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Useless Laws


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In Washington we have a seat belt law. Why does our government feel it's necessary to save us from ourselves? I drive around the farm all day without my belt because I'm in and out of the truck. As soon as I get on the highway I buckle up. 2 miles down the road an unmarked car pulls me over and I get a ticket because I wasn't belted when I pulled out. Cop is just doing his job, but this is a BS law.

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Ohio has a limit on window tint. :(

They didn't used to be able to pull you over for seat belt in Ohio (though the law said you did have to wear it, it was ticket'able, but not a reason for a stop). That recently changed (who would'a guessed).

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Talk about useless laws...I just found out that South Carolina is one of only TWO states that outlaws alcohol sales on Election day. WTF? The one day of the year that I think I will need a drink....FWIW, Kentucky is the other state.

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Seat belt laws kill me. Been riding motorcycles for 25 years (no helmet laws in FL) yet I have to strap myself in to a truck. I drive maybe 4K miles a year, and rarely get over 35 here at the beach. I'm in more danger of getting t-boned by a townie or tourist than of actually running into something myself. My average drive lasts five minutes and it is a really weary exercise putting the stupid belt on and off for such short trips. You think it's bad now, wait till Obamacare is fully implemented. You will see all sorts of new laws concerning "safety". The Government justifies them by saying that it saves the taxpayers money on healthcare costs. No more guns, fireworks, freedom to ride without a helmet, cheap smokes and booze, trans fats, sodas, you name it. Government health care does nothing but legislate against personal liberties and freedoms. If you have any doubts, move to Canada for a while.

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Ohio has a limit on window tint. :(

They didn't used to be able to pull you over for seat belt in Ohio (though the law said you did have to wear it, it was ticket'able, but not a reason for a stop). That recently changed (who would'a guessed).

NJ bans window tinting all together.

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Got a letter from my dermatologist. I can tint to my heart's desire. Found out this angle from a deputy friend. Yeah, I'm one of those guys that circumvents useless laws. That is why I have all sorts of things that some might consider illegal. Until you know the laws, the authorities will tell you all sorts of things that they are told are illegal. It is up to us to know the laws, not the cops.

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Seat belt laws kill me. Been riding motorcycles for 25 years (no helmet laws in FL) yet I have to strap myself in to a truck. I drive maybe 4K miles a year, and rarely get over 35 here at the beach. I'm in more danger of getting t-boned by a townie or tourist than of actually running into something myself. My average drive lasts five minutes and it is a really weary exercise putting the stupid belt on and off for such short trips. You think it's bad now, wait till Obamacare is fully implemented. You will see all sorts of new laws concerning "safety". The Government justifies them by saying that it saves the taxpayers money on healthcare costs. No more guns, fireworks, freedom to ride without a helmet, cheap smokes and booze, trans fats, sodas, you name it. Government health care does nothing but legislate against personal liberties and freedoms. If you have any doubts, move to Canada for a while.

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Yea, I hate those things that saved my wife's life. Wow, that sounds like I am arguing for seat belts and I am sure that is against the rules of the hate forum. Damn me.

Nobody likes to be told what to do but seat belts are a huge factor in crash survival. Growing up our car did not have seat belts and no body wore bike helmets. When I had kids my mind changed about somethings. It does seem like something that should be handled with a warning.

Edited by toothguy
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