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Arrogance In Our Sport


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I have noticed the past couple months a prevailing theme that really bothers me a lot. I seem to see it everywhere, be that at matches, in magazines, on internet chat boards or whatever. Our sport seems to be filled with arrogant prima donnas.

I shot a club match a couple weeks back and didnt have fun. The match was a good quality match, I got to shoot with several good friends of mine, and I shot semi well too. The reason I didnt have fun is that I got squadded with 3 guys in particular that spent all day reminding themselves and everyone else how great they are. Of the 3, 1 was M and 2 were A class shooters. Yes, they had some talent, yes they shot well, yes they make a contribution to the sport. However, if I never get to squad with them again, it wont break my heart.

I have also noticed that lately people associate shooting skill with quality of character. IMO that is a very poor way to percieve people. Some shooters show up late, stiff the club on an entry fee, dont tape or set steel, shoot ahead of their squad, get away with rules violations, and bitch and moan about every little thing they dont like. Yet, because they win the match, the powers that be allow it to continue and treat these people with reverence because they are fast with a pistol.

I also hate the idea that anyone who is good, or shows talent or wins matches has "put in the time and money to get there". While it is true that success doesnt come without sacrifice there are a lot of people that have invested way more time and money than top ranked shooters and yet will be in C class forever. Does that mean they should be treated with less respect??

Also is the belittling of one accomplishment from another. I am currently classified C Limited and Production and was on a bit of a hot streak recently. I won my class at a couple club matches and my division at several others all in the past 6 weeks. I was very proud that my hard work had paid off and was feeling very good about this. A friend was recently congratulating me on this at a match when someone overheard and felt compelled to add "Win your division at a Major, then feel like you earned something."

1. I didnt say anything, my friend out of the blue decided to congratulate me.

2. I did earn something, I worked hard and acheived my goal.

But since this person was classed higher than me, and had shot well (not won) a couple Level 2 matches, he feels justified in killing my momentum. What kind of SOB is this that cant encourage a fellow shooter to keep up the good work. Is this the message we want to send to new shooters? Is this the behavior we want to exhibit to Juniors as an appropriate attitude to adopt.

I hear from time to time about someone selling 3 or 4 guns, gear, press, and giving up shooting entirely. I never could understand why someone would do that until now. I'm not gonna let a few pricks like those mentioned above ruin what I love, but I wont act like it doesnt leave me jaded. In the past whenever I met a new shooter I automatically assumed they were good people, based solely on the fact that we were Ballistic Brethren. Not anymore. I will treat everyone with respect, but that doesnt mean I will respect everyone. From now on, that respect will be earned, not given automatically. Several weeks ago I shot a match in Louisville and someone asked me why, at 22 yrs old, everyone older than me is reffered to as "Sir". I use that word to show respect to those that have earned it. To the gentleman that asked me, there is my answer, because you are worthy of respect Mr. Merryman, sir.

There is more running through my head but this has gotten quite long enough. Feel free to add if you want, but more over feel free to look inside and see if any of this is in you. Maybe we can all make small changes in ourselves that will bring about a positive change in our sport.

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Good post, Mike.


Dave S. is a good example of what is right with our sport. He is head-and-shoulders the best shooter in his Division. He shows up to local matches and encourages all shooters, answers endless questions and is genuinely nice to everyone. He pastes, sets steel and helps tear down stages.

If you didn’t know who he was, you would never know he is the World and US Champion.

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"Some shooters show up late, stiff the club on an entry fee, dont tape or set steel, shoot ahead of their squad, get away with rules violations, and bitch and moan about every little thing they dont like. Yet, because they win the match, the powers that be allow it to continue and treat these people with reverence because they are fast with a pistol."

I have seen some of this in my area as well & do not like it. While I am a lowly B shooter who usually squads with my follow B shooters, we have taken to squading with some of the newer shooters (most of whom are not yet classified) when possible because they help out pasting as much as we do & they don't bitch about stuff. Nearly to a man, this group of newer shooters are there to just have a good time & do not take the sport so seriously that it becomes a drag for everyone on the squad. Plus, last sunday, most of the squad got together for lunch after the match. There are plenty of good folks in the upper ranks of USPSA, but also a few bad apples who ought to keep their egos in check & remember that we all volunteer to support the sport when we sign up. Good post & good things to keep in mind.

