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Americans Who Can't Speak English

Ted Murphy

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Just went through the drive in at Macdonalds.

The girl taking the orders was such a terrible speaker, the people could not understand her when orders were repeated back. It was a major bottleneck at the drive through.

When I placed my order, she talked so poorly, I didn't know what the heck she was saying either.

All I managed to hear her say was,

Tang joo fo choosun maddownalds

Here is a girl, about 18, born in the US, and for some reason she chooses to talk like an extra on MTV's TRL.

Hope she likes handing out burgers for the rest of her life.


ps. In case you were wondering if it a racial thing, the girl in question is white.

Edited by Ted Murphy
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Ha! Ordered a bulb for a flashlight once. When I checked on it, they sent me bact to talk to the stock girl. She talked like she had a mouth full of marbles. Turned out to be a tongue stud.


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My biggest Pet Piev is when someone who works in customer service doesn't speak English!!!!! That drives me nuts!!!!!! Then as a country we cater to people who choose not to learn the language of our country and they expect us to learn their language. I'm sorry but if I move to a Foreign country I WILL learn to speak their language.

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Well you did open Pandora's box with this one...I just do NOT understand the mindset of the policy makers....this is America and the official language is English...not Ebonics or some other street language...or any other official language...Learn to speak it, read it and use it, or do not get upset when people get put out with you for not being able to speak correctly....I know I am not politically correct with this belief, but it is my belief nevertheless... :)

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I know I am not politically correct with this belief, but it is my belief nevertheless... :)

IMHO you are not PC but 100% correct. When my great grandparents came to the states the first order of buisness was to learn the language and integrate themselves into society. They correctly recognized that the chances of success for their children were tied directly to their ability to assimulate the American culture while retaining some of theirs. In todays society we seem to have the tail wagging the dog. We don't want to hurt anyones feelings so we no longer expect children to actually master the language. While it is somewhat understandable for the children of immigrants to have difficulty with the language (up to a certian point) there is no excuse for a child born and raised in this country to have the same issues. It really is sad when you get right down to it.

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I was in the stationary isle of a drug store and listened to a mother yell at her grade school aged little girl ( 8 or 9 years old) who was looking for a three ring binder; "Gone an gets the wons like you done be gots at home!"

I remember thinking that the child's teachers had their work cut out for them. How is this child supposed to learn to speak properly when her main role model does not have control of the language.

I grew up poor and my parents stressed doing good in school and having full control of the English language if we wanted to get ahead in life.

Ebonics is just an excuse to be lazy.

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Teachers and policy makers are not doing these people any favors. If you can not speak correctly you will NOT be able to make it in society. People wonder why they still can't get a job working in a better environment when they can't speak in English. My grammar is not the best in the world, but I can at least be understood. If we don't start correcting things in schools, we are in BIG trouble in the future.

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When my Grandfather hauled his family to America in 1951 (after getting out of the Camps in 1944 and spending six and a half years in the Displaced Persons camps), he was told in no uncertain terms:

You lose the job we have arranged for you, you go back.

You damage the house that we have arranged for you to rent, you go back.

You don't speak English, you go back.

Your kids don't speak English, you go back.

Your kids get in trouble, you go back.

My, how things have changed. Now native Americans don't speak English, and immigrants do...


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Well you did open Pandora's box with this one...I just do NOT understand the mindset of the policy makers....this is America and the official language is English...not Ebonics or some other street language...or any other official language...Learn to speak it, read it and use it, or do not get upset when people get put out with you for not being able to speak correctly....I know I am not politically correct with this belief, but it is my belief nevertheless... :)

The United States of America has no official langauge. Sorry to dissapoint. Some states do, but not all.

Not that I disagree with you on the principle. Mastery of a language makes a positive impression, regardless of the langauge. Mastery of the language the majority of business and legal affairs is conducted in is definitely important. If I'm in spanish class and I do not use proper spanish, i get marked down. If I'm in math class and I tell you 2+2 is a little less than 5, I get marked down. The same should apply to english class.

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For 229 years the language used in these United States has been English...it IS, by the defacto standard, the Official language of the United States, not Spanish, Vietnamese, Japanese, Ebonics, nor any other that I can think of... :angry:

Sorry to disappoint you, but this American of German, Irish descent is proud that all my ancestors learned the language of this country during the first generation on this soil and while some of the children of those ancestors may have studies other languages as part of their education, or used other languages as part of their military service or jobs, or just for fun...It is English and not any other in every household, thank you very much... <_<

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My grandmother (who recently turned 98 years old) was born here in the USA, but her first language is Swedish. She arrived for her 1st day of public school in the US without the ability to speak a single word of English.

Without the aid of "ESL", special assistance, or other Government programs, she not only learned to speak the English language perfectly, she had a distinguished career as a head nurse after completing advanced course work (taught in English).

Why was she able to succeed where other Americans and many children today often fail?

I believe that in her day, the schools adhered to STANDARDS where as today, the level of instruction has been severely restricted to the lowest common denominator. "Social Promotion" did not exist in 1913.

