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Joe Biden needs to know about Multi-Gun

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I'm worried that no one knows about the Sporting side of the AR-15 at all.

Just at my work everyone wants the gun banned. Then when I show them some videos of Multi-Gun competitions. They all say the same thing. They had no idea there were these kinds of competitions around & that they could see why I bought my AR.

We need Joe Biden to be aware of this Sport.

Does anyone know if this is being done ?

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Heck dude it's the same with USPSA. You think Open and Limited mags won't be banned? Even Production mags over 10 rounds will be on the chopping block again.

Not being political here. Just adding to the opinion that nobody who will make these decisions has a clue as to what sporting uses guns have.

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Write the President, Vice President, every member of Congress. Be polite, respectful, and let them know that you are a law abiding registered voter that uses firearms for these sporting uses. Show how they are used for sport, include high level overviews and information on our sports. The most important thing is to be respectful, remind them that you are a registered voter, and show some intellect in your letter.

By Pensfan, a former lobbyist and "washington insider" haha

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Why then can't they make an exemption for sporting gun owners with restrictions on transport etc. of competition guns and mags?

Restrictions on transport!! Don't give them any ideas or we won't be able to cross state lines to go to matches.

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If you read about other countries that have serious restrictions it seems there is a way for shooters that can prove they are part of an organized shooting sport to get things a little easier.

Then we would have 250 shooters at every match, with 90% of them not having a clue!

At least I would not be the only one sometimes! :goof:

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Please write and please make sure you are a member of the NRA.

Now, it is obvious that a couple of you guys are very young as Joe (I never met a gun I didn't want to ban) Biden has been a rabid

anti-gun zealot for is entire tenure in congress!

You ain't gonna change his mind, and frankly you aren't going to sway those WHO HAVE and are continuing to infringe on our rights.

This has been going one LONG before the 1994 AWB.

You want this to stop…then we must band together as ONE group of gun owners (not trap shooters or hunters saying F' the AR guys, who needs those) and fight. How???? Again though our rights a citizens. Write, assemble, donate and vote!

Before you buy one more item for shooting, buy a membership to the NRA or donate the price of a box of bullets, or a local match fee.

Why the NRA??? Because when the whining and name calling begins (it has) the NRA is THE outfit that the antis call out as the problem.


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Why then can't they make an exemption for sporting gun owners with restrictions on transport etc. of competition guns and mags?

That's exactly what so many of so many of my co-workers said to me after showing them some videos of Multi-Gun events. Even though nonentities ago they wanted a total ban on the AR. It was like magic. The tone of their voice even changed. They all said the same thing. That if you are involved in these compitions that there could be some exception made here. Even when it came to Hi-Cap mags. Many asked me if I would be willing to have them register them just like a gun. I know most people wouldn't like that, but I would.

I'm going try to bring this Sporting side to light

But the Major players of the 3 Gun World would be a Much Louder Voice

I work at a Hospital & in the last couple of days I've been in a couple hundred discussions about Banning the AR-15.

& every single time I enlighten them about the Competition side of this. Witch they are not hearing at all from anyone. There opinions start to change & they talk about exceptions. But talk about the AR as home protection gun & it's over. They ask me would you use yours for that. & I say no. I have a Shotgun for that so that the odds are that if I had to shoot there wouldn't be any danger to any one outside of my house. It' s like I gave them the biggest chill pill there is. They immediately see me in a good light.

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All of our senators need to know about the Sporting side of these guns. No one is talking about this at all in the News

Even the NRA didn't bring this up.

The NRA, as good as they are, are probably not as up to speed as you might think regarding our games. They support hunting and NRA sanctioned shooting for the most part on the sport side of things. Everything that is an NRA shooting event pretty much uses low capacity mags in low round count competitions.

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Usually with the Gun debate both sides are at such ends of the argument that it ends at a stale mate

But this time the ones in the middle just Saw 20 kids killed & are ready to go anti - gun. Just like Senators that stayed away from this issue. Now they are talking about things must change. & not for the good of gun owners

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Just in Life we pick our battles. On things that are important to us. What they are after here is the AR platform & the mags that make the Sport go round. The rest of the United States is on the verge of being like California. I'm not putting 3Gun above our the 2nd ammentemt . & it doesn't look like they are either. They are after what I enjoy. & that's what I'm fighting for.

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From what I have heard it seems that most of the TV shows which portrayed our sport in a positive light on non-premium channels have been canceled. 60 Minutes did an editorial on how all shooters who go to ranges are essentially a mass murder waiting to happen. The ant-gun crowd (including several who are still in office who helped write the 1994 AWB) has been waiting for this opportunity. I would not be surprised to see demonstrations at some of the larger matches soon.

