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USPSA----How much should members know?

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There are guys that shoot classifiers over and over and over all day until they get 100% scores or more.

Being new... I have never practiced a classifier. But it seems pretty obvious to me, that those who practice them will drive the scores up over time.

Just go shoot.

I have heard of and seen YouTube videos of shooter shooting the same classifier over and over again and only taking the highest score.

The purpose of a Classifier in my mind is to show up, do your walk through and shoot it like any other stage. One Time. Then compare that stage against all other shooters in the Nation doing exactly the same thing.

Without honesty and integrity the whole system is out of whack.

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Yeah, and I shot a match that was pouring rain, target heads drooping down almost invisible. Targets covered in sopping wet plastic bags.

Shot it and had fun.

I think I will write a letter and ask why they cant stop the rain. It really isn't fair.

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There are guys that shoot classifiers over and over and over all day until they get 100% scores or more.

Being new... I have never practiced a classifier. But it seems pretty obvious to me, that those who practice them will drive the scores up over time.

Just go shoot.

But has anybody from USPSA HQ officially said "We are getting too many 110% scores submitted on the El Prez, so now we are bumping the HHF up to X."

Maybe when they moved up the HHF from Y to X and why they moved it up should be posted on the USPSA.org website.

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For what it's worth I just sent this with a link to this thread to the powers that be and all AD's.


My name is Kevin Sanders I am a member(TY64885) residing in Area 5. I urge you to take a few minutes to look through the link below and possibly find the time to reach out to the membership with any comments you may have.
I believe there are more than a few valid concerns being posted by several long standing members of USPSA. Not the least among them is communication between yourselves and the rank and file. When communication is lacking people tend to make up their own minds on a particular subject. To many, a lack of communication equates to, "There are things we are keeping from you". You should find this as unsettling as I do and take some action to reassure the membership.
I feel permanent harm can be done to the organization as a whole if the sentiments of those posting in the link are left unanswered and allowed to continue growing. I personally feel I am getting very little in return for my membership fees and more importantly for the classifier fees that are required to be paid. When I hear nothing from my President, Executive Director, Area director or Section Coordinator for months or even years it makes me wonder why I don't just hold outlaw matches and keep the money I pay to USPSA every month. Granted, a letter was recently published that discussed some pending changes and improvements. That was great to see and it sounds like we are on the right track. Yet there are still many unanswered questions pertaining to some recent rules changes that were made with virtually no input from the membership. There also appear to be lingering financial questions on the minds of many. If you were able to publish the letter outlining upcoming changes that shows you could just as easily reach out to the membership to seek input or answer vital questions that come up. Certainly there is an email database of the vast majority of members.
Thank you for your time and we hope to hear from USPSA HQ soon.
Kevin Sanders

Thanks for sending the Sarge. Well put and sums up many of the opinions on here the last couple of days.

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Yeah, and I shot a match that was pouring rain, target heads drooping down almost invisible. Targets covered in sopping wet plastic bags.

Shot it and had fun.

I think I will write a letter and ask why they cant stop the rain. It really isn't fair.

Am I supposed to be reading your posts with a snarky tone?

Because snark is the vibe I am getting.

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... There are issues that arise from time to time that are unexpected and they stall the forward progress. The recent special meeting we had was one of those meetings. It was a productive meeting that contained sensitive material and as a result, we are moving forward.

What kind of "sensitive material" could a uspsa meeting possibly have to address? Please give an example, even if its not the specific issue from this particular secret meeting.

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Absolutely there's an email database of the membership. They just used it this last week to send out the "USPSA Down Range" email newsletter, which was a very welcome surprise.

I didn't receive that. I just emailed Val, requesting a copy be emailed to me and making sure they have my email. They do, I just checked my profile.

Check your email junk file. Two different friends of mine didn't know about it, either, until I told them about it and they went and looked there.

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... There are issues that arise from time to time that are unexpected and they stall the forward progress. The recent special meeting we had was one of those meetings. It was a productive meeting that contained sensitive material and as a result, we are moving forward.

What kind of "sensitive material" could a uspsa meeting possibly have to address? Please give an example, even if its not the specific issue from this particular secret meeting.
Revocation of a membership, as an example.
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... There are issues that arise from time to time that are unexpected and they stall the forward progress. The recent special meeting we had was one of those meetings. It was a productive meeting that contained sensitive material and as a result, we are moving forward.

What kind of "sensitive material" could a uspsa meeting possibly have to address? Please give an example, even if its not the specific issue from this particular secret meeting.
Employee evaluations, employee discipline, member discipline and suspension, civil liability, negotiations on contracts where release of information could jeopardize a bargaining position. Just off the top of my head.
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Absolutely there's an email database of the membership. They just used it this last week to send out the "USPSA Down Range" email newsletter, which was a very welcome surprise.

I didn't receive that. I just emailed Val, requesting a copy be emailed to me and making sure they have my email. They do, I just checked my profile.

Check your email junk file. Two different friends of mine didn't know about it, either, until I told them about it and they went and looked there.

That is where mine was too. I get the emails when results are posted, but this newsletter ended up in the spam folder.

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Pardon me while I go all Karnak:


This is just speculation on my part, but ...sniff...sniff... it smells a little bit like awarding contracts to a family member or relative to a BoD member or USPSA HQ employee and going through all the motions to make it appear like there isn't a conflict of interest.

But that's just a sixth sense kind of speculation from having seen these behind closed door things before.

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... There are issues that arise from time to time that are unexpected and they stall the forward progress. The recent special meeting we had was one of those meetings. It was a productive meeting that contained sensitive material and as a result, we are moving forward.

