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US Nationals Results

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you are not alone brother..  :D

I think we should from a "team" and get t-shirts.

"Team Sira Ulo!"


hep, hep, hep!!! I wanna shirt, too!!!


too bad ogiebb had to give up his slot for the Nats bec. of the hurricane!

nah Doc i just blame the hurricane :wacko: but thanks to one of the BE forum member who offered the slot...my buddies who shot the nationals called me almost every night saying how great it was..and that just made me wanna go insane :wacko: im not making the same mistake of not going next year....congrats to all the winners!!! ;)

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Were the other 5 in the top 10 L-10 not worthy of mention? ;)

I had planned on leaving at noon but decided to stay for the awards, and I'm glad I did. TGO made great speach and I liked Max's aswell, quick and to the point. Watching Max and Eric go head to head for the next couple of years will be one hell of a show.

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Nik was right...Blake had his gun snag on a chase lounger on stage 12 when he got up...He didn't lock his ghost holster, and it came out when he launched himself from the chair to begin the COF...One of my buddies has it on video...not pretty. At least nobody got hurt. Still sucks though.


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my few observations from looking at the results, besides that the top finisher results were exactly "as expected":

1. The gap between Max and Eric has narrowed. Eric used to be so much ahead of everyone else that he could have left w/o shooting a few stages and still won. This year it was a "narrow" win by those standards...

2. Our own TT 2nd in Limited, whew! That military job must not be so bad after all...

3. Sevigny humiliates everyone in PD so badly that it's time for him to move into Limited and play with the big boys... :)


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We were all looking for you on the squad. What happened? Angus would have been closer if it wasn't for a few problems. Next year is going to be one hell of a match with the new people coming up and the people who are dedicated to the Division. It's not going to be a sure thing for Dave.


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There was a rumor floating around the range that on the last day Max could have gone-for-broke and come close to or beat Eric, or played it safe and ensured he was the US champion.

I have no idea of the truth of it, but my thoughts are that at a big, long match, you'd better be playing it somewhat safe unless you're already way out of the running and going for stage wins.

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Lee you shot a great match, glad to shoot with you, and will look forward to the next time. How is it I say................ YOU SO FASSSSSSSSSSSSSST!!!!!!

As for Max with the lay down, I don't see it happening, he wanted this match straight out more than anything, and in his own words:

"I'll be back next year to make this speech"


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my work imposed a vacation stop for the week because of Ivan playing havoc in the Gulf with our hardware there. Trust me, I was seriously depressed about it because it came last minute...

I think you have to have impeccable hardware to play this game at the top, sponsorship & dedication are necessary but alone will not do it.


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3. Sevigny humiliates everyone in PD so badly that it's time for him to move into Limited and play with the big boys...


I don't know if that's a knock on Dave, meaning that he can't hang with the Limited guys, a knock on me saying that I suck and only shot 85% of Dave, or both. I don't know you well enough to know how to take your comment. Either way, no worries. I know I didn't shoot a good match, but with 5 mikes and 2 no-shoots, I guess I should be happy with 4th. By the way, I think you were supposed to shoot with us, what happened?



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BTW what happened to Blake. Looked up his number and it said DQ???


Rumor has it that a prop (I think the loungechair on Stage 12) snagged his gun...

I was standing on the stage when it happened. It didn't hit the chair arm, he just jumped up so quickly that his unlocked Ghost holster let it go. It landed on the seat of the chair--talk about out running your gun. Sad to see it happen.


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God no, this is not meant as put down of Dave, just the opposite! He is SO good that he could kick butt in the more highly contested divisions. Remember that last year he nearly beat Todd J (the other one...) in L-10 with his PD DA minor gun in overall standing. And he beat TGO in his own division.

And I didn't mention anyone else by name. I guess if you wanted to be negative you could say that *he is SO good* means *everyone else is SO bad*. But really, that's not what I meant at all.

This was a positive post expressing admiration, don't try to read in what's not there.

Oh, and as to what happened, read higher up. Serious bummer... I would have been honored to shoot with you. Maybe some other time and place...


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my work imposed a vacation stop for the week because of Ivan playing havoc in the Gulf with our hardware there. Trust me, I was seriously depressed about it because it came last minute...


Sorry to hear that and I hope all is well now.

Sevigny humiliates everyone in PD so badly

BTW, I was jus trying to let you know how it sounded to me at first. It's all good! :D

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Hi Ya'll

I have a favor to ask. If anyone has any pictures of the ladies squad (including yours truly), can you email them to me? Or if they are high resolution, I'd be happy to drop a couple of bucks your way to cover the cost of a CD and postage. I stupidly forgot to bring either my camcorder or camera so I have not a single picture of the winning run.


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BTW what happened to Blake. Looked up his number and it said DQ???


