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carry gun (combined threads)


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My carry gun, on and off duty. Carried a Glock 21 on duty for about a year, but my Chief let me switch after the academy, :D!


Kimber Classic Custom pre-series II

Only modifications are:

removed full length guide rod and installed stubby GI

EGW Slide Stop

EGW Angle-bored bushing

EGW flat bottomed firing pin stop

Ed Brown Hardcore extractor

Ed Brown 30lpi Flat Mainspring housing

Heinie Straight-8's

Gunner grips and grip tape.

Mags are Wilson 7 rounders with Tripp upgrades. Only problem I have ever had was with the original followers (long story).

Still has factory 23lb mainspring. Trigger was originally mushy and 5.5 lbs, so I worked on it and it is now a crisp 4 lbs.

Got it about two years ago, and it was LNIB and only had 300 rounds through it. It now has about 17,000 rounds through it. Now it rattles like my dad's 1918 Colt Government, but still does the job. I might have it fixed up at the end of the year, but I really want a S_I for limited, so it may wait.


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So how is carry the Commander size gun or the Kimber compact.


I certainly like it. The gun is very tight and is as accurate as my STI or 5" Kimber Eclipse.

This one needed some extractor tuning, but eats everything I feed it now.....even with a buff (for practice).

In the summers I sometimes wish it were an ultra carry, but that's because I'm thin and like to carry at 6 o'clock. I just can't imagine going to a gunfight with a small gun.....

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Just a stock standard Glock G36. You don't really need a pic.

Same as TriggerT... no pic needed.

G36 w/ Heinie Slant Pro rear and Trijicon front.

Carry gear:

- Skyline Toolworks Clipdraw & Saf-T-Blok (to carry after work)

- Fobus paddle for OTW

- Rosen ARG Express for IWB

Nothing spectacular...

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I carry either a Glock 19, a Steyr M40 (factory night sights for after dark use), or when I am jogging, a P-32 (all concealed). No point in posting a pic as they are all bone stock as they arrived from the factory/distributor. I have not modified them.

Custom carry guns look cool & thanks for posting the pictures. However, I expect that if I ever have to shoot someone with it, I am not likely to get it back from the police. Why invest heavily in a gun that will be lost on the 1st use? The experience might be different for police officers using off duty guns but I am "only" a civilian with a CCW permit.

Besides, I leave my CCW guns bone stock so not to give an over zealous prosecutor any advantage in court. I do not want to seem to be a "gun nut just itching to shoot somebody with a gun customized for the task". While that might not seem like a "nice" tactic to use against me in Court, it is fair. If I were using my law degree to prosecute people as my day job, I would use that tactic if it gained me a conviction of a person who I honestly believed had violated the law (a person who had an intent other than purely self defense/protection of the innocent from imminent severe bodily harm or death). Is a customized gun or a light trigger really relevant? It is up to the jury to decide guilt or innocence based on the facts. I would not be doing my job if I did not present the facts. Hopefully, one's defense attorney would be on the ball & object in time; otherwise the Judge will simply instruct the jury to disregard which they always do, of course.

Same goes for ammo; I use only: "the same ammunition used by our public safety officials to protect themselves and the public (and especially the children) from harm at the hands of dangerous criminals". I choose that ammo because all I want to do is protect myself and nothing more (which is what any reasonable person would do). Regards,

D.C. Johnson

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Carlos is 100% right. Don't know what it's like where you live, but in WI you will not get your gun back for many, many years, if at all; and then only if you are willing to spend a lot of time and $$ at the courthouse trying to convince the judge that your gun isn't "evil" just because "it" shot someone. (Our DA's office does "fastrack" department-owned guns though, whether used on or off duty.)

I just kinda laugh to myself and shake my head when I here people talk/brag about their super-fancy-accurate-custom-blah-blah carry guns. Yes, you can make the argument that "isn'y my/my family's life worth a little extra??" It sure is, but at self-defense distances my box-stock $350 G27 with dep't issue ammo will do the same thing as a fancy custom gun at far less cost.

Any defense lawyer worth his law degree will tear apart the "hair-trigger, match barrel (whose only use is head-shots, of course) and hand loaded super-extra-deadly ammo," if not criminally, then later in the civil suit that will definitely follow.

