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CM 03-03

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Shot this little beauty a few weeks ago. I stayed in the boxs for all rounds fired. Left side, right side then moved up and took the poppers on the rigth side.

I remember nothing about shooting the stage. I was truely in the bubble and preforming without thougth. (not that I am often accused of thinking) Way cool.

open 5.9 time 58 points 9.83 HF

I hope it comes in at 100% and gets me one step closer to GM


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Shot this little beauty a few weeks ago.  I stayed in the boxs for all rounds fired.  Left side, right side then moved up and took the poppers on the rigth side. 

I remember nothing about shooting the stage.  I was truely in the bubble and preforming without thougth.  (not that I am often accused of thinking)  Way cool. 

open  5.9 time  58 points  9.83 HF

I hope it comes in at 100% and gets me one step closer to GM


I can't figure out how you and Mr. Warren achieved 58 and 59 points on a stage with only 55 possible, am I overlooking something somewheres?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alrighty, I got the pleasure of shooting this with Jake today.

Production Glock 34

47 points, 8.43, 5.57 HF


I drew to the left side, and made a reload on the way to box B. Good think I did too because I rushed the steel and had 2 misses. <_<

I'm happy with the result though. :)

I'll let Jake post up what he did, freakin fast... And it just looked so smooth...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mental note #1 - when you fumble a mag during LAMR, make double-sure that you managed to get a round in the chamber.

Mental note #2 - if you forget #1, don't let it piss you off to the point that you start throwing mikes on the steel.

53pts, 13.03, HF a whopping 4.0675. Just when it looked like I might shoot my way out of C soon...

- Chris

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53 pts

6.40 sec

8.2813 HF

Might be close to 100%??


I drew to the right array because I'm right handed and could more quickly engage that array at the signal (why move the gun across the width of the barricade twice?). Finishing-up on the left array, and running around the left side, I ran into box B from the left letting my momentum carry me thru to the right side of that barricade for 3 quick shots at the steel.

NOTE: I don't know why most of the Lim-10 shooters choose to NOT reload. When they missed one steel and had to reload, their time went from mid 7's to 10-something. There's plenty of time to reload there!

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  • 3 months later...

Tom go Back to the Classifier Page and hold down the Shift button and click on the refresh button at the top of your Browser. I think your computer is loading it from your Cache Memory. Just tried it and it say "from within box A"

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  • 2 months later...

Ok, I think I figured this one out, different than Short Round andways so I'll post it ;)

Stand back far enough on the barricade so you don't have to bring the gun back between the left to right transition.

Draw to T1-T2 then T4-T3 as you are falling off the barricade. For me this was the way to cut time, it is a more direct gun movement than taking T2 first.

Hit the right corner of box b with the left foot and start shooting as your right foot leaves the ground.

Open M - 50 points had a D leaving the barricade and two C's :( in 5.64 seconds HF 8.8652

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I have a little advice to anyone reading this post ! ...DON'T READ IT THE NIGHT BEFORE YOU SHOOT IT! and if you do DON'T TRY TO BEAT THE TIMES!

I shot a match yesterday (2-11-06) and did OK... I shot a little sloppy but didn't shoot any stage less than 4th place until CM 03-03 :wacko: 32nd out of 63... I stepped up to the line thinking of L2S time of 5 something ... my kung fu was weak! I lost 2nd overall on this stage.( first place beat me fair and square !) I won't go into detail except to say DON'T SHOOT THE WHITE ONES! shoot it AT YOUR SPEED! Our GMs shot it at 7.65 53 and 7.86 51 I shot it at 7.89 44 and 20 points in penaltys :blink:

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Has any one shot this with a revo?

I'm thinking ( I'm right handed ) T4,T3 right side T1 reload T2 move to box B take steel from right side.

OR, would you do a reload between T3,4 and T1,2 and reload for box B

I will be shooting Revo again this year, triing to get opinions on how to shoot aficiantlly (spelling)

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  • 4 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Shot this one for the first time yesterday at M'burg as a "C" class shooter. I like this stage and yes I did do a mag change while going from A to B. I don't know why you wouldn't if you shoot production or L-10. To me if you are moving while doing a mag change the cost in time is small compared to shooting dry on the steel.

Time 12.37, 0 penalties, hf 3.476

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Shot this yesterday, my second Open classifier with an Open gun. 7.02 down 7 for about 79%. I shot too far off the noshoot targets, lots of C's on the targets. I shot T1, 2, 4, 3, then ran around the right side and made a nice clean run across the poppers as my back foot lifted.

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I shot this one yesterday too, and FINALLY got a good run. This makes the 3rd time I've shot it, 2nd time in Production.

47 pts. in 8.57 seconds for about 78.66 %

I took a big gamble and didn't do a reload when going from A to B. Just like HSMIH I shot T1, 2, 4, 3 then ran around the right side, and "took 'em down" nice & smooth like. :D

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Chris, this is one you can burn DOWN. Shoot it like any other stage of the match, slightly careful but willing to win. I put down an 87ish percent run with a Limited gun last year on this one shooting well away from the white guys. I was shooting with Squishy from this thread and he put down a 96ish run, and it didn't look all that fast, just dead smooth and solid. Hist time was a bit better but his points were about the same. I think the key is a good draw, a fast t2 to t4 transition and 3 for 3 on the steel. Those three things make a good run great on this one.

My draw with the Open gun was 1.50ish, pathetic. My points were not good either, but making them all count still netted me almost 80%. If I see this one again I will shoot it in 'hero or zero' mode. This is one I can burn down that isn't an 06 series.......

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