Rumor has it that a prop (I think the loungechair on Stage 12) snagged his gun...

I was standing on the stage when it happened. It didn't hit the chair arm, he just jumped up so quickly that his unlocked Ghost holster let it go. It landed on the seat of the chair--talk about out running your gun. Sad to see it happen.


Troy is right. That is pretty much what happened. Time stoped when I went to draw the gun and all I had was a hand full of holster. The only good thing about the situation was that when I turned around the gun was pointed perfectly down range. That is the first time I have ever had problems losing the gun with that holster but I should have had it locked. With the great match that I was having, it is a big lesson that I had to learn the hard way. I like Troy and all but take it from me, you dont want him signing your stage score sheet,lol. The biggest bummer about the deal is I was told that I lost my spot on the limited US team for the World Shoot. :( Oh well, I'll try harder next time.

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The biggest bummer about the deal is I was told that I lost my spot on the limited US team for the World Shoot. :( Oh well, I'll try harder next time.

That is a major bummer and I hope there is a way around it. Any potential winner should be at the World Shoot. Hope it works out.

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Sorry to hear about your accident, Blake.

Even sorrier about the bummer...perhaps you could try and remember the powers that be that, at WSXII, the Burner was left out of the US Open Team due to the infamous squirrel accident, and this led to Philippines team winning gold medal, ahead of the US team, while the Burner placed better than every US team competitor, and with him in the team the US would have placed 1st?

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.... the Burner placed better than every US team competitor ...

Correction. Todd Jarrett, who came 2nd overall in Open Division with 1813.7624 match points, was the highest placed US Team member. Barnhart came 4th overall in Open Division with 1759.6352 match points.

Any potential winner should be at the World Shoot. Hope it works out.

There are two distinctly separate issues here. Being allocated a slot at the World Shoot from the US quota is one thing - being selected for the official US Team in a particular division is another.

In the first case, I can't imagine that Blake would be denied a slot however, in the second case, the US Team selectors are probably bound to use match results when selecting official team members. As you know, there's a lot of talent in the US, so the team selection process is extremely difficult.

Bottom line: Blake's DQ may cost him a place on the official US Team but, subject to USPSA approval, he can probably get a "pool" slot from the US quota if he wants one.

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Of course Vince is right...TJ placed highest US team member.

The fact remains that with the Burner as a team member, the US would have placed 1st instead of 2nd.

I think there is a lesson here to learn.

At last European Championship, Esterino Magli, despite a bad shooting season, was selected as Italy Standard team member against a teammate of mines, who shot wonderfully until the EC both in national and foreign competitions, and placed higher than Esterino in the trials. At the end of EC, Esterino shot way better than my teammate, allowing the Italian Standard team to score 2nd. Would my teammate have been in the team, they wouldn't have even placed 3rd.

Sometimes, human judgement works better than raw numbers.

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Sorry to hear about your accident, Blake.

Even sorrier about the bummer...perhaps you could try and remember the powers that be that, at WSXII, the Burner was left out of the US Open Team due to the infamous squirrel accident, and this led to Philippines team winning gold medal, ahead of the US team, while the Burner placed better than every US team competitor, and with him in the team the US would have placed 1st?

nah were just very good shooters :D EVen if they have superman with them we will still win :D:D:D

peace :P

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The biggest bummer about the deal is I was told that I lost my spot on the limited US team for the World Shoot. :(  Oh well, I'll try harder next time.

That is a major bummer and I hope there is a way around it. Any potential winner should be at the World Shoot. Hope it works out.

Not an official BOD statement, but my impression as one who was at the meeting when team selection criteria were put into place:

The board spent a good deal of time discussing team selection criteria, and it came down to a simple choices:

(1) Do we need an "objective" process, or one which provides a documentably fair mechanism for selection which removes "personal judgement calls"?

(2) If we go for "documentably fair", what formula do we use? If we go for "judgement calls", who makes them?

If we wanted to have a "winning team", with the minimal chance of the formula exclusing a potential winner because of a squirrel like incident, we would simply have someone who knows the players well pick the people - Michael Voigt, Rob Leatham and a few others could do a better job picking a "winning team" than any "formua". If this was a professional sports team with "owners" rather than "members", we would probably use that approach.

The problem with this approach is it places a few people in the position of deciding who to exclude ... and opens that person or committee and the organization up to protests from all those who would mkae another choice. Sure, the top 1 or two are easy picks ... but if you are selecting a team of "N" people, the call gets really tough when you are figuring out who is "last chosen" and who is "first not chosen".

Which all brings us back to a central question:

Is the team a group of people "hired" by the board to "win", or are team slots a prize to be distirbuted under rules set by the board, with "objective fairness" being a requirement for the selection process.

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