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The Ultimate Stage For Ipsc


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I was playing with some stage designs (as I usally do at work while I am between jobs ahve over 200 designed) and an Idea came to me "What would be the Ulitmate Stage for IPSC" It have to be something that uses EVERY Skill,Prop and position I have run into in the Last 6 years shooting. atached Below is what I have come up with SO FAR. But I know I have missed something, so here it is on BE to Let you guys have a word and a hand at THE ULITAMTE STAGE FOR IPSC (Actually to be Legal it have to be several Stages) its just for Fun, Give Me your Ideas and where to put them in this stage.

Looking forward to your comments



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I don't know if there's a way to maybe position the stage in the bay to correct this, but I think you might break 180 to engage the second target you'd see through the split in the right wall of the hallway. You'd have to shoot back towards the plate rack at a pretty hard angle to get at him, and that looks like it might be almost directly downrange. I might be looking at it the wrong way, but that's certainly how it seems.

Outside of that, I may steal this for a hella-carbine-side-match one day.

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Robert - knowing the set up at the DT range - I might consider moving the plate rack a little further downrange, the first two plates look like they could come awfully close to breaking the 180.

Otherwise, that looks like a blast!!!


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ok, one thing we haven't talked about yet is how to game this thing. without seeing the stage set up, my first thought is use an AR...

actually, this would be a nice multi-gun stage-star and plate rack with s/g...

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I Knew I was Forgeting Somethings... a Cooper Tunnel will be In the Next Attachment and What the Heck is a Kansas City plate?

Yes I have to Figure Out how to Put this in a VERY LARGE Bay. Probably set it up at an Angle in the Bay to Avoid All the 180 Problems. Going to move The Targets in the Hall to Avoid the 180 of Course Your Ammo After shooting Thru the Barrel would Need to Be On the Barrels down Range ( the Pink Lines are Mags) the Port at the End is Prone! Several Procedures . Got to Use all your SKILLS.(or Some You Don't Have Yet) The Stage Would Be I bit different in real Life.

As Far as the Design Program, I Have Built Most of the Prop Designs in other Programs like Photo Shop or Claris Works and Web Painter. then imported it all in Adobe Pagemaker (about a $750.00 program) It has taken me 5 year to Build it all. I like the 30 Degree angle from Overhead you get a better feel for How Far away the Targets are. I do Big Match Stage Design for the Match Books is how this came about. Done the Double Tap Championship and the Texas State Limited and Willing to Do others also.

Keep posting your Ideas! I am "GAME" :D

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