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Quick! I need a book...!


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Gotta do that hospital thing next Monday and need to bring rejuvenating reading matter. Nothing light or foo-foo, please. Just bought Robt. Ludlum's The Sigma Protocol but will likely pass on Sum of All Fears--for now. Looking for a second book to bring.

Any outstanding suggestions...? (thanx!) :)

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I don't know what you think is light or foo-foo but "Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson is a cool little sci-fi novel.  It deals with the concept of language as programming in a very unique manner and has a fun near future setting to boot.  You just have to love a book with a main character named Hiro Protagonist!  

Just a thought.

I hope your hospital stay goes well.


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Sci-fi is definitely not foo-foo. Was raised on sci-fi and love it. Concept sounds right down my little alley. If anyone happens to log on here as "Hiro" I'll know why.


I'll look into yours, too.  Thanks!

Hospital thing should be OK. I'll just be dry-firing a bit for a while until I can weasel a ride to the range.

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Clancy is good for taking your mind off of your troubles, but Sum of All Fears is anything but light.

I am impressed by The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold.  She is an accomplished Sci-Fi author.  This one catagorises as fantasy, which might invoke your Foo Foo prohibition.  Great charactors, story, hard to put down.

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Any of the Vorkosigan series by Lois McMaster Bujold would be a good choice, except if laughing is going to hurt don't read "A Civil Campaign."  I thought my relationships were crazy until I read that one.

Elizabeth Moons'  "Winning Colors", "Hunting Party" or "Sporting Chance" are also pretty good.

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Thanx to all of you for solid recommendations in reading. Will research them all. Was going to save a last-minute post for Sunday, but will do it here for those who missed a passing mention in some other post recently:

Flex--It's hip replacement surgery.   Very badly needed. It's one of the reasons I haven't engaged in moving-about outdoor shooting competitions or exercises yet. Yes, it WILL render me unable-to-go-shooting for just a short while (lots of dry-firing real soon), but will just get through it and carry on later. You can count on me sneaking back to the range as soon as I can.  I'll live. Probably the worst part will be boredom and enforced inactivity. I'm an "A" type and tend to expedite life in rapid-fire every day. Obviously December will offer book-reading time... hence the request for suggestions. They all sound great!

Worse yet, I'll be away from the Internet for maybe 3-4 days (perhaps to the delight of some of you, however) even though the hospital's assured me there's public access to computer on the 4th floor orthopedic. I imagine I'll find a way to weasel some computer time before I come home (I've perfected diplomatic whining and usually get good results). I'll be "in" five days.

(Oh, and "foo-foo" means light-duty little romance novels and such.)

(Edited by SiG Lady at 7:58 am on Nov. 21, 2002)

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  • 12 years later...

Try "The Forgotten 500". The true story of of over 500 US airmen who were all but abandoned in Yugoslavia during WW2. Reads like a suspense novel but it's true.........and why Hollywood has missed this story.

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Hopefully Siggy is out of the hospital by now. I don't think insurance would pay for a 13 year stay. Now that's a great Sci-fi story. She goes in for a routine hip replacement and 13 years later she wakes up to find................?! :roflol:

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Wow, talk about dredging up ancient history!!! But, FYI, I did go in there with Snow Crash, and the rest is history, book-wise. I read several more by Stephenson after that, not to mention Allan Steele. In fact one of our regular book donors to the Jail just donated (among others) Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson. What an incredible book THAT was!

Flex's suggestion of the Brownell's catalog was, well, original. :P

Anyway, that was my FIRST hip replacement. Now I'm trying to recall which book I brought for the SECOND hip replacement a few years later.

Yes, wouldn't that be weird if all this was some kind of a dream since 2002 . . . ? :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

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