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+2 on your post. Congrats on your victorious streak. Small victories to some are very large to those of us who set the goals.

Like everything else, there are always one or two in a crowd. I will not let these one or two diminish my goals, my shooting, or my respect for fellow shooters.

Thanks for your thoughts Kimberkid!

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EXCELLENT post!! Reminds me of what happened at OUR range a year or so ago when some of the more respectable shooters got really, really tired of hearing a couple or more bad apples in the big-bore leagues rant all puffed up about themselves a lot... and moreover, it was revealed that they were even cheating on their scores and THAT was far worse than the ego-rants! End result: The HONEST shooters left the league matches (never to return, by the way) and the idiots stayed. The rest of us ended up in "D" Class...... "D" for Discouraged and Disgusted. Fortunately, this is not happening in our .22 League Matches, so .22 League is clean and actually FUN.

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Sometimes you just have to get it off of your chest. I hope that you feel a little better after blowing some stream off. As far as some people being jerks, that's mankind. There is always going to be a percentage of those in whatever endevor you undertake. Shoot your own game and be your own best cheerleader. When most of us are done shooting we shoot for bragging rights only, no big money here.

Congrats on the progress and making some of your goals. If you are moving forward you are moving the right way. Keep doing what you know is the right thing and hang around those with a positive position on life. Remember, we do this for fun. Good luck to you.


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I have also noticed that lately people associate shooting skill with quality of character. IMO that is a very poor way to percieve people. Some shooters show up late, stiff the club on an entry fee, dont tape or set steel, shoot ahead of their squad, get away with rules violations, and bitch and moan about every little thing they dont like. Yet, because they win the match, the powers that be allow it to continue and treat these people with reverence because they are fast with a pistol.

This is probably what I've seen the most in 16 years.

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It doesn't cost anymore to be nice ...even if you have the time and ability to place well at any match...

Far and away, most of the good shooters are good guys as well...try not to let the few influence how you relate to the rest of the crowd...and ignore the bad apples...

However, sometimes, you just have to go in another direction and get away from it for a while...you get too close and loose some perspective, and I know, it happened to me...

Keep a grin on your face and rejoice in any triumph, no matter how small or large it is...only you know how hard you have worked to get there and let noone diminish that fact..the best medicine is to work hard and hand those same guys their hat at a match or matches in the future...then remind them how they treated you back when...

It is sad but true that it only takes a few bad apples to spoil it for everyone.. :(

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Great Post! Very well thought out and spot on.

To be a little bit me too - congrats on your streak of wins and successes. I don't care what anybody says, winning at club level is very rewarding.

I'm not like many of the folks in this forum, when I go to the range I really have a group of folks that I most enjoy shooting with. Good folks that raz each other but have integrity and recognize good stuff. If at all possible, I shoot with them. I believe in any squad you start to see the good folks and I just choose to hang with them.

I've been called, and have likely behaved like, mnay of the individuals you mentioned above. It was as much immaturity and insecurity as anything else. Being cocky and arrogant may make all of us feel better at one time or another. Ultimately shooting a good match with good people and maybe even winning your class makes us feel much much better.

May you never sell your guns and I hope that your negative experiences start to slide away as the bad seeds either go away or go shoot in other squads.


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Unfortunately there seems to be alot of arrogance in our sport. I've noticed it too many times to remember. But in your situation, next time that happens ask the guy in a loud voice "Could you please repeat yourself so we all can hear how stupid you are?" They usually get the message.

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Nice post, you know when you "win" don't let losers get you down. Ignore ignorant people, and tell you buddy if you win your class at a mojor match you should proably have been in the next one anyways ;)

This sport is about self improvement and fun right :D

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Mike You know how true world class shooters act ,you would never hear that from the boys across the pond.

If you do sell your guns i want your 38 kimber.


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Great post, and congrats on your victories. Keep up the good work.

Now, on a side note:

People that are good at something, ( not just shooting) don't need to tell you how good they are, you will see it. It is the people that have to tell you how good they are that need to go and practice some more, because they have not yet reached the level of feeling good about themselves yet!

In other words, those that are good know it, and they don't need to tell you about it, becuase their results show they are good. The others are wannabes!


