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    Lake Zurich IL
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    Max Klatt

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  1. IDK how it is in your area, but in my area we consider this to be cheating and gaming the system. Many clubs outright banned this practice. USPSA might allow it but its heavily frowned upon by most shooters.
  2. Yup. Junk that most of the top open shooters used for the last decade. Stuff is awful. lol.
  3. Cmore was on the bleeding edge of creating reddots for pistols and more specifically frame mount red dots for open guns. Tapco, Aimpoint, Trijicon and Cmore are the OGs of this game. Each and every other MFG has made countless updates over the years. They are also on Version xyz. Cmore is the only company im aware of that is very transparent with the updates they make to units as time goes on (Version control of a live unit). I fully agree they are waaaaay too late to the party with the RTS3 and the price point is insane. This will only be adopted by the cmore fanboys.
  4. RTS2 V5 on Cmores website is listed at $489. On Amazon they are $280. RTS3 on Cmores website is list at $749. I can only hope it will be ~57% off there as well...fat chance lol. RTS3 3,6, and 9(?) MOA sizes are kind of an odd choice as well.
  5. Usually, Major Vs minor scoring will result in a 5-7% difference in the overall score when shooting around 90-92% of points. The more alphas you shoot the less major scoring matters. The shorter the stage, the more appendix will hurt you. More stages in the 24-30 round range will result in more reloads for you compared to open shooters. A lot of this will come down to stage design. Lets not forget unloaded starts as well. When skill is equal, open wins every time.
  6. I would send the unit back. I have quite a few RTS2 V5s and none of them do that.
  7. By the looks of it, The RT3 is just an RTS2 with a window the size of an SRO.
  8. Per Todd Jarret on a reply to a IG comment I left on a video of his... The RTS3 will begin shipping at the end of September.
  9. The "before the 180" part makes me cringe. Im all for safety but now you are making stuff up.
  10. And this is why people have the mentality that ROs are anti shooter.
  11. Going from not reloading to reloading on a 1050 with an autodrive is a really bad idea. Especially starting with 9 major. I highly encourage you to take the autodrive off and load manually for a little bit. You need to be able to load with minor powder spillage and a very low rejection rate (Under 1%). I'm able to load 9 major on my 1050's with Mark 7 auto drives at a rate of 1850/hr. I use WAC which is a less full case when loading (7.1 of WAC under a 124 1.165 OAL 172 PF). When I load HS6 or even AA7 I can still run the machine around the 1500 RPH range. I use mixed range brass, rollsize, and pre process my brass before loading. This significantly reduces my waste (.164% failure rate out of 102K+ loaded rounds in the last 12 months). Here is an active thread of my case gauge results and process over the last year -
  12. This has recently come up due to Christain Sailers style of shooting. It's not good or bad. It just is. That is all. Much like Frenchie and Jerry riding the front of the trigger guard with their weak hand. Its not bad.... it just is.
  13. Venom Custom, Rafferty Custom., or EMG. Some of the only smiths in the country who actually stand behind their products.
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