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2005 Area 5 Dates

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I will tell you what we are up against. Sponsors dont want a one day match and refuse to sponsor a one day match. They say the shooters shoot & scoot and they dont get any exposure for their sponsorship. We still have the ability to change the format. I know we wont be doing any shoot it all in half day(or as it turned out 2 full days in one) formats since I just got back from a match with that format and we were shooting until 8:45 and the Ro's got whipped. Even though it was a good match with some cool stages. Just too much in one day for me.

Is there anybody who likes the 2 day format besides me? One where you can relax for part of the day, have dinner with freinds and not be worn out shooting your second set of stages? I am taking input and then will decide what we will end up with.

There are still several matches that use a multiday format. Florida Open, Area 6, Area 4 and I am sure others. So the format is not weird. In fact I wanted to have it where you shoot half a day each day so you have time to do other things. I believe that is so much better than having to shoot every other hour and stay out on the range all day like other formats have you do. I figured the format we have currently was the best way to satidfy everybody. If you want to shoot in one day then there is Friday.

An Area match is an event, more so than a state match. I would expect a state match to be one day but an Area doesnt have the same atmosphere if it isnt multiday. Bottom line if nobody stands up for the 2 day format then I will consider changing to a one day and forego the sponsorships. If we have some of both then we might do a mixture of the two formats.

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Chuck Bradley

There are still several matches that use a multiday format. Florida Open, Area 6, Area 4

Chuck, I can see your point about the sponsors and I'm sure there are people who would like the 2 day format, but for me and the guys I shoot with (probably not the guys who will win the prizes anyway) it just takes up too much time and expense. We would normally drive down on Friday since most of the guys cannot get off work for the whole day and shoot the next day and be back home by Saturday evening. Would not want to spend the next night after shooting about a 1/2 day of shooting on Saturday.

We have shot Garcia's whole match on Friday but we were on vacation for the week before. It was a long day, but only because the squads were way too big 14-15. Even then there were down times of up to 2 hours between stages. If you have only 8 people on a squad you should be able to shoot 5 stages in 2-3 hours.

This brings up the other potential problem which is 2 day matches usually require big squads which many people do not like (I for one). It just takes too long to shoot a stage or get up to shoot.

I really don't know how this wears out staff more if they are servicing the same number of shooters. I also don't understand the vendors objection when there is always time to go through a vendors tent even when you shoot the match in one day. I know I always find the time. Maybe you know this better having been on the circuit.

I know I couldn't do a 2 day match as it just doubles all the expenses and logistics. I'm sure, though, that there will be a lot of competitors that will like the format.

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I have only been to a few USPSA matches in recent years. It seems like the vendors shut down when the shooting stops instead of waiting around for the shooters to get a soda then spend money. :(

This is also a pet peeve of mine with stores. I have a day job and work from 8 AM til 4:30 PM. Guess when the stores are open. :wacko: And they wonder why people shop at the mall and online instead of local. :huh:

Bill Nesbitt

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I haven't been to a major match yet that had more sponsors or vendor booths that I couldn't visit in a lunch break or after the match while the scores are being tallied. Frankly, I come to shoot. Sponsors are nice for taking the burden off the club and I can certainly appreciate that; however, I almost never buy anything at a major match that I can’t find cheaper online.

I can also appreciate folks that are volunteering their time to stand in the hot sun all day so that I can have a blast not wanting to do it for a full day. If it works better for the "home" club I say do it...whichever way is better for them. Just know that whatever way you plan it not everyone will like it. I think the draw would be better for a one-day format, logistically speaking, for most shooters (hotels, meals, etc.).

For example, we’re planning to shoot the IDPA Nationals then come up to the Area 5. We’re shooting all day Thursday so we can make the Area 5 and had planned to shoot it all on Saturday and come home Sunday. But whatever way it works out we’ll be there!

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Sponsors are nice for taking the burden off the club and I can certainly appreciate that; however, I almost never buy anything at a major match that I can’t find cheaper online.

Couple of things on this....

First, remember that without sponsors you will not see as many matches, and certainly not of the quality that people expect.... :(

Second, you may want to consider convenience, shipping, Hazmat, etc.... :huh:

I'm as sensitive as the next guy to getting a good deal, but when it comes to this stuff, I try to buy something off the vendor tables at every match I attend (even if it costs more than online). They support our sport, and there are plenty of shooters that will say that they 'saved their match' when they needed something immediately (in other words, the online vendors weren't there)....

Please don't take this wrong, but I strongly believe that we need to support those that support us.... ;)

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I already see in Brians poll that the majority of shooters want a one day match. So I have already sent the webmaster a new application that includes a one day shoot for Saturday and Sunday. We will try to accomodate everybody. The earlier the application the more likely you will get what you want. I assume Saturday will fill fast.

We will loose a major sponsor. We will also loose some free RO hotel rooms due to less people booking rooms. We will also make less money on the food concessions. Since it is a cash payback match all these added expenses will reduce the cash payback. But for 100.00 what can you expect? The big prize matches are getting 150.00-275.00 a head. I guess if everybody saves 75.00 for a room and meal then they are that much ahead of the game.