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Just came back from taking my sons to Camp Shootout. We had a grand week! As a side benefit I learned that anytime I encountered the behavior you describe amongst shooters, I'd refer the infractor(s) to Kay and Jerry Miculek: World champions and the best people to be around!

Like Z put it, don't pay attention to the wannabes. Your victories are yours, and you and your people should rejoice on them! Whatever some arrogant prick has to say about them should have no weight whatsoever on how you feel!

Congrats on your progress and keep the victories coming!

Non Illegitimati Carborundum

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Last week one of the guys at the range said what we were all thinking to a couple of the prima donnas that were too good to help after showing up late, "Shooting well may have gotten you that GM card, but your still a "D" class paster and not helping won't make you any better". That changed their attitude for the match, only time will tell if it sank in.

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Nice post Kimber Kid. People like that drive me nuts but in truth they probably represent less than 10% of the shooting population. Insead of letting it get to you just enjoy the company of the other 90% while ribbing the 10% for having a lousy attitude. :P

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Agreed, but I would like to relate a positive experience that took place this weekend. We started a new USPSA club in New Mexico. Saturday was our first santioned match. Attending was a GM. He not only drove over to support our club but reset steel, pasted, pasted some more and helped tear down after, he was a true gentleman in every respect and was just one of the gang. This gentleman is also the area 2 director, Don Bednorz and man can he shoot, but you won't hear it from him.

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Spot on.

I haven't been in the game too long, only like 16 months, and at the start I was a little frustrated by the behaviour you describe. Unfortunately, the number of morons among shooters only reflects their percentage in the general population, so there's a fair share of them. We just have to run into them more often than we'd enjoy.

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Nearly to a man, this group of newer shooters are there to just have a good time & do not take the sport so seriously that it becomes a drag for everyone on the squad.

I agree with the thread-- there's no place for prima-donnas, and non-helpers, but people are at the match for different reasons:

At almost any match, there will be a set of shooters that are in contention to win the match, plus a few that are chasing them. If they want to win (see the "I want to win" thread), they'll be taking things seriously and will probably be less fun to hang with if you don't, especially if they think they're doing badly (see the "I hate to shoot badly" thread). Pick your squads carefully.

Likewise for new shooters-- MD's, don't assign them to the top shooter squads unless you know them really well-- assign them to the safe, but non-serious shooters that have fun no matter what.

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Thanks for the contributions everyone, I do feel a bit better, though not a lot. Shred raises an interesting idea that I would like to continue my bitch on.

The idea of serious shooters. I dig that some people take the game to another level and thats fine, but only if you are in control. If you are so "focused" on the match that you have to sit at the back of the range with your walkman on and be all alone, not tape or set steel, and get all shitty when anyone tries to talk to you, that is unacceptable. This is a social sport. You dont have to yuk it up and talk to everyone, but you have to fulfill your obligations and be polite. I agree that it is important to squad with like intentioned people, but if you are intent on being selfish, arrogant, and rude, dont bother showing up, cause your killing it for the rest of us. If someone asking you for the time, or telling a joke in the Peanut Gallery ruins your "Mental Focus" you need to take a hard look at what mental focus really is. Ken Grimes is one the the most talented Bianchi/PPC shooters to ever live. He taught me mental focus and demonstrates it in every match. He is the loudest guy on every range, telling jokes and goofing off. But when he steps to the line, he wouldnt hear a plane crash behind him. He gets in his zone in a millisecond and doesnt leave til the last shot is fired. I have literally thrown brass at him and joked loudly about his beer gut while he was shooting and it never once changed the outcome. He has won every major Bianchi/PPC match in England and all over Europe and a number of things here.

On the same note, if you get so mad at how you shot or your gun breaking or any other petty BS that you start throwing mags, cursing, screaming, and being a 30 something spoiled brat, then you need to go see the MD for a spanking until you can act like a grown up responsible enough to handle firearms.

Nemo, on the positive, congrats on takin the kids to Camp Shootout, that musta been awesome. Mr. Miculek is a super nice dude, I met him at the Nats last year and actually have a very funny story about it. He even stood there while I stared like a 13 yr old girl at her favorite rock star. I even got a picture with him.

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