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What Proportion Of Idpa And Uspsa Do You Shoot


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I did a null vote for I shoot whatever I can, where ever I can during the time I have avalaible to shoot. I am fully aware that I have "OCD SHOOTERS DISEASE" and have come to accept this. I prefer competitons however when one is not available (and I have the time) I can be found on the range shooting.

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Generally 1 USPSA match per month, 1 IDPA match per month, and 1 steel match per month. Plus the USPSA Area 4 match, one extra USPSA match a couple of counties away, and one IDPA match in Houston. So it's more like 40% USPSA, 35% IDPA, and 25% steel.

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And what will the results of this poll show you? You should probably have figured out by now that the majority of forum members shoot more USPSA than they do IDPA...

Personally, I shot IPSC/USPSA exclusively from '78 thru '86, did not shoot competitive pistols again till 98 and then shot IDPA exclusively from 98 thru 2003...

Now do not shoot handguns competitively but a few times a year and mostly steel at that...

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I'm a shooter, period.

Please don't label me as a particular type of shooter, I just love to shoot, and I'll shoot whatever pistol game is in town.

Shooting biggots have no more place in the world than racists.

Just let the scoring happen as it is earned (no scoring by committee on technique or form after the fact.) The rules should be clear and known (no secret decorder rings needed) is all I ask of any game I play.

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When you say "Lets understand who is posting here"... where is "here"?

Do you mean BE as a whole or only on the IDPA sections?

I think this is the first time I've posted in the IDPA section. And my vote was 0-10% IDPA with a big emphasis on "0".

Maybe what you should be asking is how many people who post on the IDPA sections shoot IDPA?

If you asked the BE membership how much shot X and how many people shot 3Gun you would get similar results.

But if you asked how much of you shoot X vs. 3Gun AND who post in the 3Gun section you would get different percentages.

I guess you want to find out if the posts in the IDPA sections are by IDPA shooters and not from a bunch of USPSA/IPSC/3Gunner/etc. shooters?

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I will shoot what is available. I voted 40 IDPA 60USPSA because there is more USPSA available to me. Three USPSA matches per month one IDPA plus IDPA regional matches, three State matches, a couple three gun, Bulls eye occasionally, very small amount of Trap, and looking seriously at some DCM.

If you build it I will go :D

The other question you should be asking with regards to the IDPA Forum is who shoots matches at clubs other than their home club and how many different clubs have you experienced.

You seem to be trying to fuel a USPSA vs IDPA debate and that really does not belong on any competition related forum.






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It appears to me as there is no selection for 100% IDPA or USPSA participation one would be able to skew the results to say that 90-100% of posters have shot IDPA. :blink:


(Never shot an IDPA match and do not plan to ever shoot an IDPA match, So I did not vote)

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I've shot every WA State Championships IDPA match since RickB's been in charge. Absolutely love it, lots of fun. I may shoot 1 or 2 local matches per year in addition...so that makes 3 total per year. Definately in the 0-10% range, which according to your poll, makes it look like I don't participate at all.

Your polling hard-core IPSC shooters (at least that's what BE.com used to be) :), so the cross section won't match "shooters" on average.

Edited by TDean
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I shot IPSC before USPSA existed, starting in 1979...back then the hot ticket was a 1911 full size or commander in a Sparks Summer Special or Yaqui slide....still a good rig for IDPA.

I stopped shooting IPSC/USPSA in '98 when our club went full IDPA. I have no animosity towards IPSC/USPSA or its shooters...in fact, I will start shooting USPSA matches again with a revolver just because it will be fun....plus more trigger time.

But for now, I am a 100% IDPA shooter....after the first of the year it will probably be more 60% IDPA, 30% IPSC, and 10% steel as my free time permits.


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Like Crusher, I suffer from OCD. I will shoot almost anything, at least once, just so that I can get some trigger time.

The local club (Ashland Gun Club)offers monthly USPSA and bi-monthly IDPA (12/6) This does not indicate any preference of USPSA over IDPA by the club. The club would certainly let the group of us that set up and run the IDPA matches put one on every month, if we wanted to. But for right now anyway (this is our second year as an IDPA club) bi-monthly is as much as we can handle, without burning out the core group that sets up/runs the IDPA matches. (thread drift)

Looking back over this year: (C class USPSA/Sharpshooter SSP/SSR in IDPA)

2 sectional/1 area USPSA matches

8 club USPSA matches

4 club IDPA matches

1 club NRA Action Pistol

So all this proves is that I shoot more USPSA then IDPA, but I like them both.

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Had intended to shoot the monthly match at our local USPSA this year, but we lost the MD. So we shoot 3 gun that weekend. But this puts me near 100% IDPA/IDPA styled matches. I'd like to shoot more, but it means driving a lot further and or mid week matches for me. Only other choice is a Sunday USPSA matches, and I don't shoot on the sabbath.

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These aren't the only games in town.  Some shoot more than these 2.


Two years ago, it was USPSA 2 times or more a month (my club match and another club or two), two NRA Action matches a month, high power a few times a season and IDPA when it was available. Plus Bianchi / Camp Perry and some Regional/State/Area matches. Pretty much Sat/Sun each weekend.

Now it's the local USPSA match each month and IDPA a couple times at my home club.


My IDPA # was A02310. Can't remember if I renewed it and can't find it!! <_<

Edited by SRT Driver
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I have never shot an IDPA match, 100% USPSA. I honestly don't see the point to it. I like to shoot and the round count for IDPA doesn't do anything for me. If I could find a "relaxed IDPA" club I might give it a try but it just doesn't interest me much.

Neal in AZ

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