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Microwave dinners.

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Title and topic description says it all. I'm kinda out of ideas as to what to cook these days. I hate to say it but I really like most MRE foods, airline foods, and microwave foods. Probably cause I was raised on that stuff. So what you guys like? I like Marie Callender's pot pies and bar-b-q ribs. Budget gourmet linguine with clams is pretty good too.

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I can't cook. Trust me I've tried. Ask my wife about the curried shrimp dish I cooked up when we were dating. Resulted in a call for pizza delivery. I really believe that the Nobel Peace (or possibly Chemistry) prize should go to the developers of Hamburger Helper. Who knows how many bachelors were saved from starving.

Michael Angelo's brand lasagna with meat sauce. One package good for two meals. Isn't bad reheated.

Hot Pockets brand from Nestle. Bacon, egg, and cheese flavor is my favorite.

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Claim Jumper is pretty good.

I love the pot pies from Claim Jumper more than Marie Calendars. But if you read the nutrition label, it might only have 500+ calories, but that's for one serving. Each pot pie has two servings! I usually shop at Safeway and when they have a sale, the pot pies will run between $2.00-2.50. Not bad for 1000+ calories.

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Not a big fan myself. Cooking can be fun and fast. Heck there are full meals that I can make almost as fast as a frozen dinner (my time, not the cooking with heat time). That being said, if you burn water and toast is hard for you then take a look at a the frozen meals in a bag type deals. Generally a bag containg vegetables some meat and maybe some pasta, that you throw in a pan and warmup/cook. Kind a like a quick stirfry though they may not actually be a stirfry. Some can even be cooked in the nuke box, assuming you do not have 7 precious minutes to stir this stuff on the gas range. Stouffers Skillet Sensations is one example of the breed.

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I have to second Nolan's vote for Stoeffers Lasagna. Not as good as my own, but better than a disgusting frozen pizza. We try to keep this in the freezer for "emergencies" (Meaning my wife and I are dead on our feet).

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My answer is "Whatever was frozen the last time we made a batch of something".

I don't think there's much of anything you can get in the frozen food section of the supermarket that counts as food in my lexicon :ph34r:


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If you don't know how to cook and really need fast food buy steak. Buy a George Forman Lean Mean Fat Reducing Grilling Machine. Preheat for 3 minutes. (That means plug it in three minutes before putting the steak in.) Put steak in machine for 5 minutes. If it is too well done for you, next time put it in for less time. If it is not done enough, leave it for another minute or two. If you would like something to go with the steak other than beer, put a potatoe in the microwave and set it for 5 minutes just before you put the steak in the GFLMFRGM.

If you would like something different try putting salt, pepper and/or butter on the steak and/or potatoe.

If you need to loose weight, skip the potatoe and try a light beer.

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Hehe, i'm not that bad with food all the time. Frying up a porkchop with onions right now. Going to have it with rice, bok-choy and a sapporo. I just crave microwave foods. Mostly when I'm messed up or something. I cant wait to try out some lasagna from Stoeffers.

My friend has a that grilling machine. It's pretty cool, especially how most of the fat drains off. I need to get one :)

Keep 'em coming. I still like microwave foods.

We really should do a BE recipe list. That reminds me of my friend that got me into reloading. He would say, "I got me a new bullet recipe." That used to trip me out.

Thanks for all the replies.


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I've had a variety of the GF-type grilling machines (Christmas presents and such). Most cook great, but are a pain in the azz too clean...so they don't get used as much.

GF has a newer machine out that has removable "grill plates". I was able to find a Hamilton Beach model at Wally-world for about a third of the cost of the GF.

The removable plates are easy to wash off in the sink...or toss in the dishwasher.

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I've kind of a steak purist.. Kosher Salt and Pepper, no sauce.. I don't like hiding the flavor of the meat. :)

I got one of those GF grills for my wife for Christmas, funny thing is, I use it more than she does, but then I've always done more of the cooking around the house.

I made some grilled chicken fajitas last night.. Chicken breasts spiced with garlic salt, chili spice, and black pepper, grilled on the GF. Browned up some sliced onions, saute'd some asparagus and sliced button shrooms, all put together with some shredded cheese and salsa on large tortillas. Heaven :) We had dinner in less than 30 mins.

Was so good I had one for breakfast this morning :D

Damn, I'm hungry again..


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Not! but in case of emergency....Marie Callender's pot pies. Turkey being my fav.

Cast another vote for Marie Callender Pot pies. They are perfect when you don't feel like cooking, even a simple quick meal, and don't wan't crappy fast food. Most days though I can whip out a couple of grilled chicken breasts, some steamed veggies and a little pasta in just about the same time it takes to cook pot pies for two.


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Speaking of steak. If you have the time [thread drift] build a fire in the grill using real hickory or mesquite wood, not charcoal. Especially not charcoal with lighter fluid! Steaks should be rare to medium rare and need nothing more than salt and pepper to taste. [/thread drift]

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When I used to work a cooks line, we used to use Mesquite wood and occasionally some Oak in our broiler. We had to switch to gas when we had 2 hood fires from all the ash buildup :D

Steaks, fish, chicken, veggies, it was all really good.. It's hard to find Mesquite wood around here though. Mostly all we can find is chips for smoking meats (almond, apple, cherry, etc).


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