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I love being on the range with shooting buddies. Sometimes I am having so much fun I almost hate to stop what I am doing so I can shoot a stage! roflol.gif

Thinking in your terms does make it seem a little nuts but it's just too fun to pass up!

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I was just curious how you guys could shine some light on what seems to be a lot of waiting for a little amount of shooting, you know what I mean?

If you have a better way to do it, please share.

Personally, I like PPC and NRA Action Pistol better. The setup time involves putting up 1 to 4 cardboard targets, then shooting 150 to 192 rounds downrange. If shooting another category, the shooting is double. Very little setup time, lots of shooting. There are still all the same benefits mentioned above as well.

I can understand why others would like IPSC or USPSA too, though. It is a different type of shooting.

Edited by Toolguy
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Personally, I like PPC and NRA Action Pistol better.

I have never shot either PPC or NRA Action pistol, but I have watched The Bianchi Cup on tv. Bianchi reminds me of GSSF matches. Sure, there is a lot of trigger time, but it is too much like bullseye shooting. I like the movement aspect and stage breakdown/options of USPSA.

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Look at the time and preparation to run a top fuel dragster.... for a 4 second run. I bet that's a great 4 seconds!

Yeah... But have you seen the amount of marketing plastered on the side of dragster and its trailer? Even the army has its own drag racing team:


And shooting team... :cheers:

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How much time do golfers spend actually swinging the club in 18 holes??

How much time do skeet/trap/sporting clay shooters actually spend shooting versus waiting on the rest of the squad to shoot and riding between stations??

Swimmers will sit at a meet all day for a few minutes worth of laps in a pool...

I've spent almost an entire day hiking through the woods, hungry and thirsty, for only several minutes on an amazing rock climbing route.

I've even sat at RC airplane competitions all day, for only a few minutes worth of flight time.

My point is (and all the examples were from personal experience) that most sports in which individuals compete require a lot of "waiting" time. You sit and think and plan for your 15 seconds of fame, and when your name is called, you give the best performance you can.

I guess at the root of it, we enjoy the thrill of flying through a stage, the lingering adrenaline afterwards, the competition, and the comrodary.

skeet/trap/sporting clay shooting I've done and got a lot more action than USPSA competitors do. Swimming I would never be into... RC Planes are not my thing and if in fact the action time was equivalent to USPSA I don't know I'd compete. I'd rather just go fly for fun with a friend or two, which you can't do at a setup stage for USPSA. Hiking is hiking no matter whether you're climbing a rock or hiking through the woods to get there.

Look, I'm not trying to make an argument for each point you make. I was just curious how you guys could shine some light on what seems to be a lot of waiting for a little amount of shooting, you know what I mean?

It as as you say, a lot of waiting for a little shooting. Either you get it or you don't. If you don't, do something else with your day.

If you don't know if you get it, go to a match and you will find out quickly enough whether you do.

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The key word in your initial post is justify.

BS man, I am not justifying anything, but simply enjoying that which I spend so much time reloading researching, and hopefully dryfiring for. It is that chance to share with others that culmination of all you efforts to iprove along with them. They see it, or they do not, and they let you know. Shooting can be enjoyable when you experience growth within the sport. Really cool thing about this sport is you can take it as far as you want starting right in your head.


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Pick your sport and someone will find a reason to question it.

Football - 3 hours sitting around watching 1 hour of action. Forget about outdoor stadiums in the north during the winter. Can you say "frostbite"?

Baseball - seconds of action and hours of nothing. Spit and grab your junk in public. No way I'm paying $20 for a cold hotdog and warm beer.

Bowling - drinking beer and throwing balls. Well, at least it is indoors and you can drink beer.

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I view local matches and even bigger ones... as not just about shooting.

It is part shooting, part watching others shoot (sporting event), part camaraderie and meeting up with friends (hanging out and or networking)

So it is 5 hours of an event.... not just 2 mins of shooting.


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I view local matches and even bigger ones... as not just about shooting.

It is part shooting, part watching others shoot (sporting event), part camaraderie and meeting up with friends (hanging out and or networking)

So it is 5 hours of an event.... not just 2 mins of shooting.


