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Loud music during the match


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I recently shot my first major match.   Several of the stages the RO was allowing the people working the stage to play music. To the point where the RO had to yell when reading the stage plan.   I’ve seen this happen during our monthly club matches and I find it quite distracting    Is this common at stage 2 matches?    I brought the issue up at the monthly match and apparently I’m the only one that was not liking it.   If I’m just a grumpy old man let me know and I’ll crawl back in my hole

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We did walk out music one time at a year end club match. It was way more effort than it was worth. Music after the WSB reading and before the first shooter... sure... why not. After that... its just a distraction that slows down the pace of the match. 

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Really despise listening to other peoples music or trying to think or communicate with it blaring. was a load of BS if it was playing during the stage briefing. 
If the music is playing during the shooting it would have to be they same type of music played at the same volume for every shooter or it would be in violation of the rules.
As mentioned its a distraction... which is OK,, but by rule said distraction MUST be the same for every shooter. 
I have shot lower light stages with rotating yellow lights, flashing blue lights,, that type of stuff, but they have to be the same for every shooter. I see music played during the match would fall in same category

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The VA state match has had that several times, including one "heavy metal" stage.  To their credit (I guess) they allowed the option of asking that the music be turned off.  Not a fan of any of it, being that we're there to compete.  

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  • 2 months later...

This is the result of promoting amateurism in the sport. 


There should be a fine line between a major match and casual shooting.

Those two are very fused even at nationals

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Years ago we had a level 2 match locally that my son and I set up one stage on. It was a graveyard and we had a 'crypt' where you had to enter and shoot two low angled targets through a window in the back wall. We had a skull hung up in the corner that was activated by the shooters first shot and made a loud cackling sound! It went off for every shooter who shot the stage. Fun times!

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