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I'm burnt out. That's it, no more. I started texting years ago when a girlfriend of mine introduced me to this crap because it was the only way she could contact me while in class. Now, many moons later it has become a veritable vacuum of time, energy, and concentration. I hit the boiling point this week while my better half was on vacation in Colorado. I was sitting contently on the back porch cleaning my gun when she decides that it's time to "catch up". So she sends me a text. I put down the part I'm cleaning, wipe the oil from my hands, and text her back. This goes on back and forth till I finally snap, and call her.

See, I am capable of many things, including talking on the phone and using my hands simultaneously. This does not apply with texting. What finally broke my back is that I realized how much time I spend having inane conversations via text, that otherwise wouldn't even warrant a phone call. The worst part, is that I seem compelled to answer the frikkin things when they arrive. It's like I'm harboring some sort of latent guilt that qualifies everything that comes in to get an immediate response. Have I texted while driving? Guilty. During important meetings? Guilty. Weddings and funerals? Guilty. I have become as bad as my 13 year old daughter, and it's like getting rear ended by a Freightliner, I never planned on this happening to me.

So I'm done. I will be sending out one last group sms defining my new texting guidelines, and it will go something like this:

If you wish to send me a clearly defined statement, ie. "Your house is on fire, you should check it out.", that is fine, but don't expect a response. I will be too busy "checking it out".

Inquiries via text are banned and will be ignored completely. If your question is that important you can call me, if I don't answer, I will call you back at my earliest convenience.

Texting to "catch up" is banned. See phone call.

Feel free to text me an address, nude photo (females only), phone number, appointment confirmations that don't require confirmation confirmations, lucrative offers to buy my stuff (I'll call you if it's an acceptable offer), and perhaps a birth, death, or wedding announcements.

If you text me to inquire whether or not I received your phone call, you are sick and in serious need of help.

I feel much better having made this resolution. It's going to take a while I think, before it really sinks in to the friends and family who count on me to promptly respond to their thoughtfully crafted 120 character waste of time, but I think in the long run it may actually enhance a few relationships that have grown distant from the lack of warmth and inflection that the voice brings to a conversation.

I gotta go, my phone is ringing :surprise:

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In some cases, ya texting is silly especially if its regarding something important..

But for me its cheaper. If I had to call everytime I wanted to say something, the international calling would get expensive.

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I cancelled texting and data plans on our phones two years ago and never once looked back. I feel you brother!

I wish I could cancel data and texting plans on our phones. AT&T won't allow it.

I've cured everyone I know from texting me.

Whenever they would send me a text I would call their phone and tell them that "I don't text". A lot of my friends think I'm 'weird' for not texting, but I'm just old fashioned. If I want to type away at what I want to say I will sit at a computer.

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I don't have a texting plan on my Verizon iPhone, told them I did not need it. If something important comes up I can still receive and send them but it costs be 10 cents each time, a useful reminder of how un-useful most texting is.

It does have its benefits, its quicker than email and cheaper than a phone call especially for those of us with overseas family (but only for emergencies)... Having watched someone wreck their car while texting is all the incentive I need not to do it while driving either.

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I'm so with ya'll on this! There must be psychiatrists treating iPad, iPhone or what the hell they are addiction. Phone and e-mail are all I need. There aren't that many people I even want to talk to face to face.

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I don't like talking on a phone. I'd rather send a quick text, get a response, and be done than have to have a five minute conversation.

Edited to add: I don't have conversations via text though, that's just silly.

Edited by Red_SC
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It's amazing, I sent out my "guidelines" and after ten days, I'm still getting texts, which I ignore. The funniest thing is that people continue on with the conversation, despite a complete lack of response. It's like they're on autopilot. Weird.....

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You've reached Youngeyes' automated answerering text machine .He's out of the car right now but will text you back as soon as he returns and starts driving. :D

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You've reached Youngeyes' automated answerering text machine .He's out of the car right now but will text you back as soon as he returns and starts driving. :D

Don't forget a six pack. I find that drinking while driving and texting really gets my creative juices flowing :eatdrink:

I almost rear ended some chick on I4 on my way back from the Pro-Am because she slowed down to 30 while looking at her damn phone. It was 11 pm, I'm tired, and all I can see as I passed her was the glow on her face looking down in her lap.

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I think besides a license plate, every car should have the phone number of the person driving plastered on the rear bumper. So that you could call them up and bitch them out, give friendly advice, or just text over a few little pointers like .... WATCH THE FRICKEN ROAD IDIOT! LOL ;)

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I not only hate texting, I hate cell phones in general.

I feel the same compulsion to have one to 'stay in touch' but at the same time I recognize how ridiculous it is. I would not be upset at all if cell phones ceased to exist (notwithstanding I'd like to have a 'car' phone)

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