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spun my truck


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I spun my truck on the freeway on-ramp leaving the match today. The area had its first significant rainfall in many months. I wasn't hard on the gas or anything, I just felt it start to get a little loose, began to countersteer, then I was beyond saving it and it went around. I ended up facing oncoming traffic in the slow lane. Man, I got back on the gas and U-turned back into the on-ramp quick! I'm so lucky it happened in a break in traffic. A couple on-ramps later, I was letting the adrenalin subside when a Ford F-150 entered and began sliding on the entrance.

Being in a 3700 pound hockey puck sucks. I used to think only morons spun out on on-ramps during the first rain. Now I'm not sure about that, or I may be one of those morons. It could have something to do with all the tanker trucks entering the freeway from the refineries.

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The first rain after many months is almost always dangerous. Lots of gunk builds up on the road surface and the first rain turns this stuff into slime. Stuff like tire rubber, various petroleum compounds, dirt, and who knows what else is really slick when mixed with the right amount of water. A good hard rain will eventually wash this slime off.

Did you notice how the spray from the other vehicles that hit your windshield was not clear? That wasn't just Reno dirt but lots of other crap too.

So, you weren't a moron unless being on the freeway right after the first rain qualifies you. Heck, you move out of Kali...that shows you aren't a moron right there. :P

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Gah, the "first rain" is a killer most ANYWHERE. Breaking away on a hydroplaning surface can happen at any moment... then it's too late. Had one of those last week for a moment during a heavy rain after weeks of no rain. Zip! Eek!

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Hey folks, don't take this the wrong away, but where do you live so I can avoid you :huh:. Last time I spun a car I was 17 and driving a Mitsubishi Starion with way to much torque (for me at 17) attached to a rear wheel drive and I floored it in a turn on ice.

I suspect part of it is all that nice weather that makes you forget about driving in crumy weather. Come on over to New Jersey where if it isn't raining you wish it was, as the humidity couldn't be any higher. We drive like idiots too, but I don't see many (adults) spining out. I really hope that Kimel is right and that there is a build up problem, otherwise I don't know what to think of you folks :unsure:


PS: As per government regulation I disclose that this posting contains 37% sarcasm and 25% attempted humor. However it is not a significant source of either and it should not be counted towards your daily value

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Sounds exciting and reminds me that there's a reason why I will not ride my bike for at least a week following the first rain after a dry spell ... and it had nothing to do with not wanting to get wet.

CA road surfaces are deadly for a couple of days, especially where there's lots of truck traffic.


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I usually haul ass around this ramp, testing the limits of dry traction, trying to match the speed of the traffic. But today it was damp, not wet, no road spray, no wipers needed. OK, short round spun, I spun, and I witnessed somebody half-spin. Bad juju on the roads today.

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About a year ago, I had a car spin out in front of me on a 180 degree off ramp. It just started raining, but dumbass was on his cell phone. At no time did he ever put the cell phone down. Just took his time to slowly get the car straighten out, all while talking on the cell phone.

It doesn't take much to spin a rear wheel drive truck. You have no weight on the back end and lots of power. Of course if you were driving a fwd or awd sedan, only you can do is get on the power and put it either into understeer or a nice 4 wheel drift.

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Oh man.. I was really careful on the onramp today, hearing that Short Round spun makes me happy I didn't gas it around the big loop I use to get onto 80.. though when I hit the gas on the straight, I thought I felt it maybe start to peel out.. Ugh, I hate the first rain of the season. Glad you're ok Erik.


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I'm OK but I have a new brown streak on the upholstery. Your mudders must be horrible in the rain.

For winter, I'm keeping a couple bags of sand or something over my rear axle. Or one of my STIs!

I hope Indiana James made it home safe from the Arizona 400.

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Eric, I really feel for you and the rain except that our rain was of the solid variety yesterday and the snow level is down to 4000 feet. Before you moved did the locals tell you about snow, so it may be necessary for you to learn new skills that weren't needed in Kalifornia. Not a good idea to use cruise control on snow either like I tried.

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A couple on-ramps later, I was letting the adrenalin subside when a Ford F-150 entered and began sliding on the entrance.

Being in a 3700 pound hockey puck sucks. I used to think only morons spun out on on-ramps during the first rain. Now I'm not sure about that, or I may be one of those morons. It could have something to do with all the tanker trucks entering the freeway from the refineries.

I spun the Jeep this morning on the way to the match. It was kinda fun.

Of course, you could just buy a Chevy and not worry about it. My Tahoe loves the slop!!! :D


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Impossible? Let me or short round drive.

Graywolf, see the recent pictures I posted in "my new address" in the Gallery. The Moron of the Day was in a Land Rover (that new small one) in a snow bank, spinning tires with CHP and a tow truck near. (Maybe that baby Rover has an open center diff, too, and he doesn't know to lock it?) Too bad I didn't snap a pic.

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But soon all of this fun will be over in this country because left-wingers in our city councils are planning a ban on SUV's like Land&Rangerovers, Porsche Cayennes, Tahoes, GMC's PU's etc.

In several cities it's already forbidden to park these cars in the innercities. :angry::angry:

If cars...what about my guns... :angry::angry:


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