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Raw Fish


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I think all of you folk should continue to hate sushi ... 'cause it means more for those of us who do like it and it's hard to find enough good quality fish :P

Incidentally, if you've eaten in an "all you can eat place", that's more properly described as "rotting low quality raw fish" than sushi and I can certainly understand hating that :P

On the other hand, really fresh fish selected and prepared by someone who knows what they are doing is sheer extacy.

Given the delecate sensibilities displayed here, I probably shouldn't mention eating raw sea-urchin in the greek islands, picking them up of the ocean floor, turning them inside out and biting <censored - since there have already been enough hurling sounds in this thread>.

What I don't understand is how people can eat raw beef (Steak Tartar) <shudder!> (or cooked beef from my perspective but that is at least mainstream)



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Incidentally, if you've eaten in an "all you can eat place", that's more properly described as "rotting low quality raw fish" than sushi and I can certainly understand hating that  :P

There is an "all you can eat" place in Reno. It's not buffet style. Basically you keep ordering and they make it and bring it out to you. The only difference from a "restaurant" style place is that they only charge one price instead of keeping score for each order. Maybe we can arrange a trip.

What I don't understand is how people can eat raw beef (Steak Tartar) <shudder!> (or cooked beef from my perspective but that is at least mainstream)

:blink:  :wacko:

The only time in my life I've had Kobe beef, it was served sliced very thin and totally raw. WOw ... best beef I've ever had.

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$9.95 all-you-can-eat sushi place for lunch. We all eventually got sick, but, darn, it was cheap!

Durrr!!! All you can eat sushi is like every other oxymoron on the planet! When in doubt don't do it! Go to a restaurant.

If you're up for a challenge. Go for the blowfish. What is it, like 1 out of 10,000 die! Sweeeet! Salmon Skin and Spicey Tuna rule!!!


Alvin - Next time you're in Vegas, go to the Orleans. Incredible sushi!

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You must try the Uni. It's sea urchin if I remember correctly.

I have eaten a LOT of sushi that I really loved but I don't need to ever eat Uni again. The texture, which is like regurgitated baby food, and the color, pale baby shit, just don't sit right with me. The flavor was actually okay but the other two combined to make it a no-go for me.


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I would not eat sushi in a box.

I would not eat sushi with a fox.

I would not eat sushi near a mouse.

I would not let sushi in my house.

Just for the record Eric, sushi is the rice part. Putting flora or fauna, raw or cooked on it makes it a type of sushi. And it's all good! (fresh and properly prepared....) I like the quail egg on the tobiko for desert. :D

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Mmmm Unagi. I love that stuff. Being raised on a freshwater eel farm didn't have anything to do with it. BBQ is the best way to eat them.

Raw fish is nothing. What about the sicko's that eat monkey brains? The monkey is still alive and kicking underneath the table. Talk about nasty.

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As I said in the other topic, raw fish is wrong. Raw meat of any kind is wrong. Eating seaweed on purpose is wrong. It's all just so incredibly wrong that wrong isn't a strong enough word for how wrong it really is.

Yeah, I know what you mean Rhino. It's like that time I was driving through Boulder and saw two boys walking down the street a holdin' hands. You can't really describe it. But, somehow.... you just know it ain't right!

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If you're up for a challenge.  Go for the blowfish.  What is it, like 1 out of 10,000 die!

The ultimate in raw fish connoisseurship is blowfish liver. In Japan, you have to have a special license to prepare it, and eating it is still at your own risk, as you can't eliminate all the neurotoxins in the liver. Actually, the very brink is to have the liver prepared so that you just get a little tingle or numbness in your lips and tongue from what is left.

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You can get the same "fun" tingle from licking a Cane Toad (Bufo marinus). The toxin that these toads secrete from their parotid glands (the large glands on the sides of the head posterior to the ear canal) is extremely close to the toxin in blowfish. These are readily available in Florida, Australia, etc.

I mucked about with the toxicology of these toads for awhile as an undergrad. It isn't as bad as many of the other neurotoxins but it isn't fun. This one acts primarily on the respiratory system (same as the blowfish) so you get to turn blue and suffocate to death, slowly.

No thanks.

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You can get the same "fun" tingle from licking a Cane Toad (Bufo marinus).  The toxin that these toads secrete from their parotid glands (the large glands on the sides of the head posterior to the ear canal) is extremely close to the toxin in blowfish.  These are readily available in Florida, Australia, etc.

I mucked about with the toxicology of these toads for awhile as an undergrad.  It isn't as bad as many of the other neurotoxins but it isn't fun.  This one acts primarily on the respiratory system (same as the blowfish) so you get to turn blue and suffocate to death, slowly.

No thanks.

First, Kimel, I am not making fun of you.

[RANT]Dammit! Who is idiot enough to pick up a frog and lick it's head? Do you get negative IQ points for this one? Can you go negative for IQ? Or does it bottom out at zero like my scores in a match? I can't fathom what possessed the first one to lick a frog head, but I would be willing to bet it started with, "Hey, Ya'll! Watch this!" :huh: [/RANT]

I feel better now.

Yes, I realize Kimel said it's a toad.


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Luckily taste differs....

I don't like sushi, but I do like rollmops, raw oysters, raw fresh from the sand white mussel, raw fresh from the rock black mussel is OK, some seaweeds make very good tossed salads (greek or whatever....) :P

Raw beef (carspatio spelling???? sky????), biltong (half dried beef strips with spices), rohhack (fresh minced raw fillet with onions and black pepper), etc are really good :P

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Raw beef (carspatio spelling???? sky????)

Carpaccio ;)

(cars patio??? :blink: ) :lol::lol::lol:

But I wouldn't rule out Steak Tartare as well (with raw egg, of course)... :)

BTW, to everybody:

cooking any kind of food might prevent diseases and/or other unpleasant surprises, but, whether you like it or not, raw food is what has been eaten by all living forms on the earth for several million years, mankind included, until the discovery of fire...

...some of us still like that way of eating... :P

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