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Skoal Free


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8 Weeks, no skoal.

After 18 years on the stuff.

Good for you !! Seriously!

I quit smoking about 14 months ago, after 20 years of 1 pack/day. Something I never thought I'd be able to do.

And it just keeps getting easier every week you stick it out! ;););)

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Awesome, keep it up. The ortho dept where I trained worked closely with the ENT crew. Can't tell you how many radial forearm flaps (take a chunk of meat and bone from the forearm and give it to the ENT team to reconstruct the jaw/face of folks with oral cancer) I scrubbed, but it was too many. Even the good results would often leave folks scarred enough to scare their own kids. Congratulations, if you backslide, just quit again. Once again, awesome.!

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Good job. I quit copenhagen in March because my wife said she would buy my any gun I wanted after one year. Looks like I will be calling Sandy to build SV number 5. I feel like I need a backup open gun.

Edited by sgtglock
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Good job! You are over it now.

The way I fiqure it, going by my local cost, you should now have $90-$125 dollars per month that you can spend on matches and ammo.

I got hooked on Kodiak when I quit smoking. I try to switch between chew and dip to lessen the craving. The result is I now chew and dip :blink: .

I'll say one thing, if you are someone that quits smoking, don't ever start on this stuff. It is nothing but crack in a can! Quiting smoking was a joke compared to this.

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No kidding ........... it's just like the addition alcoholics fight. ONCE A SMOKER / DIPPER / CHEWER ............. ALWAYS A SMOKER (ETC.)


Too much freedom, now:

More money...........

Less to remember to grab going out the door....

Better health...........

and the list goes on ............ ;)

Way to go my friend! B)

PS: I'd quit ALL MY OTHER VICES for a NEW GUN! :rolleyes:

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Jan 4th was my one year anniversary. I chewed a can of copenhagen a day, everyday for 20 years. I will never go back. That crap was the single most important thing in my life. I was never without it and I spent alot of time devoted to making sure I never ran out.

I gained 40# this year and I view that as my vile addiction's last attempt on my life. So I am trying to lose the weight but am overjoyed at no longer being a prisoner to that little round can.

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I started at age 16(41 now)and quit several times and would start right back.This time I quit to save money for an S_I and things were going good until gas prices skyrocketed, now my savings have slowed and I can't afford to dip :D

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  • 2 years later...

I'm STILL proud of you (and of everyone who quits). I quit smoking 3+ years ago and I still can't believe I've stuck it out this long. I have a friend who still chews the shit and I really wish he'd quit ... for himself as well as the rest of us who have to watch him chew, spit, and talk with black stuff in his teeth. :(

BTW I still want one almost everyday too, but I refuse to give in at this point ... so keep up the good work North! :cheers:

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Congrats, was thinking of looking for this or a similar thread and updating my results, I am on my 6 month mark of no copenhagen after 30 years of the stuff. I just decided I was stronger than the drug and was not spending anymore money on something that did nothing but relieve it's own withdrawel symptons. I went through a box of commit lozenges 5mg then a box of the 2mg (I think) and that was it. it was tuff for a while but I did it.

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I started smoking in High School at 16. I joined the Army upon graduation and they didn't allow smoking in buildings etc., so I started chewing. ( Levi Garret plug) Then, i started dating this hot blonde and she said she really liked making out when my mouth didn't have that taste in it. Well, I'm no genius but her body had to take priority! ( We were in our 20s, living together with alot of free time if you know what I mean) Years later after we were broken up I went and bought me a plug and had a chew after work. The buzz was so strong I got the spins and almost drove off the road. I have never chewed again, but then again, I don't drink, no caffeine, nor any other type of drugs because of heart issues.

I am proud of anyone that can stick to it and not give in to temptation. Food, sex and guns are my only vices now. They are plenty expensive by themselves.


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I have the utmost respect for you and everyone that has the willpower to quit tobacco

It must be total and complete determination that I have yet to find.

