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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

The Mods Appreciation Thread


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I already stated my opinion on what right now is the most visited thread on the forum (which is kinda sad considering the info available here), so this thread is only to say thank you to the Mods for their hard work.

I'm a Moderator at another forum, the Global Village, and I know it is a time consuming, stress inducing, and often thankless task. It is a rare occurence (but possible and factible nonetheless) when a matter is settled with "offending" or antagonistic parties agreeing with Moderators on their intervention on a subject. It's very hard to moderate and have everyone agree on the moderating decisions.

So, thanks again for giving your best at keeping this place faithful to its intent.

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Add my thanks to the Moderators, too.

And thanks to the majority of the 6,021 members (at current count) who also act as Moderators, by being thoughtful of the tone and content of their own contributions. I think we have a huge group of good people assembled here who play well with others, despite the (only) occasional confrontation of strong personalities.

This is still the very best forum, shooting-related or otherwise, that I have ever visited. As with matches, I came for the shooting but stayed because of the people.


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Thanks to all. Specifically Moderators, but to all the forum members as well.

I learn from you all everyday. If I keep this up - someday (hope, hope, hope) I'll be able to make something out of myself! :lol:

You all do a great job!


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I would still like to take the time to thank the folks who dedicate countless hours of reading and moderating to the forum. I know if some one had decided to step down, I don't have the time to become a moderator. If you just look at the post counts of the moderators you would know that a lot of time has been logged in reading what every one has to say. Not just the stuff that they are interested in....but everything. It's a thankless job and I'm glad that someone took the time to start a thread to thank the folks that make BE continue on a daily basis.

Hey Brian.....Thanks to you too. ;) Man when I needed some help, you were right there with exactly the right thing to say.

I've learned more reading here than I have shooting at the range.


Kirk Leaning

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Now this is a topic I can thankfully contribute too!!!

My username has been attached to this particular part of the forum for about 3.5 years now I guess. Like all members and mods I've lauded BE for his evolving insight and especially his trust in allowing me to help out running things. Good or bad it's been fun and I've learned/ grown more than I would have dreamed...

In my oppinion over the years, the moderation staff here consist of some pretty hard working folks. They don't accept thanks, they just do... A better bunch I couldn't imagine. We have every bit of this wonderful archive of information because of the staff that makes this happen, everyday, every post...

Thank you to the members for contributing. Thank you BE for being,,,well for being you. And thank you all the mods for making this my place...

Oh,,,Flex too!!! LOL ( sorry it's just something BE wrote that still makes me laugh!!!)

James Starn

BE. com moderating staff

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I stayed away from the other thread as I did not have a dog in that hunt !!!!

I am now over a thousand posts, and have had no problems from the Mod team.

There are some who push the envelope and there always will.......

That is the reason for MODERATORS !!!!!!!!

Which do a great job on this forum.

I whole heartedly agree with ima45dvc8......"I came for the shooting, I stayed for the people"

Thanks Brian and all the other hard working MODS......

Some of which I have luckily got to meet and now can call "Friend"

Hopalong / SAM KEEN

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How appropriate my post being next to Sam's. He's one of the ones I met in these pages and I can call a friend.

Family and friends: to me that's what life is all about!

If when I started shooting it would've happened amongst enemies, today I'd probably be a B-class golfer. But the range was the place of friends.

Thanx to Brian, I can come to this range while at the office and at night from home. Thank you much Mr. Enos!

Thanks to the Moderators the atmosphere in our Cyber-Range has remained civil, and because of it, friendships have been created. Thanks to the Mods is that we keep coming here every day and not to other e-places.

Ladies and gentlemen Moderators: ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS!

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Wow. Thank you all. In light of the last week, it is especially appreciated. This place has collected truly a great crowd of people. One example out of many - yesterday I asked dajarrel if he'd consider changing his avatar. The details as to why aren't as important as his response - he not only changed it immediately, but offered to provide a written apology if I felt it was necessary.

Thanks again everyone. Maybe a couple times a year the wearisome part of the Forum's responsibilities can get me down, and I come close to drastically trimming back the number of individual Forums. It's comments like these that pull me through.


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This place has collected truly a great crowd of people. One example out of many - yesterday I asked dajarrel if he'd consider changing his avatar.

I would say the same kind words of Erik Warren. I sent him a PM about one of his many avatars. I blinked, and he had changed it back to the Scream picture. He's an all around great guy.

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