obliterated. B)

Blazing Saddles,

Every scene with Mongo. :lol:

Pulp Fiction,

"Get my wallet out of the bag." "Which is it?" "The one that says "Bad Mother----- on it." :P


The bar scene is just awesome.


Every scene.


Most battle scenes.

Dwarf tossing.

The Count of Monte Cristo,

At the end when Fernand is opening all the treasure chests...opens the one with a lock on it, and finds the chess piece that he gave Edmond just before he went to prison.

That's all for now. B)

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Sean Penn's finding out that his daughter is dead in Mystic River.

Tyne Daly dying on Alcatraz in The Enforcer.

The bar scene in Unforgiven and the scene where William Munny talks to the Kid about killing.

Charles Bronson talking to kids about heroism in The Magnificent Seven.

Virtually every scene with Charles Bronson, Henry Fonda or Jason Robards in Once Upon a Time in the West --- a film which belongs on any list of the ten best westerns.

Kevin Spacey walking away at the end of The Usual Suspects.

Kevin Spacey dying in L.A. Confidential.

Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro talking in a coffee shop in Heat.

More later.....

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Kevin Spacey dying in L.A. Confidential.

Dang, I've been trying to catch this movie for some time now. Hope this spoiler doesn't hurt it too much. :o

Kevin spacey dying.

No, you'll never see it coming.

I saw him at a play in Stratford, Ontario. He was in the audience. Damn, over 6 feet tall. I'd never have guessed, from his roles.

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Ronin, gun buy gone bad

Way of the Gun, car "chase" early on, and final gun fight

Boondock Saints, almost every scene, but the specially the Irish gun runner one and the "There was a firefight!" scene

Pulp Fiction, cleaning the car

Unforgiven, shooting from the top of rocks and counting shots

Saving Private Ryan, the beach

Hunt for Red October, all of it, but the missle room scene was good

Aliens, the robot guns

Heat, the bank robbery but even more the coffee talk

All that easilly comes to mind

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Platoon has been playing on TV a lot recently. The scene where they are all sleeping when the NVA stumble upon them is something else.

Sort of like in Saving Private Ryan when they are in the craters waiting for the tanks, with the ground rumbling and the rocks falling.

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The flower pot scene from Rio Bravo. The Duke would be a kick ass 3 gunner!

The mock duel that turns real in Seven Samurai plus the final battle.

The end of the Maltese Falcon, particularly when Bogie tells the femme fatale that he's sending her up but he'll be waiting for her if she does not get the death penalty.

Battle of Pelannor (sic) Fields in the Return of the King was spectacular.

The Money Exchange (real this time) in Jackie Brown plus the whole getting Chris Rock in the "dirty ass trunk" scene.

Claude Rains' closing down of Rick's casino in Casa Blanca. "I'm shocked, SHOCKED to find gambling.... Here are your winnings sir....."

Errol Flynn's Robin Hood entering John's feast (Claude rains again!) with the dead deer on his shoulders, tellling the whole crowd how he's going to resist Norman oppression. Had Costner even seen this movie, he would have avoided his remake.

"Cut the Cake" - Animal House

"Well Mr. Carpet Bagger, (spit tobacco) We've got something called a Missouri boat ride" Outlaw Josey wales

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I think pretty much anytime Clint Eastwood spits tobacco in The Outlaw Josey Wales something good or funny follows...

I hadn't see To Live and Die in L.A. since it was released in 1985, but always remembered that the movie made a big impression on me. Found it on DVD last week and bought it. The money exchange in the locker room near the end and the final scene are pretty high on my list, as is the car chase in the middle of the movie. William Friedkin, the director, apparently told his stunt coordinator that he wanted a car chase ---- but since he'd already directed a pretty good one (in the French Connection) the only way a car chase would make it into the move woulb be if the stunt people could do a better car chase in To Live....

Tellingly enough, they filmed the car chase over a three or four week period after the rest of the movie had been shot..... so that if they lost an actor, they'd still have a movie.

