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2013 Nordic Components Tactical Shotgun Championship

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Excellent match! I can't say thank you enough to all of the people that made it happen, and to all of the absolutely generous sponsors! Last year I said if I can only shoot one match a year, this is it, and this year the same holds true - best match around!

I am still completely blown away by Mark Roth's spontaneous & generous gift of a minted out M2 to one of the junior shooters! Simply amazing!

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Thanks to everybody who made this happen. I emjoyed RO'ing the Tunnels and Load 8 stages. I had to give very few reminders for squads to reset which is rare.

Maybe Brian, Jomar, and Jay should have dueling trees on every stage next year?????..................maybe not.

Well this Captain and Coke sure went down fast and has eased the pain in my legs a tad, but its bed time.

See you at the range.

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I've had the pleasure of shooting all 3 of the Nordic Tactic Shotgun matches and each year they have gotten bigger and better. This match was awesome! I can't say enough good things about the RO's. They were happy, fair and fun to try to run and crawl away from. Jomar, Jay, Bryan, and Kevin killed it with the stages, scores, prizes, flow, etc. I can't wait for next year!

Huge thanks to Leupold for the new VX2 scope I won and to all the other great sponsors.

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I am still completely blown away by Mark Roth's spontaneous & generous gift of a minted out M2 to one of the junior shooters! Simply amazing!

This for sure was one of the classiest moves I've seen since being involved with the sport. Pure Win!! I'm sure Jaden will be rocking that shotgun for years to come.

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This shoot was a blast. The stages were challenging and required careful stage planning. The squad I shot in was excellent, both in shooting and resetting. I plan on coming back. I had fun and learned a lot.

The gas masks....... what can I say?

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I rarely comment on matches, but I have to say, this was a great match. The sponsor support was excellent. I picked up a nice scope off the prize table which was donated by Joe Bob Outdoors, and Joe Bob was standing right in the room, so I was able to go over and shake his hand and personally thank him for their support. I would have signed up on the spot for the 2014 match had registration been open.

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Wanted to compliment all the MN 3gun guys that put this on, what an awesome match. All the RO's were super friendly, fair and kept everything running smooth. I didn't sign up for this match until it was full but got on the waiting list and a few days before the match I got a call from Jomar and got in. I had the pleasure of shooting on squad 4 with an awesome group of guys and girls. When you get a great squad like that it makes the match just that much better, all the Nordic guys were great, the Zeppelin boys, the Joe Bob guys, the Paynes, Katie, everyone was super friendly and made for a great weekend. Even though I finished mid pack I still got some awesome prizes so Thanks to all the great sponsors too. Just started doing competitions this summer but this is a match I will do every year now - Thanks everyone - Brad

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Well the Nordic Components Tactical Shotgun Championships is in the books. I was very pleased with the feed back I received from many shooters at the match. It really made the match worth while.

Thanks to the Del-Tone-Luth Gun Range and their workers for being such a great host range, Jomar and Jay for basically doing everything, the RO's for the awesome job they did, Kevin for the prize table, the sponsors for filling that prize table with great products, and most of all thanks to the shooters for showing up for our match. Without the shooters there would be no match.

I know the match was not 100% perfect, and it would be basically impossible to make it so. But if any shooters happen to see this and has any constructive feedback, please send Jay, Jomar, or myself a PM with any critique that might make this match even better.

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I rarely comment on matches, but I have to say, this was a great match. The sponsor support was excellent. I picked up a nice scope off the prize table which was donated by Joe Bob Outdoors, and Joe Bob was standing right in the room, so I was able to go over and shake his hand and personally thank him for their support. I would have signed up on the spot for the 2014 match had registration been open.

Make sure you wash that hand real good. You never know where Joe Bob's had it! Lol!

This match is one of the best places to shoot with the guys that sponsor the matches. Nordic, XRail, Joe Bob, TACCOM, DPMS, Shooter's Source to name a few all in attendance. Great stuff!

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This was one of the most enjoyable matches I've shot. The RO's were excellent and did an incredible job of representing our state and our sport. I get the pleasure of shooting along side most of these men (and Dawn) at our local MN 3 Gun Group matches, and their exemplary professionalism and conduct is truly a part of their nature. I can't overstate how proud I am to be associated with these people in any capacity.

The match staff - namely Jay, Jomar (and Caleb), Kevin and Dad (Brian Payne), worked extremely hard before, during, and after the match. Between them and the RO's, I don't know of a better group of people to have running a match. Thank you to Jay and Jomar for setting up the match, designing stages, scoring the match, and making sure everything ran smoothly. Thank you to Kevin for hooking up the sponsors and putting together such a wonderful prize table. As for Dad, he did an excellent job as Range Master, and I know he put a lot of mileage on that Ranger putting out fires.

I would also like to thank my squad mates. Many of you I knew before this match, but some I just met for the first time. I want to thank you all for all your hard work in resetting, and for making this match so much fun. I'm sure that everyone else can say the same thing, but it is people like those men and women that I shot with that make this sport so special. I truly believe that no matter how well you do, how great your prizes are, or what awards you may win, the absolute best thing about this sport is the people. It is for this reason above all others that I will be coming back. Is 2014's registration open yet?

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Wow, I’m so glad this match is over, done, finished. I was so happy to get home, get a quality sit-down home-cooked meal with my family, and finally relax. I was so exhausted that my wife woke me up from my nap in the shower with the water running. I finally had a good quality conversation with my pillow, and I plan to have a couple more. Then I’ll be back at it again to begin preparations for next year’s match. As tiring as this weekend was with all the work that some with running a major match, it was also some of the most fun I’ve had.

