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CM 03-14


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8 Rhines, Chris 4 C Limited 69 0 .00 69.0000 69.0000 69.00%

Eighth place overall in the club. I was amazed. Lots of people had trouble with this one.

Had one uncalled miss on the weakhand string, only fired three shots so that was uncool. Another miss on the 3-reload-3 string, threw the first shot after the reload. Wait until the front sight is on the target before hitting the trigger, dude! *smacks forehead*

This is a good classifier to practice with.

- Chris

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...

i was cursing the match director before the match for including this one in todays classifier match. it was actually easier than i thought it would be. my hits sucked (including a mike on the right hand string-strong hand for me), but i had 23 out of 24 on paper. 81 points (production). my biggest problem was going to fast...i had time to slow down a bit and get better hits. ended up with extra time on each string (except 3-reload-3...not much extra time there).

production hhf is 120 points. i wonder if there are really any 120-point scores on file. anyone here ever see a perfect run in production?

Edited by driver8M3
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  • 6 months later...

I shot this one today with my limited gun 106 points

good for 88.3333 percent in limited..or open.

as far as it goes, i think all fixed time classifiers high hit factors are the same.

I thought the classifier was easy...if you dont have your head in your rectum ;)

just relax and shoot the points...I can see where a 100 percent score could be done.


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  • 1 month later...


We had this one today and I was just wondering what the designer was thinking?

If you're not a GM, you're hosed on this thing!

String 1 4.5 sec 6 rounds left hand only at 15 yards.

I got off 3 for 1 C, 2M (+3M)

String 2 4.5 sec 6 rounds freestyle at 25 yards

I got off all 6 for 2A, 2C, 1D, 1M

String 3 4.5 Sec 3 rounds, reload, 3 rounds at 25 yards

Got off 3, reload, sights on target. Beep!

2C, 1M (+3M)

String 4 4.5 sec 6 rounds right hand at 15 yards

Got off all 6 for 1A, 3C, 1D, 1M

How does a C shooter even hope to train for this?

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You probably shot 40-50% of the top score so that's what you are supposed to do. Par times are designed to push a GM. In other words a M would have been pushed to get all A's in the given times. A class 80% of the points and so on.

The real secret to shooting par time stages is to shoot only A's. Let's say String 1 in practice the best you can do is 2 A's in the 4.5 seconds on your faster run. IN a match you would shoot 1 A and stop. Trust me you will not only win your class but probably turn in a higher classification %.

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The real secret to shooting par time stages is to shoot only A's. Let's say String 1 in practice the best you can do is 2 A's in the 4.5 seconds on your faster run. IN a match you would shoot 1 A and stop. Trust me you will not only win your class but probably turn in a higher classification %.

Shoot the 2 A's then stop. 1 A will be taken away for each overtime shot. If you only shoot A's, no penalty. If you are not confidant of A's just do what you know you can do.

Think about your reaction time. You get .3 sec after the start of the end beep. If you have the sights in the A zone, and are starting to squeeze when you hear the beep, finish the shot. Just don't rush it and miss.

Edited by wide45
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Thanks guys!

I now see that I shot this thing all wrong.

I was focused on TRYING to get all the shots off and hopefully on paper, rather than just trying for as many good hits as I had time for.

If I ever see it again, I'll probably run for the hills. But if I don't, I'll bet I do twice as well on it, now.

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  • 5 months later...

Shot it today. Weak hand went well, shot way too fast on the freestyle string, got all six with the reload and had better hits than the freestyle string, and did okay strong hand only.

87 points, 72% according to the Ohio Calculator.

Would have been much better if I had not shot so fast on the freestyle string, the buzzer was atleast a second behind my last shot.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

I've shot this twice and tanked it both times. We will be shooting it locally tomorrow (thanks a lot Jason). The freestyle is easy if you time it right to get your A's. For me, the right hand only isn't bad either-I shoot bullseye right handed. But the other 2 strings-forget it. The left hand only: my draw and transfer is too slow, by the time I get the pistol in my left hand and sights aligned I have no time left to shoot. (1.5-1.6 second draw, transfer and aim maybe another 2.5 sec). The first time I shot this I got no hits on the left hand only (string 1) target. I can also only get three shots off on String 3 (3 reload 3): My draw is too slow and reload even worse. This would be a great practice stage for me but it stinks as a classifier.

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  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...

looks like nobody's shot this one in a while. just did this one today; 89 points in L10. had all hits on paper except for one weakhand shot where I couldnt get it off in time. finished the other 3 strings with extra time; looks like I shot it a tad too fast cause points on the two freestyle stages were shitty shitty. cmcalc and classifiercalc both show it at 74.16%, hope it sticks cause this score will finally bump me into A. anyone know how accurate the calculators are on this one. crossing my fingers... :blush:

(also shot it with my Open gun and only managed 79 points....shameful)

Edited by blaster113
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  • 2 months later...

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