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I agree with everything you said. I just never seem to find the guy at the match with Federal primers for $14.00/k :P

Or, Smith and Wesson, showing up to the IDPA Nationals without a single IDPA-legal revolver....DUH :wacko:...but that's a rant for a different thread.

Chuck, do what is right for the club and USPSA. If you hold a two-day match you'll still draw shooters...just a different crowd. :D

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Chuck, just a suggestion, but you may have to be Solomon here. Having some people shoot in a 1 day format and some in a 2 day format is very problematic. The people who want to shoot in one day will have their day extended substantially by mixing in the 2 day squads to the point that you could have some of the "shoot until dark" stuff happening. The 2 day shooters will take a long time to shoot their 5 stages. At that point you will have teed off both groups.

It's probably best to go one way or the other. Whichever you choose. I don't think there will be any grudges just "see you next year."

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I thought Area 4 had a good thing going with both one or two-day options. We like the 2-day since it's easier on you, but the one-day shoot-n-scoot fiends get their fix in too.

NB, we also bought stuff from the vendors there even though we knew we could get it cheaper online-- nothing like getting it then and there, plus if we don't support them, they won't support us :(. However a few of the mail-order vendors were helping out too.. the prize I picked was from one of them. It takes both kinds.

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Paul , I have a plan. We will have to control online squadding by opening only a couple for each time slot at a time. We can adjust as the demand warrants. there will be no mess. I did a mixed suqadding at Ky state and it worked just fine. The 2 day slots shoot straight through as if it was a one day slot just at the break its a different squad.

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We will loose a major sponsor. We will also loose some free RO hotel rooms due to less people booking rooms. We will also make less money on the food concessions. Since it is a cash payback match all these added expenses will reduce the cash payback. But for 100.00 what can you expect? The big prize matches are getting 150.00-275.00 a head. I guess if everybody saves 75.00 for a room and meal then they are that much ahead of the game.


What kind of dipstick sponsor is this? If I'm at any match of any length I visit the sponsors. If they have something I want, I buy it. Do they seriously think that if I'm there two half days instead of one full day I'll be any more inclined to make a purchase? If it's a two day match I can guarantee that I won't buy anything because I'll be some 400 miles away. And it's not just me that won't be there - there's three other guys that won't be coming with me. You'll definitely make more on food concessions with a one day format. If I'm shooting PM, I'm eating before the match. If I'm shooting AM I'm eating after the match. The only way I'm eating at the range is if I'm trapped there all day. I don't know if there would be more rooms booked with a two day match or not. I do know that there would be two less rooms on Saturday night if it is a two day match.


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I have only been to a few USPSA matches in recent years. It seems like the vendors shut down when the shooting stops instead of waiting around for the shooters to get a soda then spend money.  :(

This is also a pet peeve of mine with stores. I have a day job and work from 8 AM til 4:30 PM. Guess when the stores are open.  :wacko: And they wonder why people shop at the mall and online instead of local.  :huh:

Bill Nesbitt

I work grave yard shift off at 0700 (if not working overtime) other than wally world, not much else is open, NO gun shops before 1000, that's my problem

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I am copying a post I made on the poll thread about the Area 5. I think it is really relevant to this thread so here it is.

Thanks Brian for doing the poll. I have already decided to offer both formats like we did at the kentucky state. Except instead of doing a saturday afternoon and sunday moringing it will be both mornings or both afternoons. Although the sat aft/ sun morn was popular it made the sat morn and sun aft. totally undesireable. So we have to balance them out to have room for everybody.

Also we do have rooms blocked at the days in for 42.99. If you want a newer place the ramada limited is 64.00. You can check it out at


To be sure you get a one day schedule you need to get your application in ASAP. We are going ot try and give everybody what they choose but there may be a point where we have to cut it off. Rob Boudrie is working on the online squadding to accomodate the different formats.

At Ky state we had 10 stages and chrono for 11 time slots in one day. We will be doing 11 stages and chrono but the chrono will be done immediately following a short stage. I saw this at Area 7 and it worked great. Immediately following you shooting the stage you walk over and chrono. As long as the stage was short & sweet it will work and thats what i plan on doing at Area 5.

The stages should be posted as soon as we get approval on them.

It will be about 240 rounds, some tough shoots, not too many, and some hoser stuff. I am trying for a balance. But my idea of balance is leaning towards the hoser stuff. The key word we are looking for is "Fun". Thats why we do this in the first place, right?

I am also going to work on having a hospitality suite at the hotel. Dont know if it will develop. A keg, maybe fosters, and munchies with scores posted. Might think twice about the one day format.

We do need some CRO's and RO's. Please email me and I will put you in contact with the RM. CRO and RO's shoot free on Thursday. 3 nights of shared rooms. A nice RO prize table held at the end. To show appreciation for your hard work. The biggest requirement is that you be Shooter Friendly!

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  • 4 weeks later...

We are using it. Rob is supposed to be changing the program to allow us to label each squad with descriptions or shoot schedule. Since we are accomodating both shoot schedules , all in one day or 2- 1/2 days we needed to be able to decipher between the two. Rob may even be done. I am working on the matrix so we can number and label the squads for the online squadding.

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