I have been chain smoking 3pks a day for 33yrs. No shit. I've tried to quit numerous times but the enjoyment overrides the will power. I'm getting to the age now where if I get a sore throat or ache in my chest I think, is this it? It's going to kill me if I don't quit. I know that. I think about quitting every single day and it's post's like this that make me realize, If they can do it why can't I. I have some soul searching to do.

Congratulations on an enormous accomplishment. I wish you all the best :cheers:

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Chewed for 25 years a can a day. Told the wife i would quit when a roll of ten got to fifty bucks. (thank god for Sams club). Well when it did i went on the patch but kept forgetting to put the dumb thing on so finally i said screw it and just went without. Never looked back. Quitting is all mental.

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I have the utmost respect for you and everyone that has the willpower to quit tobacco


'everyone' includes you as well. You also have the willpower to quit tobacco.

You make that commitment to yourself...I quit after 30 years of continuous smoking...it remains a struggle every day to stay clean, I know I will be clean. I'm counting like Chris K. 1 year...6 months: free of tobacco: that helps....

in the end there's one winner: and that is you, my friend!!!

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I smoked for 34 years and tried to quit every way possible. I MEAN EVERY way.... for years.....and finally broke free in 1996. Here I am 12 years later and it still comes to mind on a regular basis.

Never taking that first step back to the junk is the only solution. Just win every little battle and you'll win the war.

Good For You !!!!!!!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Military time and tobacco is almost a given. 8 years with Skoal started in Ranger School, 1994. I quit 4 times. I tried switching to chew, that just made my crave dip. I'd quit for a while but when I had to be awake more than 24 hours dip made it much easier. If I was outside, soaking wet and miserable, dip made it more enjoyable.

I finally kicked it by smoking instead. I started smoking a hooka while living in Kuwait. Awesome stuff. Not totally safe but better. WAY less of the nasty shit they put in cigarettes and dip. Tasted great (notice past tense). I would fight the craving to dip all day knowing I would go home to smoke a bowl of double Apple ShiSha. It helped get me past the rough part of quiting. The main difference was I could stop smoking the hooka cold with zero cravings. I dare even say it was non-addictive. I have two pipes above me right now and box full of flavored tobacco, neither of which has been touched in over two years. The other reason I smoked in Kuwait: ZERO alcohol. No beer, no bourbon. My other vices, but that's another topic.

Congrats on quiting. You're mental highs and lows will even out and you may find that you are actually less tired after awhile.

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Congrats to everyone that quit !!! :cheers::cheers:

I quit smoking 8 months ago "for the last time". I tried to quit maybe 100 times "no joke".

Sometimes going even like 2 months with a return. I'm done this time, I KNOW it but for

those that keep trying, keep at it. I tried to quit every time I got sick because they would taste

bad enough, the key is to finally make the decision, its all in your head really !!!

Ex smokers are also the worst critics of smoking :o. I can smell a dirtbag smoker the next isle

over at Home Depot now and I just cant believe that was me, its reeeeally bad after a few months !!! :sick:

The only one that still gets me is the Roadtrips :surprise: but the smell is so awful now... <_<

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I tried Skoal again a couple times after I quit (years later), I just can't believe that in my head it tasted good. I used to LOVE Mint Skoal. Now, it nearly turns my stomach to smell an open can. The memory of it is certainly better than reality and that is what really helped me through the tough times.

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No kidding ........... it's just like the addition alcoholics fight. ONCE A SMOKER / DIPPER / CHEWER ............. ALWAYS A SMOKER (ETC.)


Too much freedom, now:

More money...........

Less to remember to grab going out the door....

Better health...........

and the list goes on ............ ;)

Way to go my friend! B)

PS: I'd quit ALL MY OTHER VICES for a NEW GUN! :rolleyes:

It took several 1 to five year long quits before I figured it out, eschew that first cigarette at all costs!!!

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