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New IDPA Rules


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I recently went to an IDPA match and they are already using the new rules. My questions is this, what do you think about the new rule that you can't reload and move while behind cover, you have to stay stationary? I, personally do not agree with this and just think about this possibility: you are behind a wall and shooting at a perk from the left and suddenly you run out of ammunition and the perk starts moving to the right of the other side of the wall, you must reload. Oh but wait, I can't move and reload so I have to stand still in the mean time the perk is moving to the right side and comes around and guess what happens to me????? IDPA is supposed to be a defensive organization and to me that isn't defensive. Any comments...... Oh by the way I got a procedural for moving...ops...

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

+1, I have been hearing and reading similar statements daily, even last evening, when my wife (and partner in shooting) read the revisions, she said the same thing. yes, we recognize it is a game, with rules, however some rules will enhance it and other rules will be a detriment.

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Heck its a game and they wanted to make it like another game - basketball. You can take one step as long as you don't move your pivot foot, otherwise it is traveling and you get a procedural. All kidding aside, who cares? Its a game, you play by the rules of the game. It never was realistic anyway as the targets don't shoot back at you.

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It is a game, but there are ways to make it more enjoyable, and some that don't……..that said, we like playing it and will find creative advantages in those rules, all in all, who cares, it is the trigger time …………….

+1...don't like the new movement rules, or the loss of the tac/retention reload... but as long as I'm seeing a red fiber dot in the middle of some brown, I'm happy.

And no, this isn't a poop joke.

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"+1...don't like the new movement rules, or the loss of the tac/retention reload."




Can you explain what you mean by your comment regarding loss of the tac/retention reload?  



With round dumping legal, there is really no need for that skill...at least in the capacity in which it was used before the rule change. There might be very few occasions which it can be done and be an advantage on a stage, but very few.

Now you can just drop 3 shots on the hardest target on the array before your reload, slide lock reload, and be on your way.

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And it sucks because it was one gun handling skill that set IDPA apart from USPSA.

I am a new shooter, but quickly became very involved in the volunteering aspects of our local matches. If it weren't for my promise to help set up and run the next Tri-State Championship, I wouldn't renew my membership.

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"Round dumping no longer exists as both an act, a word definition/description, or a penalty. In a Vickers Stage a shooter is allowed to shoot at any target until they are satisfied with their score on that target. Forget the term "Round Dumping". It has died and gone to Heaven. The only people using the trem "Round Dumping" anymore are Dinosaurs.

Does it negate the use of a TAC/RWR? Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on the COF.

But, on some COFs it does open the door to another fun term " HOSE FEST!"

I recently shot a IDPA club match where the COF had you start seated, fire 6 rounds stong hand only through a small window at three targets, then get up and run 10 yards down range to a barricade where you engaged three more paper targets -- but, on the way from P1 to P2 you had to engage a 15 yards popper "on the move"

Shooting SSP (11 round start) I didn't break stride or slow down for the popper. I ran full speed. I HOSED it with five and knew at least one would hit (actually two did, and there is no Rule against double tapping steel on this range)... and since I was in the open and moving to cover and ran dry in the open, the new Rules allowed me to reload as soon as I ran dry while moving to cover. I hit the next shooting position "locked & loaded".

It was FUN!. The new HOSE FEST Rule actually got me to put down my SSR revo and go back to a 11-shooter. I just have to spend more time at the reloading bench :roflol:

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I recently shot a IDPA club match where the COF had you start seated, fire 6 rounds stong hand only through a small window at three targets, then get up and run 10 yards down range to a barricade where you engaged three more paper targets -- but, on the way from P1 to P2 you had to engage a 15 yards popper "on the move"

That was not an IDPA legal stage.

The only time you can engage a target on the move is if you start in the open.

Rule 3.6 page 12, says you may not cross any doorways, windows or open spaces without engaging the targets first.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Reading these discussions and watching the Bs at matches, one thing is painfully oblivious why Arkansas is not the financial Capitol of the U.S. Actually some of these new rules and the poor messaging from hq makes it impossible to avoid this thing called tribal rules.


The sport broke away from an iron fist only to become another one. Sounds a lot like IPSC these days.

Or the warlords in Africa.

What's the old cliche? When in Rome, do as the Romans.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was FUN!. The new HOSE FEST Rule actually got me to put down my SSR revo and go back to a 11-shooter. I just have to spend more time at the reloading bench :roflol:

For a guy who has been telling anybody that would listen how you're leaving IDPA, IDPA is bad, I'll never shoot it again, I'm out of here, you sure do shoot a lot of IDPA for some reason.

Self abuse by caliber?


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It was FUN!. The new HOSE FEST Rule actually got me to put down my SSR revo and go back to a 11-shooter. I just have to spend more time at the reloading bench :roflol:

For a guy who has been telling anybody that would listen how you're leaving IDPA, IDPA is bad, I'll never shoot it again, I'm out of here, you sure do shoot a lot of IDPA for some reason.

Self abuse by caliber?


Nope, just local club matches with friends I've made over the years. Those are still fun. As for traveling to sanctioned matches and spending a lot of money to experience unconsistent and even incompetent officicating? No thanks. I'm done with that.

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Nope, just local club matches with friends I've made over the years. Those are still fun. As for traveling to sanctioned matches and spending a lot of money to experience unconsistent and even incompetent officicating? No thanks. I'm done with that.

OK, I can see that. It makes sense.


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