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Incompetent Advice On Other Gun Forums


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I hate that there is so much bad advice out there from people on other forums. I hate that there are probably people out there that follow this advice since they dont know any better and then get messed up because of it. I can only argue so much with idiots before I throw in the towel. I do love coming back here where people are smart and know what the hell they are talking about.

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The difference is people here actually shoot instead of just jawing about it all day. Well, most of us ;)

I'm amazed how much garbage advice just floats around because bottom-feeders keep sucking it up and spitting it back out again.

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I'm amazed how much garbage advice just floats around because bottom-feeders keep sucking it up and spitting it back out again.

Like: "I heard from my gunstore that I cant shoot reloads out of glocks." or "Make sure you really get a stout crimp or the bullets will come right out"

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Absolutely no doubt - I don't even enjoy other general gun forums anymore because so much drivel flies back and forth, and the dispensers of said drivel are often the core members and administrators!

...And if I read one more thread on 762 vs. 556 I'm going to hurl.

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It's the same in most web based communities. If you want to get better faster, you better figure out in a hurry who is giving the straight shit and who is just shoveling shit. Tried a different word in there and it just didn't work, so I went back to straight talk.


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So where is this magical internet-land of Shooting Shangri la that we've been missing? Where are these pearls of wisdom hidden?

OK, on a more serious note, I can't say I've been subjected to too much nonsense lately (the last year or so?). That is mostly because I found this forum and recognized/embraced it for what it is: the place where people who don't just shoot guns, but actually WEAR THEM OUT, share their experience and wisdom. I now venture to other forums/groups primarily for their entertainment value. I've found no other site with as good a signal-to-noise ratio as Brian's forums.

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I hate to say this but anymore unless somone does something competitvely I really have a hard time trusting their opinion. I think shooting is one of the worst areas for this since it is such a "macho" activity.

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There are many people in the gun community that have a bad combination of two charecteristics.

1. They don't know anything

2. They feel the need to convice you of... whatever they think

But its all part of the fun.. isn't it?

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I'm sure all of you have had these sort of b. s. experience in face to face conversations as well. My favorite:

A guy at work was asking my advice about sighting in a new deer rifle. I tried to explain what little I know about it. Whatever it was I told him he didn't seem happy with, so I brought him a Sierra reloading manual with ballistic tables, exlained what they meant and let him take it home a few days.

He brings me the book back and tells me "he didn't think those tables were right"!


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I'm sure all of you have had these sort of b. s. experience in face to face conversations as well. My favorite:

A guy at work was asking my advice about sighting in a new deer rifle. I tried to explain what little I know about it. Whatever it was I told him he didn't seem happy with, so I brought him a Sierra reloading manual with ballistic tables, exlained what they meant and let him take it home a few days.

He brings me the book back and  tells me "he didn't think those tables were right"!


I met a guy at the range one time who said that a 30-06 sighted in at 200yrds would only drop 6 inches at 1000yrds. I couldnt convince him any different. I carried around a balistics table for weeks hoping to run into him again. I finally did and he said the table was BS since the twist of his barrel was different. :(

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Like several people have already said, the difference with this site is that there are SHOOTERS here, not just gun owners. I can't tell you how many members of the general public just don't believe that 1000 rounds through a handgun is not that much. I heard once that the average handgun in the US has 75 rounds throught it. Don't know if it is true, but makes me wonder about some of the people who have guns for defense.

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I heard once that the average handgun in the US has 75 rounds throught it. Don't know if it is true, but makes me wonder about some of the people who have guns for defense.

I am in the process of tumbling (then loading) all my brass before I move so that I dont have to hurry and set all my stuff. My tumbler is in the garage and one of my neighbors stopped by and saw all the brass sitting there (about 10-15K rounds worth). He asked how many decades it would take for me to shoot that much. I said .05. He thought for a minute and said huh? I said I shoot that much every 6 months. he didnt believe me.

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And then you have the really scary type that actually does know a little bit about guns, many times in the form of so-called shade tree gunsmiths, but are quick to give advice to anyone about things of which they know nothing. I ran into one that tried to tell me all about IPSC and IDPA (bad things), and it was obvious that he didn't have a clue. Oh, as usual, he doesn't compete anymore.

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