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Speed Tax


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On my way to the Circleville IPSC match (SA and Flex's match) this morning, I was stopped by a tax collector. You know, the ones that drive around in cars that have flashing lights on top of their cars, and cool, official looking uniforms. :o

Anyway, he was happy to present me with a 'tax bill' in the amount of $70. While no one ever seems too happy paying taxes, I suppose I was okay because I have not paid any speed tax for probably 6 or 7 years.

I guess my big gripe is that I think if you show up at a match with a 'tax receipt'... they should waive your match fee? What do you think? :huh::lol::P:D

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I can sympathize:

On my way to the Fresno match last month ... $380 CHP fee ... one more delight of California.

On the way up to the OR sectional a couple of weeks back, another donation to the CHP.

And now my insurance will go from treble what it would be anywhere else to ten times ...

Speed tax is right and I share your hate!


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I second the Valentine1. I had mine for over 4 years now and it has saved my butt many times, lost count long time ago. Here in California, CHP and local PD all use Ka band, so I turned off the X and K band. So when the V1 goes off and shows the signal from the front, I slow down. Bad radar detectors will leak Ka band also, which is kind of annoying. Get the conceal display kit, that way other people can't see the display so only you slow down not everyone else.

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Just Kiddin'

I don't know if they still do, but MT used to have "reasonable and prudent" as their speed limit. That makes much more sense. Here in Florida we have much more trouble with grandma doin' 40 in a 65.

I haven't had one this year (knock, knock) but I've had three in three years. I can't stand seeing a lazy cop sitting in ambush because he doesn't feel like going to look for some real criminals.

Sorry Dude.

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If you don't want a speeding ticket. Maybe you should consider obeying the law.

Valid point, actually. I don't object to some tickets 'cause I earned them B)

But I do object to 77 in a 65 zone when it had been a 70 limit for the last 100 miles and I apparently missed 1 sign a few yards back. I thought it was only small towns that had that kind of speed trap.

Ah well, I guess I should consider the radar detector! [Just ordered the Valentine. I've only had 3 tickets in the last few years but 2 of them have been in the last month so I need help :blink:]


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My CHL finally paid off coming back from a match last month-- got a nice written warning instead of a bill from the tax collector.

At least the match shouldn't give you a hassle about showing up late if you've got the bill in hand.

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I know this isn't cool, but I haven't had a single ticket since I started driving the incredibly unhip...............Subaru wagon.

There's just no glory in pulling one over. I got hassled like crazy when I had sportscars. Now, I've just been left alone. I don't drive slow either. There's been at least 10 times when I should have got a ticket for doing 10-15 over through a speed trap and the cops just blew me off.

Totally uncool, unhip, unmanly, and looks like I have a leftist agenda, but it's working for me. No tickets for 10 years....


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I wonder if that's why cops never look twice at me in my slightly lifted Wrangler. "He can't go that fast, why bother?". Oddly enough, it can do 80, but it feels like I'm about to lift off.. :D Even at 70, if I hit a gusty crosswind, it's all kinds of uncomfortable (how did I wind up in THIS lane? :unsure: )


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Hmmm, I put my radar detector away YEAR'S AGO (and at the same time put away my radar/laser jamber). Did I make a mistake? I thought that everyone used either instant on, or laser these days.... :huh:

Also, I thought the Escort units were the best....

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I think one's looks can sometimes have a GREAT deal to do with the sniffing LEOs:

Back when I was driving a bright red Jag XKE, had long blond hair, wore short skirts, and generally pricey clothes and all, the cops literally followed me from city limits to city limits during my daily commute and wherever ELSE I went. WhenI left city limits there was another one waiting for me there in the adjacent jurisdiction to follow me some more. It was disgusting. They never ticketed me (one tried to, ended wrecking his cruiser moments after he did. I took it to court. He'd already been busted. Case dismissed.) Growing weary of the sexist harrassment, I sold the E-Type, bought a smaller sports car (MG Midget), dyed my hair a different color and never saw the cops ever again. Never. :ph34r::lol:

Note to Eric on this one: The workplace jurisdiction was South San Francisco, the home base was Pacifica. The city limit was at the top of the hill and that's where the cops would wait... or pass the baton, whichever. They'd stop me now and then on the freakin' Coast Highway where it's hard to pull over, too. Make me damn' late to work in the morning!! Jerks! :angry::angry::angry:

So now I drive the little black no-radio/no-hubcaps Nissan Sentra and no one notices. I do wear my weirdo space alien fully-reflective sunglasses, though, so none of the jerks on the street can penetrate my world with their idiotic stares. They try, though, and it's interesting to watch people TRY to focus on something they can't see... B):lol:


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Valentine radar detectors are designed by one of the guys that designed the original Escort. The V1 is far superior to other detectors in that it shows the direction of the signal and uses 2 radar antennas. Not all cops use radar though, you still need to keep an eye out.

What no comment from Nolan yet?

Speed never killed anyone. It's the sudden stops.

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Hmm .. vehicle might make a difference. I've never been given a ticket in my Wrangler. The unpleasant ticket was in a new Volvo. The other one was in Jim's fancy truck.

But ... I never had a ticket driving the XJS so that brakes the pattern.

I'll be optimistic and conclude that if I drive the Wrangler and use aValentine, I'll never get another ticket going to a match ... and at the match I'm only likely to be ticketed for shooting too slow :P


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Slow down in South Carolina! I was in that state for the Forth of July and they have signs that indicate if you are caught speeding in a construction zone the fine is doubled PLUS 30 days in jail. Also the interstate speed limit is not 70 but 60-65mph.

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