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Glock Talk


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After viewing the glock talk forum I appreciate this one all the more. It can get nasty in there. Discussions of basic techniques turn into personal attacks. Wow! Theres great information there, some posted by our gracious web host (Matt), our guide (Ghost Dog), and this forums moderator (Jeff). Unfortunately you have to sift thruogh a lot of other stuff to find it. Lets all try to keep this forum clean and friendly, its about info not ego.


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Pat I have been watching GlockTalk for a month now and can not believe what I have seen. There is some every good information there but you have to go through such a hostile environment to get to it. Its just not worth it. I am so glad that I found this forum. I also would like to encourage floks to keep it clean. But that does not mean there wont be a little ribbin every once in a while. Thanks to all for you help. Do not forget that there is a place for donations on the main page, to keep this forum running.

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Things tend to get a little heated in many ways.  Keeping things under control in such an enviornment can be tough.  I enjoy the amount of information that comes through there, but agree there is a lot of chest beating and ego boasting.  My biggest problem is trying to be the nice guy

Don't give up, there is a lot of good information, just take it for what it is worth.


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All I could get out of G-Talk was  it was more or less an advertisement? The "owner" even gets on there to dole out his own "public whippings" & after the fact rants, setting the tone for, and perpetuating, that prevalent and negative undercurrent they're {in}famous for.

(Edited by Bugs Bunny at 9:11 pm on June 23, 2001)

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  • 6 years later...

GT was the first forum I joined (2001). I remember a poster named FlexMoney from back in the day. I recently replied to a poster wanting info about STI 9mm Trojan and ended up in a pi**ing contest with someone who doesn't own one and probably never will. There are a few very knowledegable posters and a ton of jacka**es. Mods do nothing and you can't carry on any kind shooting discussion without an argument breaking out.

I really like coming here and talking shooting and no one gives a sh** what you shoot, just shoot. Thanks to BE and the Mods.for a great forum for mature shooters.


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I have been on GT since 1999. Here is my take on the two. The BE forum is more like the Corvette Forum. Everyone for the most part is pretty civil. We do have opinions, some of mine are pretty strong. Glock Talk is like the Mustang forum. Lots of rude uninformed folks.

There are good folks on both forums. The BE forum appears to have more knowledgeable shooters. I suspect there is a much higher percentage of shooters that compete on this forum than on GT.

The 1911 forum seems to be in the middle.

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Pat I have been watching GlockTalk for a month now and can not believe what I have seen. There is some every good information there but you have to go through such a hostile environment to get to it. Its just not worth it.

I used to find it amusing.... and I was part of a thread that was genuinely hilarious. It was about a person who sent his gun into none other than the legend Teddy and was treated....... well, let's just say he was treated with all the respect my dog shows a fire hydrant.


None other than "T" himself entered the fray and what followed was the stuff legends are made of...... it was priceless.

I suspect I'll get in trouble here if I say much more on the subject. The really juicy stuff would have to be confined to a PM.

Edited by bountyhunter
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I too have found GT to have alot of ego junkers there. Some of the mods and owner (eric) to be rud to say the least. But on the positive it is filled with alot of useful info,

If you really want to have some fun..... post anything related to Dianetics.

Seriously. The GT owner is so scared of them suing him that any reference to dianetics is immediately locked up.

I remember I asked one of the mods there about it and he forwarded me to the site about the poor lady who was dragged through court for simply reposting somebody else saying that the people at Front Site are into dianetics. It was very bizarre.

Anyway..... dianetics posts are the fast track to get on the banned list at GT.

hail Xenu!

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I too have found GT to have alot of ego junkers there. Some of the mods and owner (eric) to be rud to say the least. But on the positive it is filled with alot of useful info,

If you really want to have some fun..... post anything related to Dianetics.

Seriously. The GT owner is so scared of them suing him that any reference to dianetics is immediately locked up.

I remember I asked one of the mods there about it and he forwarded me to the site about the poor lady who was dragged through court for simply reposting somebody else saying that the people at Front Site are into dianetics. It was very bizarre.

Anyway..... dianetics posts are the fast track to get on the banned list at GT.

hail Xenu!

Why do I believe you! ;) There was also a lawsuit concerning the owner and a Arizona holster maker(co-owner) over screwing forum members on purchases from their site.

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GT was also the first forum I visited when I started researching a Glock for Action Shooting, and there was a lot of good info... but...

I just can't take any more of the "I own a Glock in every model... which one is your favorite"... posts. And when you ask about modifying something... like adding grip tape, you always get... "If Gaston intended for it to have grip tape, he would've put it on himself". And I'm sure if you visited right now there'd be a post that looked like "Glock's are already perfect, but if you were Gaston, how would you make them perfecter". :blink:

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I have been on GT since 1999. Here is my take on the two. The BE forum is more like the Corvette Forum. Everyone for the most part is pretty civil. We do have opinions, some of mine are pretty strong. Glock Talk is like the Mustang forum. Lots of rude uninformed folks.

There are good folks on both forums. The BE forum appears to have more knowledgeable shooters. I suspect there is a much higher percentage of shooters that compete on this forum than on GT.

The 1911 forum seems to be in the middle.

Wow.....the only thing missing now is a statement about how all the IDPA shooters hang there too.


Edited by Tree Rat
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I have been on GT since I started reloading. I only hang out in the reloading forum and all I can say is they are the true definition of family. Sure, maybe only 33% of the posts are actually reloading related...lol but those are very informative and helpful. The rest...just like a family get together...some joking, some ribbing, some relatives that get on your nerves from time to time but I wouldn't give up on GTR for anything. The two forums I check about 50 times a day are mine and GT reloading, I have never wandered off into any of the other forum sections...makes my day complete. If you want a very technical forum that never gets off topic then its best to stay away. If you want a little fun along the way and can take it with a grain of salt than you will have a great time there...just my 2 cents...not saying you all don't have a fine place here though.

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They had to actually put up a sticky in the GT reloading forum to tell guys to quit being so mean. Since Ive found this sight, I dont go there very often.

I joined GlockTalk back in 99. I've seen alot that really turned my stomach both from moderators, Eric and members and quit visiting for a year or so Glocktalk seems to cater to blow hards and wanabes... Tactical Ted the plumbers assistant. I wanted to expand my hobby so I lurked in the reloading forum and found that Glock Talk Reloading is an island unto itself. The tactical teds don't really post in GTR. It's too sophisticated. GTR is as technical as an engineering firm with the ambiance of a frat house. It's the only forum on Glocktalk that I know of thats worth a damn.

And about the guys being mean?

A troll named "Stupid" came on GTR and asked what would happen if he deliberately loaded a double charge of powder in a cartridge and fired it. GTR'ers posted pictured of Kabooms and explained he may loose a finger, an eye or he might get killed but if he was dead set on destroying his gun and risking his health.... you've been warned. A moderator -"Vote Republican" who apparantly doesn't know very much about reloading or if he does he doesn't post in the forum he moderates thought the "threats" about the double charge out come was ... mean. He apparantly didn't like how negative we were being and made a public announcement of how we should be nice to newcomers regardless. VoteRepublican clearly didn't understand the spirit of the posts or the real life hazzards of reloading.

GTR is a close knit group of mostly solid stand-up guys. I haven't seen another forum with as much talent, knowledge and interpersonal chemistry.

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