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Stupid People !


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Ok so i am in my local gun shop the other day and this older lady walks in im gonna say she is maybe in her 70's and gives the attendant a spent cartridge of a .40 cal. She asked him if he had a box of them at a reasonable price as they were for her grandson to practice with. Here is where it pisses me off he walks over and picks up a box of black hills and tells her this is about the best deal he has on them at a price of 54.99 for 50 and then goes and tells her that ammo is going up weekly at a very rapid pace and talks her into a 2nd box. So after she leaves they had a gud laugh about it so i have to give them an ear full and told them they should be ashamed of taken advantage and they told me that they do it all the time and that people should know what they want b4 they come in. What is this world coming too ?

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Yeah, maybe in retrospec you should have helped her out, but it doesn't mean those guys aren't A-holes, and it's not your fault they are A-holes. I would seriously put them on blast on every forum and in every possible way. Target tried to screw me over and I blasted them all over their facebook page and MAGICALLY they responded instantly with an apology. I still don't shop at Target, but it got an immediate response. Normally, I don't complain about crap, I put up with it and move on, but they truly tried to screw me.

People like that shouldn't be in business. How nice and loving was it for a grandmother to buy something to make her grandson happy and they have to be a bunch of D-bags about it. Seriously, don't feel bad about letting them know. The owner of the business should know he has horrible employees working for him. The owner hopefully didn't start his business to take advantage of people. Hopefully he wanted to serve his community and offer good products. If these guys worked for me, I'd want to know so I could fix the problems in my business. Crap like this is why new shows like mystery diner and restaurant steakout are starting to pop up. The gun world has a hard enough time looking like the good guys without people like this in the world.

Edited by GregSmith
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Now that i look back i should have confronted them in front of her but im usually one of those guys that tries to keep his mouth shut for as long as he can. But the more i thought about it aft the fact the more i got pissed ! And dont worry i will never set foot in their again and will be telling everyone i know how they run their buisness.

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So why didn't you speak up and intervene before she bought the shit?

this was a few years ago

a customer at a local gun store just bought his son a reloader, and was now in to buy his son some bullets.

the customer tells the sales boy they are new to reloading and want some bullets.

sales clerk gets the most expensive bullets they have. I opend my mouth and say you dont need that for your purpose,you can use these and save a lot of money.

customer turns to me with that look, how dare I question the expert behind the counter,

Edited by juan
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May not have helped to intervene. I was in Arizona several years back and went into a gun store. The owner was talking to an old lady with an oxygen tank. He was assuring her that getting the gun collection out of the house, just after her husband died, was the best move. She didn't want to sell but needed the money for medical treatments. I stepped up and asked to see the collection. I said I might like to buy something and would offer a good price. This was just to see if this guy was giving her a fair price. The man said there was nothing I would like. This was interesting as I'm from CT and never saw this guy. I asked again to see it and was told it hadn't been inventoried yet. The woman was OK with it. As I started to talk to her, another man hustled her out the door while the first one blocked me. I was then "asked" to leave. I hope the lady at least got enough to help her out. These people aren't stupid. They're just mean,evil, contemptable, should rot in h#ll ba$$ards.

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The title of this thread is misleading. It says Stupid People. Well I suppose the customers might be, or at least uninformed, the other side of the counter however, they aren't stupid, immoral, perhaps borderline criminal, but not stupid. And for thte record, I really hate to see this kind of thing.

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The gunstore is there to make money... people that go somewhere without knowledge of wtf they are buying, get what they deserve... be it you, your wife, or your 70 year old grandma.

How many of you work in some field were you "sell" something? A service, or product, whatever.... How many of your bosses would be happy if you told them...

"I had the chance to sell one of our more expensive things today, but decided not to make you more money, but instead save the customer money."

The world is not coming to anything, you just witnessed reality, uninformed consumers are the ones that make the world go around. Like the people who go out christmas shopping, and buy something that is 40% off the "original" price.... the original price, that was marked up at the beginning of November, 60% over what it is the other 10 months of the year.


