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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

she said Yes!


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If you guys have followed my threads over the last 2 years or so, you can pick up that I sold a pile of stuff a while ago to finance a move to Texas to get my dream job and get established as a "grown up". Part of that expense was helping financing my girlfriend's move from PA to Dallas, establishing a home for us and the dog, and covering all bills for the 6 months it took to find her a dream job. She worked in mental health and I became a full time teacher. Both rewarding careers in everything but financial areas ;)

Well anyway, I now that we're on good ground and still going well, I asked her a super important question after a fancy dinner downtown, and she said yes! Well, actually managed to get out a quiet yeeehh before the excited crying and what not. So now a year or so of checking out venues, tasting cake, and hopefully drinking wine before the conversations with out of town family. But we're all super excited and I wanted to share it with y'all.

Now all I have to do is convince her to let us register at Powder Valley and try and trick my family into getting "us" a Les Baer UTC as a wedding present!

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will be 10 years on Thursday,

May you always be happy and never go to bed mad at each other, always keep the lines of communication, open though it sounds like you have that covered

as for the Les Baer, well you might be on your own for that one but good luck there also

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Congrats! I will buy all the shooting stuff she is going to make you sell as soon as you say I do!


Hey let's not jump to conclusions here....maybe she can be persuaded to do a little shooting too!


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Congratulations!!!! I got married on December 28th to the best woman who ever lived (don't tell her I said that). Here's proof! post-41423-0-85717800-1396366483_thumb.p

I admire the fact that you did the fiscally responsible thing by selling your stuff rather than dig yourself into debt. If you stay that way you have a much better chance at having a peaceful marriage. God bless you both!!!

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haha yeah it's exciting and scary and whatnot all the same. Last night I made her promise if I die first she won't sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them. She said why would she sell them, she shoots most better than I do

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A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds. (or guns) I know my wife has made me a better person and I hope you can say the same after 10, 20 , 30 years.

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