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So what's the final call on load2/4 vs weak hand/strong hand reloa

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I usually go both load 2 strong hand as well as weak hand from the caddies. Which I choose depends on the stage and the amount of shells I need to load. If I have to load several shells I do the load two. If I just have to load a couple shells the I usually go weak hand as it's quicker than turning the gun to load a couple shells.

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If Jesse, is right then why are some people still winning matches the old way.(weak hand loading)? The load two and the quad loads look fast but how many times in a match do you load more than five to six shells.

Who is winning major matches loading weak hand? There maybe a few last year. Burton Thompson won Rocky Mountain but he's now working with dueces or quads, Garcia won a pro match using weak hand but he's working with the new stuff too. Nils won Nationals. And Daniel wins every one he enters loading strong hand. That's not even 1/3 of the majors.

Who won all four shotgun matches last year and how did they load?

Edited by Jesse Tischauser
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Limited Nationals was won by a weakhand loader, beating one of the original deuce/ Quad guys. Tarantactical still weakhand loads as do several other folks who seem to do fairly well. Midwest was won by weakhand loaders in both iron and optic. Of the "4" shotgun matches last year how many were attended by good weakhand loaders? The ones I was at in Europe two were won by weakhand and a nice 3rd in another. Don't miss, don't drop to many shells and practice is much more important than how we juggle shells into the gun!

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I won the manual division at Benelli Rockcastle loading weakhand.

Of course I also came in 5th at Pan Am behind 3 guys I beat at the Benelli match. So I'd say it had a lot more to do with shooting than loading. And a little to do with movement too, since there was very little of it at Pan Am.

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Quad loading is faster when done right but a good weak hand loader can mostly keep up. I think everyone can agree with that.

That alone however is not why dual and quad loading are gaining some much traction; it's because the time and effort it takes to learn to load reasonably fast with dual or quad is significantly less than the time it takes to master weak hand loading. The effect then is it has closed the loading gap between the best shot gunners and everyone else so now it can be more about shooting fast and not missing than just about loading.

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I agree. I typically do well on the all shotgun stages and against open guys, while using my pump. I'm a terrible weak hand loader and only mediocre at load 2. I practice reloading at home and on the range I focus on shooting well. I tend to focus a lot on stage break down, foot work, not making too many mistakes and above all... don't miss too much. Focus on doing things right the first time and you don't have to waste time fixing your mistakes. It's true that a power house who is faster at reloading and able to execute well will beat me every time, but in a game of percentages, consistency generally pays off on the leader board.

Edited by co-exprs
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This new loading system is just taking hold in the top levels. I can't wait to see who wins what this year and what they are using to load with. Heck the way things are evolving right now I can't wait to see what we are using next year.

Loading doesn't win matches the fastest time does. You still gotta shoot. You still gotta move. Sometimes you gotta get lucky too.

If you chose not to learn a super simple loading technique that will shave precious seconds off of your times I don't know what to tell you. I can tell you that there is not a tip I can give or a technique I can teach you that will cut your times at any skill in half with a just few hours of practice. Loading Quads or Dueces has cut my reloads in half. Simple as that.

Edited by Jesse Tischauser
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I haven't tried quad loading yet, don't have the gear, but I've been practicing loading 2 from a Taccom 8 shell caddy and for me it's much easier load weak hand rather than strong hand. I see most guys loading strong hand, though, so I wonder if it's worth working on getting better that way or just stick with the weak hand dual load which already works well for me.

I guess, what I'm saying is, is it worth it to be ambidextrous with loading or just stick with what works?

Edited by iswope
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I have had two stages where a strong hand load gave me the option to shoot the stage in a more fluid fashion, so I did, and it saved me some time. The first time (SMM3G 2011, stage 5) I tried a strong hand load in a match not having practiced it, cost me a good 4 or 5 seconds. Won't make that mistake again. I even do a traditional weak hand load at a local match here and there just to make Kurt and Trapr happy. :roflol:

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Guys I have never said duces or quads were a bad way to load, and yes it is easier to learn and yes you can get good much easier, but I still think that as long as you don't miss and don't drop many shells and practice whatever way you load you will do just fine. This isn't the " New" system you all think it is, the German teams have been dropping duces since at least 2001, and the first quad loads I saw was in Greece in 2006. It can be darn fast, but it isn't a panacea for PRACTICE!!!

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of course its NEW Kurt, it didn't exist until those of us in the US made it happen, just like the "NEW" untested and unproven Beretta 1301. what you saw in Europe can't be done here, it wasn't the same thing, those Germans, and Serbians you saw weren't doing this at all!!!

Oh Im sorry, I didn't lead with, "this is SARCASM",.......................


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I think you're all saying the same thing, just not with the same tone/verbiage.

All methods could win you a match if you shoot fast and don't miss.

For a relatively new shooter like me, deuces/quads is faster and easier to learn, BUT I still practice weak hand loading and keep caddies in my range bag. Right now I have caddies for every method, and my Qualoads are set for BOTH weak and strong hand. You wouldn't ONLY practice offhand shooting and never consider reverse kneeling with your rifle when a barricade is available, right?

I've been playing with positions, mock stages, and so on.....each method has major drawback in certain scenarios. Weak hand deuces/quads becomes and easy way to catch your barrel on a wall or obstacle if you have a tightly packed stage with walls/halls/doors.

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for maximum versatility I load strong hand load two and weak hand. If the stage invovles movement to the right, or prone, I get the load two off my right hip out of the way first, movement to the left and I'll weak hand load.

I haven't drunk as much cider or moonshine as some contributors, though I am working on that, so belt space is still at a premium.

With that combination of techniques I can carry 32 rounds easilly on my svelt frame and on the range I don't seen much difference in overall time using either technique


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  • 7 months later...

I watched Daniel Horner quad load at the Pro Series today. It must be officially ok for use now.

Now the guy winning the matches with the old slow technique is using the new fast technique and we are screwed even more.

haha i was waiting for someone to post this, i noticed daniel horner with invictus quad caddies in one of Becky Yackleys photos on facebook. if he picks up a second per stage from this it will be huge lol and jesses point will be more valid than it already is

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