Edited by mikeg1005
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Nice attitude. Hope you have a steady stream of new customers and don't expect any repeat business. Must be nice to be born a f*#king expert in EVERYTHING. I'm sure you'd be happy if that was your mother, or daughter, or wife. Or are you one of those guys who wouldn't blame the store, but call your wife stupid instead.

I'm not married... I don't know everything.

I just know that retail stores are in the buisness of making a profit... and that salespeople are there to make money for the store. That is the reality of it... if you don't believe me.. then I don't know what world you live in.

When people get hosed, they only have themselves to blame. I've openly told my family, friends, and gf when they paid too much for what they bought... typically it something that they didn't know anything about and didn't bother asking me or MANY of the people they know. Next time ask someone, check prices somewhere else, etc... before going and buying the first thing you see.

I'm not defending the store, I'm simply stating that knowing what you are buying/paying for is YOUR personal responsibility.

Imagine that. The guy from chicago defending the crooked guys.


Just kidding. Relax.

Nice haha.


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This isn't about making a profit. This is about happily selling someone a 3 legged horse and being OK with it. The one common thread on this forum is how Brian(and other members) will not sell something you don't need, just to sell a more expensive option. There is "selling" and there is "screwing". When you do both you're a prostitute. Just sayin'.

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So why didn't you speak up and intervene before she bought the shit?

this was a few years ago

a customer at a local gun store just bought his son a reloader, and was now in to buy his son some bullets.

the customer tells the sales boy they are new to reloading and want some bullets.

sales clerk gets the most expensive bullets they have. I opend my mouth and say you dont need that for your purpose,you can use these and save a lot of money.

customer turns to me with that look, how dare I question the expert behind the counter,

This is a similar experience that I have had. Still, though, I would have probably have said something. I have a very big mouth in situations like that.

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This isn't about making a profit. This is about happily selling someone a 3 legged horse and being OK with it.

I can understand your point... but there are two sides to this.

Yes... I know that "reasonable" is not over a dollar a bullet when it comes to price of ammo... but at the end of the day, she was the one that bought it. Being an informed consumer, regardless of what you are buying is important. If you aren't one, then you only have yourself to blame for getting screwed.

I'm not going to defend the guys that made a good chunk off some lady that didn't know wtf she was doing... they KNOW what they did... but if you don't price check things, then you get what you pay for.


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I'm pointing out the clear fact that we all know this happens... people in the stores trying to make money and "screwing" others over.

To each his own... I've been told BS that I fell for at the store before, my solution was to teach myself to check the price/facts on what I am buying... since in the end, its my money that is being spent.

Apperently calling others names and complaining is yours.


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LIL, decorum bro, decorum. You can get your point across without that type of verbal insult. If you have issues with behaving within the forum guidelines, go elsewhere so the rest of us can discuss without that kind of trash. WE DON'T COME HERE TO BE THAT WAY! So please, decorum.

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Before I retired I owned a food distribution company. I was in business to make money not to screw the customer. That maybe why we never lost a customer other than the ones that closed. We made a fair margin and got repeat business every week. If you are in sales and take advantage of people it will come back to haunt you. I would much rather know I was going to do X amount of business every week at a reasonable margin than depend on getting new customers constantly because my sales people took advantage of them and lost the account. The consumer will eventually get educated and when they do you have lost them if you have been screwing them.

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I HATE it when people are taken advantage of. I agree with the OP. "What is this world coming to?" I see it all too often in my area since we have a large elderly population.

Local gun shop offered a woman $300 for her dead husband's 50Cal. She said "Just because I have grey hair doesn't mean I'm stupid" She left and he lost a commission on a rather large military collection.

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Not that I agree with most of what Warren Buffet says, he has uttered this gem; "We can afford to lose money, but we cannot afford to lose reputation."

Let everyone know what they did and let it burn them.

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