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Yes, you can make the argument that "isn'y my/my family's life worth a little extra??"

In the rare event that a good custom gun could help me defend myself better.......so be it. They can have it.

I'm not advocating a hair trigger, but a fine tuned machine from a quality smith IS worth it. We spenda lot of money to have tuned mags and reliablility on a game gun because it matters to us. Well, my life matters MORE. I'd be grateful to give up a gun if it saved my life versus a bone stock weapon that may have reliability issues.

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Yes, you can make the argument that "isn'y my/my family's life worth a little extra??"

In the rare event that a good custom gun could help me defend myself better.......so be it. They can have it.

I'm not advocating a hair trigger, but a fine tuned machine from a quality smith IS worth it. We spenda lot of money to have tuned mags and reliablility on a game gun because it matters to us. Well, my life matters MORE. I'd be grateful to give up a gun if it saved my life versus a bone stock weapon that may have reliability issues.

I agree.

Also. I figure that the chances of actually having to use your "expensive and Blah blah, blah gun" and having it confiscated are next to zero - real world percentages. If you are involved in a shooting someone keeping your gun is going to be the absolute least of your worries. Big Deal..... :huh:

You want a Neon - good for you. I'll keep my Mercedes. Figuratively speaking. ;)

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In the rare event that a good custom gun could help me defend myself better.......so be it.  They can have it.

I think people are missing my point. Real-world percentages. Most gun fights take place at 21 feet or less. At that distance, what will some expensive custom thing do that my G27 won't??

Yeah, someone keeping your gun will be the absolute least of your worries. Higher up on your list of worries will be the anti-gun, anti-self-defense DA who will attack the sh*& out of the fact that you used a "customized gun (with hand-loaded ammo??) that you only built for one purpose--to kill". Also higher up on your list of worries will be thuggo's family, when they sue you in civil court and bring up the same issues. I do not mean to say that what the DA/thuggo's family might do should influence a decision to carry or use a gun, merely why go through the additional hassle of trying to explain to non-gun (possibly outright anti-gun) people why it's better to carry the custom gun than a stock one. Again, at 21' or less, what will expensive-custom gun do that cheap G27 won't?? Get much beyond 21' and the civilian may have a hard time explaining why deadly force was even necessary instead of dis-engagement. I say "the civilian may have a hard time" because they do not have a "duty to act." The po-po do.

Reliability issues?? A couple thousand stock G22's & 23's on the street only started having "reliability issues" (front sights breaking off & broken extractors)after they were about ten years old and had several thousand rounds through them. I don't even know that the range considers this to be reliability issues, parts are gonna wear out & break no matter what! My G27 is about 8 years old with about 2K rounds through it. Oh yeah, not a single "reliability issue" has come up w/it, (although I did replace the extractor & firing pin a few months ago just because.)

What are you gonna carry for the several years that your case makes its way through the system?? And the several more years that you spend maybe getting the gun back?? Another expensive custom gun? (If you can afford that, good for you.) Or a stock Glock or something similar?

Yes, we spend a lot of $$ customizing our game guns, but those also get thousands and thousands of rounds a year through them. A stock pistol would not survive that.

I check/clean/lube my carry gun once a month or so. I dry fire w/it and the off duty rig at the same time. It gets a couple hundred rounds a year through it. My duty gun (G22) gets a little additional because we qualify quarterly. Stock Glocks (or most other name brands, for that matter) have NO reliability issues when used in that context.

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OK...enough of the debate. We are fine so far, but we don't need to go any further down that road. ;)

This thread is about pictures. And, this forum is about improving your shooting. It is against the forum rules to engage in debates on tactics and such. If you feel you have something that another needs to hear, please contact them off the forum.

Forum Rules.



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SuperComp9 I looked at that Hi-power at the Shot Show (or maybe one very similar) this year, and talked to Don about it a little. Don said he used a factory hammer and modified it. He had a couple of really nice Hi-powers on display. Dons website is www.theactionworks.com he is a really good guy. I've been using him for over 10 years and cant say enough good things about him.


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