What kind of "sensitive material" could a uspsa meeting possibly have to address? Please give an example, even if its not the specific issue from this particular secret meeting.
Employee evaluations, employee discipline, member discipline and suspension, civil liability, negotiations on contracts where release of information could jeopardize a bargaining position. Just off the top of my head.

Understanding that during contract negotiations, the cards must be held close, I think that the membership should absolutely be privvy to all the information in your examples.

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... There are issues that arise from time to time that are unexpected and they stall the forward progress. The recent special meeting we had was one of those meetings. It was a productive meeting that contained sensitive material and as a result, we are moving forward.

What kind of "sensitive material" could a uspsa meeting possibly have to address? Please give an example, even if its not the specific issue from this particular secret meeting.
Employee evaluations, employee discipline, member discipline and suspension, civil liability, negotiations on contracts where release of information could jeopardize a bargaining position. Just off the top of my head.

Understanding that during contract negotiations, the cards must be held close, I think that the membership should absolutely be privvy to all the information in your examples.

I don't think it is any of mu business if a guy somewhere was caught cheating and is having his membership revoked. That's just an example. That stuff does not need to be common knowledge. I know of one local RO who had a fairly serious mishap. I'm sure they went into some kind of private meeting when determining whether to retrain and retain or to revoke his card. At least that's how I would want it handled if I were the one being talked about.

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I am going to toss an oar in here because Phil just posted something on the FaceBook Area 6 page that I felt was dismissive, belittling and a move to ignore the larger issue being discussed here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/31472669314/ In the comments instead of Phil providing an answer to the question of transparency and reporting on what is going on he picked out one issue and his response was not professional or informative.

As a MD who is trying very hard to keep a small club running I am getting very frustrated with decisions made essentially in secret with little to no capability for member comment until after the fact. If Phil and the area directors are serious about being transparent and establishing a real pattern for growth:

1) A minimum of 15 days before a scheduled BoD meeting post an agenda including all items to be voted on and at least a few sentences of explanation about each

2) Post FULL meeting minutes including topics discussed, informative summary of the discussion and full records

3) Record and make public a digital copy of the BoD teleconferences. Every teleconference package I am aware of now has the capability to record and post a digital recording

4) Stop treating the membership like mushrooms or serfs

If there is nothing to hide then why are some of the BoD members so reluctant to have sessions recorded either in full or at least with better notes? Why is the BoD so reluctant to post an agenda and give time for member comment on issues and decisions?

It is time for something to change!

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As good as USPSA is we need to get better.

These are the topics I think need some attention:

There is considerable desire to see a nationals east of the Mississippi.

Better transparency with the finances needs to happen.

A greater use of the USPSA forums to discuss topics and for the leadership to distribute information.

More member input in the decision making process.

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As good as USPSA is we need to get better.

These are the topics I think need some attention:

There is considerable desire to see a nationals east of the Mississippi.

Better transparency with the finances needs to happen.

A greater use of the USPSA forums to discuss topics and for the leadership to distribute information.

More member input in the decision making process.

I agree 100%.

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I am going to toss an oar in here because Phil just posted something on the FaceBook Area 6 page that I felt was dismissive, belittling and a move to ignore the larger issue being discussed here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/31472669314/ In the comments instead of Phil providing an answer to the question of transparency and reporting on what is going on he picked out one issue and his response was not professional or informative.

As a MD who is trying very hard to keep a small club running I am getting very frustrated with decisions made essentially in secret with little to no capability for member comment until after the fact. If Phil and the area directors are serious about being transparent and establishing a real pattern for growth:

1) A minimum of 15 days before a scheduled BoD meeting post an agenda including all items to be voted on and at least a few sentences of explanation about each

2) Post FULL meeting minutes including topics discussed, informative summary of the discussion and full records

3) Record and make public a digital copy of the BoD teleconferences. Every teleconference package I am aware of now has the capability to record and post a digital recording

4) Stop treating the membership like mushrooms or serfs

If there is nothing to hide then why are some of the BoD members so reluctant to have sessions recorded either in full or at least with better notes? Why is the BoD so reluctant to post an agenda and give time for member comment on issues and decisions?

It is time for something to change!

evidently that post was deleted. I can't find it anywhere.

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Check your email junk file. Two different friends of mine didn't know about it, either, until I told them about it and they went and looked there.

Yep, I did that before I posted my comment.
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I am going to toss an oar in here because Phil just posted something on the FaceBook Area 6 page that I felt was dismissive, belittling and a move to ignore the larger issue being discussed here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/31472669314/ In the comments instead of Phil providing an answer to the question of transparency and reporting on what is going on he picked out one issue and his response was not professional or informative.

As a MD who is trying very hard to keep a small club running I am getting very frustrated with decisions made essentially in secret with little to no capability for member comment until after the fact. If Phil and the area directors are serious about being transparent and establishing a real pattern for growth:

1) A minimum of 15 days before a scheduled BoD meeting post an agenda including all items to be voted on and at least a few sentences of explanation about each

2) Post FULL meeting minutes including topics discussed, informative summary of the discussion and full records

3) Record and make public a digital copy of the BoD teleconferences. Every teleconference package I am aware of now has the capability to record and post a digital recording

4) Stop treating the membership like mushrooms or serfs

If there is nothing to hide then why are some of the BoD members so reluctant to have sessions recorded either in full or at least with better notes? Why is the BoD so reluctant to post an agenda and give time for member comment on issues and decisions?

It is time for something to change!

evidently that post was deleted. I can't find it anywhere.
If your talking about the Facebook post, I just went there using the above link.
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