There are so many people to give big thanks you to.

  • Nordic Components for their continued generous sponsorship and support. They provided so much equipment for both the actual match and the prize table. And thanks to Randy Luth and the Del-Tone/Luth Gun Range for providing us a home and support for this match.
  • Match Director Jay Schmitt. This match would not be possible without the dedication and hard work that Jay has put into it. The amount of time he put into the preparation for this match is unbelievable.
  • The Match Staff. Brian Payne was an excellent choice for our Range Master. His judgment calls on all the issues that came up were fair and just, regardless of whom the shooter was. Our group of Range Officers was specifically hand-picked for their dedication, reputation, and professionalism. They arrive to set up 14 stages two days before, shot a marathon 13 stages the day before, then worked straight throughout the match. All the while never losing their enthusiasm and energy. All of our staff are strong supporters of our sport and the MN 3-Gun Group, and we’re very fortunate to have them as our friends also. A big thank you to my best friend and son Caleb who assisted me with the painstaking task of sorting through and entering approximately 1, 694 individual score sheets.
  • The Match Sponsors. Jay and I wanted so much wanted for everyone who participated to win a prize worth over the amount they paid to get into the match. With all our great sponsors, I was amazed by their generosity and we we’re able to accomplish that and more. They made our prize table look absolutely amazing from the top prize to the last prize.
  • Prize Coordinator Kevin Roesner. From the time we planned this event and Kevin volunteered to be our contact point to all the sponsors, he worked very hard at it all the way through to the match. Between Kevin and Jay, their work paid off and the prize table was a testament to that.
  • Shane Zeppelin for maintaining our match website and providing us with the match booklets and score sheets. Thank you also to his daughter who put together each individual competitor bag with the booklet and score sheets.

All the thank you and handshake I received over the weekend seemed to indicate that the match went very well. We had a few hiccups here and there as any match would, but none made for a big issue. We tried to give everyone a little something different from stage to stage. We hope everyone liked the stages, or at least honestly hated it simply because the challenge it presented were more than you can handle. We welcome any feedback anyone may have.

One favor I ask of all of you, please take the time to send all the sponsors a thank you note. At the very least, send a simple thank you note to the sponsor who donated the prize you won. These thank you notes go a long way in keeping everyone motivated to keep on going.

The final scores are attached. Congratulations to our Champions who won the unique trophies provided by Nordic Components:

  • Tactical Division:
    • James Casanova – Champion
    • Rob Romero – 2nd Place
    • Mark Hanish – 3rd Place
  • Pump Division:
    • Patrick Kelley – Champion
    • Jansen Jones – 2nd Place
    • Ken Anderson – 3rd Place
  • Open Division:
    • Mark Roth – Champion
    • Duke Seibold – 2nd Place
    • Jesse Tischauser – 3rd Place
  • High Lady – Katie Harris (if someone has a video of Katie shooting stage 10 and giggling the entire time, please send it to me)
  • High Senior – Doug Steltzer
  • High Junior – Stone Dudley
  • High Military/Law Enforcement – Nathan Payne

Big congratulations to Jaden Roesner, our youngest and smallest participant at the age of 12. Mark Roth generously provided a competition-ready shotgun for a drawing between 3 first time junior shooters and Jaden’s name was drawn. Jaden shot this match with no expectancy to win and he finished 120th Place overall, so it was a gratifying moment to watch Jaden win this generous gift.

There it is. So I’m done now again. Time for me to continue that conversation with my pillow.

2013 TSC Final Scores - TACTICAL.pdf

2013 TSC Final Scores - PUMP.pdf

2013 TSC Final Scores - OPEN.pdf

2013 TSC Final Scores - COMBINED DIVISIONS.pdf

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Here is some HD video of the Noveske Shooting Team from the match. Thanks to Jomar, Jay, Brian, all the ROs and Staff as well as the Del-Tone Luth Range and all the sponsors for putting on what is consistently the most fun shotgun match in the nation, year after year.

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As an RO, I want to thank all the shooters who travel from far and wide to come shoot with us, especially the national pros. I'm as much of a fan of the sport as I am a competitor and its pretty cool to see NST, Jessie, PE Kelly, and Mark Hanish shoot live in person.

Mark's run on stage 5 was definitely a highlight ... most creative clay tossing technique of the weekend!

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How did Katie beat Blaise in Tactical but he beat her overall?

Simple match percentage calculations Mr. Dudley. In combined, the Open shooters often take the top rank and tip the scale of the match percentages as everyone else scored under them. When they are removed and you just calculate the scores from the top rank Tactical shooter, the split between them is not so much and the calculations changed pretty drastically. Your dad and Katie were so close in their total scores that one stage changing calculations can make a big difference. In this case, it did.

Edited by -=VILLAMOR=-
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Thanks! I was just wondering!

It was a valid question Mr. Dudley. It gets asked quite often when a combined division overall scores are posted.

Congrats on winning the High Junior Category and taking home that very unique award provided by Nordic Components.


Edited by -=VILLAMOR=-
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All this points and percentage stuff confuse my small brain! We all had a great time! I loved the Duck hunt stage! Coming from a hunting background that was really fun even though I missed a bird it was a great stage! Shooting with a gas mask on was a new experience for me you couldn't even get a cheek weld which made it difficult to hit the target running!

These stages really made you think!

The Prize table at this match was INCREDIBLE!!!!

The sponsor's really put a lot of great stuff out there!

Jomar when does 2014 registration begin?!?!?

Edited by stonedudley
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