Today, the concept of "integration" is so maligned that even the word has become a pejorative term.

I believe we need to identify who or what policy is responsible and then restore high expectations to our schools. Instead, there has been a push in the opposite direction with the failed concepts of "cooperative learning", "mainstreaming" , "inclusion" , "whole language approach" and numerous other mush-headed concepts coming out of the Education departments of our universities.


D.C. Johnson

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..."and numerous other mush-headed concepts..."
And that's about all we've got LEFT of the public education system, it seems. My God, when I was a kid there was one standard and everyone stuck to it. Catholic schools were kinda like that. We knew how to read and read books of exquisitely high calibre compared to the drivel the public school kids were forced to read. I nearly died when I saw what equivalent public school kids were reading (if they were reading at all, and it wasn't too often). It was barely kindergarten stuff!! And you think it's bad NOW...?? I can tell you first-hand, it was bad even way-back-when. Trust me. I saw it... and this child was appalled even then at that tender age.
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"If you'd like to continue this thread in English please press ONE

Tu continuas en Espanol, marke el numero siete "



"To make a payment press one.

Necesitas ayuda marke el numero siete!"



" All our customer service attendants are presently helping other customers

Su necessitas ayuda, marke el numero cinco"



"To continue this thread in English, please press 2

El Continuar en Ingles, marke el numero dos"





Edited by triggercontrol
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I am not disputing anything said here. I believe everyone who lives in the US should be able to speak English. I am in Korea and I have tried to speak as much Korean as I can learn even though it is hard. By the way, I know a Korean lady who speaks English so well you would think she grew up in the US her whole life. I didn't think she was Korean until she started speaking the Korean language. She also speaks the Japanese and Indonesian languages fluently. It amazes me how many foreigners know our language and can speak it fluently and speak several other languages fluently but some of the people in the US can't match the correct subject and verb together to say a sentence that is grammatically correct.

I remember when I was in college and I came back home and I saw a guy that I went to junior high school with. I asked him how he was doing and all and he said, "I done got hitched. Can you believe that?" I thought to myself what kind of English is this? This is not the first time that I have heard this type of English. Could you tell me what kind of English this is? It's not Ebonics, Old English, or even modern English. Maybe someone could tell me. I don't think it has been mentioned at all in the types of languges spoken in the US.


Edited by glock17w
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I guess I will take a stab at it...My guess is that it is English with heavy influences from regional speech patterns which have also been tainted by coloquial speech patterns brought down from generation to generation...all of which were passed from parent to child without the originator never having learned that the correct conjugation of the verb, To Be is not; I Be, You Be, He She It Be, We Be, You Be, They Be...I could be wrong here, but I rather doubt it... :D

You also mention that your friend was your acquaintence in Junior High School...perhaps he never finished his education, including Junior High School, High School and most likely never attended an institute of higher learning, or if he did, it was probably on an athletic scholarship where the spoken word was not as important as running crisp pass routes or learning the Box and 1 defense on the basketball court...

Educational Rant Mode OFF....thank you...!!! :)

Edited by tightloop
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No he finished high school and went to work in major factory in town.

I would say you are right about the differences in regional speech. So I guess we are back to the topic that we do not like that foreigners in the US cannot speak English not the fact that different Americans speak different regional dialects of the English language depending on where they grew up.

I still agree that everyone should learn proper English though.

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For 229 years the language used in these United States has been English...it IS, by the defacto standard, the Official language of the United States, not Spanish, Vietnamese, Japanese, Ebonics, nor any other that I can think of... :angry:

I think we all agree with the sentiment, and I know Raz well enough to know that he does too, but his statement is still valid: There is no official language in the USA. Yes, the english language is the defacto standard, but there is no law, no constitutional clause, no presidential edict, NOTHING that makes english the Official langauge. The word official does mean something and the words defacto standard mean something else.

That being said, I grew up speaking a very different language. When I moved to the US about 14 years ago, my father was already here for 6 or 7 years. After I gained some basic control of the language, we never used our orginal language even when speaking with eachother. I think it has been 10 or more years since my father and I exchanged any words in Romanian.

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I was in New Orleans visiting an office I used to manage and took the gang out for drinks and dinner. When I mentioned that I had married my first wife twice, the local manager Steve replied,

"Ya know.....y'alls is why day is two barrels on some shoot-guns, 'cause some folks just cain't be learned wid one dose."


I therefore suggest that in any further discussion of Americans who might not speak proper English, dem good Cajuns be granted an exception due to their wonderful way of expressing the obvious.


Edited by ima45dv8
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I am inclined to agree...the manner in which it comes across is not derogatory, or demeaning in any manner, and is not an intentional slam at the English language..

They are wonderful people who are usually very caring, giving and fun filled. I have spent some great times in the bayous with them hunting and fishing and enjoying them immensely.... :P

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Thank you All, I though I was the only one that had this pet pevi. its america, speak english!

Don't Use, will not buy HP products anymore. Don't want to talk to someone in INDIA, that i can't understand about a problem with their software / product. Not only do i have a problem with the product NOW i have a problem with understanding the correction.

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