If you rent this on disk --- check out the alternate ending AFTER watching the movie --- the studio wanted to see an alternate so they shot one that's so bad it's actually pretty funny.

I'd put this movie on my favorites list........

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the Pink Panther movies with Peter Sellers..............I can and have watched those movies over and over...............

Gun battles?? Way of the Gun, WindTalkers, Aliens (the second movie), HEAT, BHD, Dirty Harry series, We were Soldiers, Any of the old COMBAT series, Quigley Down Under, Tremors, Private Ryan, Platoon, FMJ, .........I could on for awhile here................

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Monthy Python and the Holy Grail...

When they make the Trogan rabbit... with all the chain saws and circular saw noises in the background in medieval England...


Or the flight with the Black Knight... "It's only a flesh wound" - after he loses his arm.

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I just re-watched "The Hidden" for the N-th time the other night. Talk about a movie that comes out the gate strong...the opening scene:

A preppy stockbroker in an overcoat walks calmly into a bank. Whips out a shotgun and shoots two guards with zero hesitation. Then the guy walks up to the security camera, looks directly into it, *smiles*, and blasts the crap out of it. Out the bank with the money into a black Ferrari --- which he doesn't spare either.

An absolute classic!

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Crocodile Dundee - Muggers approach with small knife, Paul Hogan pulls out huge Bowie knife and says something like: "You call that a knife? Now, this is a knife!".

Monty Python - Holy Grail: The whole movie is brilliant but the scene with the killer rabbit and the holy hand grenade is priceless.

The car chase scene down the San Francisco hills in Bullet with Streve McQueen.

The scene in Mask with Jim Curry when he is in the bar being menaced by gangsters then pulls out a fistful of the meanest looking automatic weapons and the "bang" flag pops out.

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Indian Jones (the first one) - The scene where he is supposed to fight the huge swordmaster but shrugs his shoulders in an "don't have time for this" fasion and shoots him... Classic. (he was supposed to have a big fight with the sword guy but was sick on the day of taping so it was changed and became a classic)

This is also a classic line "I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk? "

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EricW, is that the one with Kyle McLachlan and the alien that takes over people's bodies? Pretty cool.

BritinUSA, I am shocked that you or anybody else would pay to see a Spice Girls movie.

oddjob, the topic is scenes. Now most of what you named did have some good scenes.

Here's another great shotgun-in-a-bank scene from They Live: Rowdy Roddy Piper, with special Ray-Ban that let him see the aliens among us, enters a bank brandishing his boom stick and announces, "I came here to kick ass and chew bubblegum... and I'm all out of bubblegum." Then he proceeds to the scattergun fu.

Speaking of John Carpenter movies: his remake of The Thing was awesome and had some great scenes. The blood test scene. The ending with just the two guys.

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Slight drift ...

Does anyone remember the scene in the locker room in Top Gun?

Maverick: What's your problem Kazanski?

Iceman: You! You're everyones problem. I don't like you 'cause you're dangerous

Maverick: That's right! Ice...man, I am dangerous.

and Iceman make some biting gesture with his mouth.

Does anyone know what that was supposed to mean?

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Almost every scene in Super Troopers.

Mac and Foster play 'meow'.

Mac and Foster freed from the trailer after playing 'repeat'. Thorny opens the door and says " It stinks like sex in here".

Thorny and Rabbit pull over the freaks in the Porsche.

Mac wearing the steel cup at the firing range. Chief Hagen, "The bulletproof cup? I invented this gag, Mac. Only in my day, the rookie got naked. And we also used blanks. You're a sick mother####er, Mac. "

Mac, the radar gun and the billboard.

And every scene I missed.

New movie from Broken Lizard this spring!!!

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Marathon Man was on TV today. The Is it Safe? scene rules. But even before the Nazi dentist he picks up an instrument, even before he says a word, that scene rules. Comes in, lays down his briefcase, takes off his jacket, rolls up his sleeves, washes his hands, then finally asks, "Is it safe?"

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