I understand and think I agree with Maksim's post also :cheers:

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Lots of shooters only shoot at indoor ranges where you can't draw from a holster, shoot rapid fire, basically you are just standing there shooting at a target. Some people do have access to a range or property where they can shoot and could set things up however they want. But, how many shooters have target stands, targets, steel targets, walls, the different moving targets, all the stuff that would allow you to setup a stage similar to what you find at an action pistol match? Not a lot of us, I'm sure. Plus, at a match, you shoot with others and see how you measure up, and learn from better shooters. And meet a lot of other shooters. The time spent is part of the price you have to pay to get this experience. It's certainly worth it to a lot of shooters. I don't want it to drag out all day, unnecessarily, but I'm also glad it's not over in an hour. Mark

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It is not just the few minutes of actual trigger time. I like to get away and releive some stress and shooting does it pretty good for most of us. I enjoy the comraderie and banter that goes back and forth. I also like the challenge of breaking things down and working a stage out before I am ever on deck. I really like to see a stage shot in a way that I didn't see and that I know is a better plan than mine (especially more cool to see when it is a newer shooter that does it).

I am sure we all had experiences just hanging out with friends and not doing anything at the same time that we all had a fun time doing. Matches are similar to me most of the time.

That is the reason why I enjoy the entire match experience. Plus, I like to hear Jim's voice! (especially when he yells at everone) :lol:


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My wife states that quite frequently!

And to top it off It's almost a given that this is one of the few things in life where your enjoyment/pride is inversely proportional to the time it takes you to do it.

All I can use to justify it, is once you've done it you will either move to something else, or you won't have to ask again.

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With a growing family and working on an 85-yr-old house, I get 1 or 2 times a month to get out. 5 hours of no laundry, dishes, kids or other house stuff is quite nice and welcome. It's nice to have one day where I can focus on shooting instead of air-gunning around the house.

You say 5 hours to shoot for 2-3 minutes, I say 5 hours of me time.

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With a growing family and working on an 85-yr-old house, I get 1 or 2 times a month to get out. 5 hours of no laundry, dishes, kids or other house stuff is quite nice and welcome. It's nice to have one day where I can focus on shooting instead of air-gunning around the house.

You say 5 hours to shoot for 2-3 minutes, I say 5 hours of me time.

You should take up endurance running... It's cheaper...

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That is a badass commercial. Yep, that explains it all. Super cool!!!

"My Glock gives me confidence to live my life."

That is a bit much.

If he gets confidence to live his life from a Glock ... Freaking sad as hell.

Not family, not faith, but his GLOCK?! lol. Kind of offensive of Glock to even go there.

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I shoot local competitions in a basically slightly modified gun style.

My curiosity is how do you shoot USPSA/IDPA/IPSC and justify spending all day setting up, taping targets, sitting around...for a whole 4 minutes of shooting?

The easy answer is: because we love to do it! The long days of resetting, pasting and hanging around the range are a part of the fun for many, some not so much.

There is one thing that is for certain though: It is not just "4 minutes of shooting". If a shooter spends their time wisely, has run the plan in their head over & over.. When the buzzer goes off it's like poetry in motion, hitting reloads on the first step, entering positions and exiting them properly, setting a cadence and sticking to it, when time seems like it's standing still around you and you're absolutely wailing on a stage, those moments when it all comes together is a thing of beauty! When you get your first taste of acing a stage, it will blow your mind and keep you coming back for more..

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It's a point I've made to myself, but I keep coming back. I think we're just unique in that the entirety of our "action" is on the clock, and it's a very short clock. If you put a timer on a golfer from the initiation of the swing to ball contact it's about 3 seconds, times 80 for a decent golfer, for 3 1/2 minutes of action. Same principle but nobody ever breaks it down that way, because the game is so much more.

That said, I would like to try a format some time with a big purse, all the shooters are expected to show up on Thursday and dope out the stages to their satisfaction. Friday everyone shoots every stage in golf format with no walkthrough, have a cut, then shoot the whole thing again Saturday and Sunday to get the champion. Top stage HF is reset every day, match points accumulate. I haven't done the math but I think it would work, if the purse was big enough to attract the talent.

15 minutes per stage for a foursome means you get through in 3 hours for a 12-stage match. Hire pasters with the entry fee (which would be fairly steep) so that the shooters are responsible only for mental prep, shooting, then mag loading and recovery while the other three shoot. You could run 150 or so shooters on Thursday and then make the cut down to 70 or so, have the best dozen in each division go at it.


Edited by Matt Griffin
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That is a badass commercial. Yep, that explains it all. Super cool!!!

"My Glock gives me confidence to live my life."

That is a bit much.

If he gets confidence to live his life from a Glock ... Freaking sad as hell.

Not family, not faith, but his GLOCK?! lol. Kind of offensive of Glock to even go there.

Your logic is flawed. He didn't say "ONLY my Glock gives me confidence to live my life."

Family, Faith, and Mastery of a subject are not mutually exclusive...

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