We all have to band together and work with each other to help preserve whatever we can and lessen our demonization. USPSA is a blip on the radar. We really need to play up the benefits of USPSA, the facts that USPSA members are responsible gun owners and not mass murderers, have our LE/Mil/Public Safety members talk about their experiences. I am a NRA member and I have already communicated with my representatives.

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Just so you know, I serve on the NRA Sports Shooting Committee and they are aware and support 3-Gun. We talk about 3-Gun at every meeting.

They are starting with 3-Gun .22 events (with AR style .22 rifles because of the cost of targets and finding ranges for the .223 or .308's.)

Just this month, they held a .22 3-Gun match at the NRA range for their employees!

I'm sure the NRA is just finding the right way to approach it. About 7 years ago, the NRA reached out to the 3-Gun match directors and major sponsors and came up with a sanctioning process, WITHOUT getting into the specifics of rules, etc. They did this, because they wanted the "black guns" under the "Sporting Guns" umbrella!

They have little 3-Gun stages now in their Club Competition and sponsored the ProAm in a big way with NRA shooter's bags etc.

They are learning and understanding 3-Gun!!!

They have been very supportive, and not intrusive on 3-Gun, and I agree with Patrick that we need to support them as well!


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If you really want to tell someone about the sporting side of firearms….take them shooting!

If YOU (we) can get more of the voting public on "our side" then we can make a difference.

As Denise said the NRA knows about 3-gun and the many other competitions with self loading firearms.

Congress" knows" about them too, but we should not expect, nor should we offer an exemption for our sport.

As it has been said…if you we don't hang together, we will surely hang separately!"

We have power in our numbers…


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If you really want to tell someone about the sporting side of firearms….take them shooting!

If YOU (we) can get more of the voting public on "our side" then we can make a difference.

As Denise said the NRA knows about 3-gun and the many other competitions with self loading firearms.

Congress" knows" about them too, but we should not expect, nor should we offer an exemption for our sport.

As it has been said…if you we don't hang together, we will surely hang separately!"

We have power in our numbers…


Please write and please make sure you are a member of the NRA.

Now, it is obvious that a couple of you guys are very young as Joe (I never met a gun I didn't want to ban) Biden has been a rabid

anti-gun zealot for is entire tenure in congress!

You ain't gonna change his mind, and frankly you aren't going to sway those WHO HAVE and are continuing to infringe on our rights.

This has been going one LONG before the 1994 AWB.

You want this to stop…then we must band together as ONE group of gun owners (not trap shooters or hunters saying F' the AR guys, who needs those) and fight. How???? Again though our rights a citizens. Write, assemble, donate and vote!

Before you buy one more item for shooting, buy a membership to the NRA or donate the price of a box of bullets, or a local match fee.

Why the NRA??? Because when the whining and name calling begins (it has) the NRA is THE outfit that the antis call out as the problem.


+1,000,000. I still remember watching the debates on Cspan back then. I still remember throwing that $80 remote control into the wall.

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From what I have heard it seems that most of the TV shows which portrayed our sport in a positive light on non-premium channels have been canceled. 60 Minutes did an editorial on how all shooters who go to ranges are essentially a mass murder waiting to happen. The ant-gun crowd (including several who are still in office who helped write the 1994 AWB) has been waiting for this opportunity. I would not be surprised to see demonstrations at some of the larger matches soon.

We all have to band together and work with each other to help preserve whatever we can and lessen our demonization. USPSA is a blip on the radar. We really need to play up the benefits of USPSA, the facts that USPSA members are responsible gun owners and not mass murderers, have our LE/Mil/Public Safety members talk about their experiences. I am a NRA member and I have already communicated with my representatives.

Protestors at a major match wouldnt stick around long when all the big terrifying AR-15's started coming out of the cases! Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh my! Lol

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If you really want to tell someone about the sporting side of firearms….take them shooting!

If YOU (we) can get more of the voting public on "our side" then we can make a difference.

OMG, I can see it now.

Me: Hey Joe. It's Ward. Want to come to a 3 gun match with me and see why non-LEO might want an AR15 type rifle ?

The Veep : I'm not so sure the Secret Service will like that idea.

Me: Yeah, you are probably right.

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it matters not what we want; it is what they want. the statists want to disarm the potential resisters. that is all. that is why the founding fathers put in the 2nd amendment. not for sport, or for hunting, but for self-protection against the tyranny of the state. got it now?

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Uncle Joe don't care about what we want. Prior to the AWB they looked at IPSC/USPSA and said that it's not a sporting use due to the small number of people compared to trap and skeet, etc.. So we're looked at as a fringe element. Even if we had 10x as many members, it wouldn't matter to the gun grab folks. They're going to take as much as they can. Let's just hope that Boehner and the House Republicans have a spine and keep anything bad from even coming up for a vote.

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