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2012 Adams Arms Ozark 3-Gun Match Information

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To Kirk, Misty, and company: Thanks for all that you have done and continue to do to make this match one of the best there is. This is my favorite match, and I will continue to return year after year as long as you hold it.

To all the sponsors: Thanks for all your support of our sport. Even after not finishing well this year, I still walked away with a prize well worth what I paid to going into this match.

To the RO's: Thanks for all your hard work. I'm sorry to hear that Pashia and Mike on Stage 8 had to deal with a squad or two who failed to reset the targets. You guys had to walk up and down that slope 250+ times over 4+ days, and you should have not had to reset a single target after running a shooter. IMHO, I wished you guys would have exercised your right to penalize those squads or just sit down and not run the next shooter until they reset it. You guys were just too nice.

To my fellow shooters in Squad 1: Thank you for the great company and all the laughs. I also had the priviledge of shooting with the top two HM Shooters, Kuan Watson and Bryan Ray. Despite seeing my a@@ get handed to me stage after stage, it was good to see you both perform and I got to see things I could do to improve on. The biggest thanks goes to Bryan Ray's and Brian Vaught's wives for being our "Squad Moms" and took care of us.

My favorite stage was stage 4. You got to shoot all 3 guns and you also had options to shoot some targets with either a handgun or shotgun. It gives the shooter a choice between reloading the shotgun that puts out a wider payload or go with the handgun and take more of a precise shot. The rifle at varying distances targets were challeging.

My least favorite stage was stage 7 simply because I couldn't hit them darn targets with a slug while on that darn swing, but thats on me. I gave it an honest try though instead of just letting 6 slugs fly down range. I can't complain about the stage design as some shooters got their hits, some did not. To me, part of that game was either try and get your hits or take the penalty for the misses. I am glad however that the penalty for misses on this stage was 10 seconds each and not 5 as common to other matches.

Only change I would like to see for next year is the use of more target backers for all the distance targets. Having a target backer that is a contrary color to the target (especially with those autopoppers) helps make the targets more visible throughout the day. Its more fun for us iron shooters to be able to see the targets we're shooting at rather than guess-timate where the target is in relation to the backer.

I'm already looking forward to next year.

Edited by -=VILLAMOR=-
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Sorry Anthony, I couldn't remember whether it was Anthony or Andrew. Picked one and got it wrong. Again, I apologize. Your run was amazing. I think you only took two or three extra shots on the pistol and one or two on the shotgun. I knew it was going to be fast as you went along knocking targets off the stands. It's a pleasure to watch great shooters work. ROing makes sure that I'll shoot terribly but lets me see how it should be done. Next year I think I'll just shoot and have less of an excuse for sucking, but might actually do a bit better. Cut my time almost in half on Stage 7 when I reshot it on Sunday after everyone was done. ROs generally don't think like gamers and the squads are small so you don't get to pick a lot of brains.

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Just shoot all the targets then who cares what the penalty is..... Wow problem solved

Sometimes the wind picks up and pushes you off target with a .45 at 7 yards. Every 5 seconds helps. :cheers:

Should shoot a 9mm. They're a 400+ yrd gun. And the wind doesn't seem to bother them too much. :-) but you had to be there all three times to beleive it.

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Thanks to all the staff. I know how hard it is to put on a match like this.

I really liked some of the stages, really wish I would have shot better. I had kind of a perfect storm of suck and malfunction this weekend.

I really think that Stage 7 was probably the worst stage I have ever seen. No offense to anyone, but those slug shots were just stupid. I bet nobody could hit those 6 targets 3 or even 2 out of 10 tries in a realistic time. I may be wrong, but whatever. I accidentally got two of them, one of my slugs skipped off the ground and knocked a target off.

The prize table was pretty fat and run pretty well. Kudos to all the sponsors, especially Adams Arms and Samson. I saw a lot of their really good product on the table even at my dismal finish. Heck I think there were still like 10 stripped lowers on the table when they finally called my name.

The 12 hour drive sucks, but I might definitely venture up again next year.

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Thanks to all the hard working staff at this match!

I had a great time!

Really enjoyed shooting with squad 9 - some old friends and new ones, and with squad 18 - some old friends and new ones!

Sorry I scared some people with my lung power when I burned myself with brass and couldn't shoot for ... either!!! Pain and frustration is a loud combination!

Oh yeah, I'm loud all the time! Thanks for putting up with me - 9 and 18 and 17 I think, too!

3-Gunners are awesome!!!!

Thanks for a great weekend off from school! :rolleyes:


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This years match more than made up for the issues we saw last year. It was very evident that Kirk, Misty, the RO's and other staff were putting it all in to make this one a winner and it was.

The prize table was BIG. The number of complete long guns was around 20-25 between all 5 tables. There were several complete uppers. Stacks of upper/lower sets and stripped lowers.

IMHO This match has put itself back on the MUST shoot list in a big way.

Great job everyone!!!

The prize table was pretty sick!!! The stages were very fun and very fast. There were no impossible shots for any skill level (ask my daughter!!). I hated stage 7, but still had fun with it!!! Only critique I would have for next year is bino's for the RO's and get rid of the autopoppers. Too much breakage and to hard to call hits with the naked eye. By the time we shot stage 3 on Sunday we were down to 3 autopoppers and two of them were bent nearly in half. This made a small target a lot smaller!!! I cant wait until next year. Squad 4 was the heat. We had 3 of the top 5 TO and the HO winner. Always a great group to shoot with.

In every match I've been to that had steel that needed to be called as a hit, by ROs has been a problem. :surprise:

I had my Swarovski binos along, but, left them in the truck. I discussed the problem, at length, with Rob. The only way an RO can use optics, for steel targets that are spread out far enough that you can't get them all in to the field of view, is to require the targets to be taken in a particular order, so the proper target can be focused on.

I would estimate that over 50% of shooters that said how they PLANNED to engage the targets, either lost their sight picture and skipped targets, or, had gun issues and all of a sudden just shot whatever was in their scope.

The only other two options I can think of that would guarantee perfect feedback, without requiring targets taken in in order is to either have electronic flashers, like were on the long range target, or, have an RO with an optic on each target, which would mean if there were 10 targets, there would need to be 10 ROs with optics.

I know that on every stage where there was called steel, there were also hits called, where there were no hits. We always tried to give the benefit of the doubt to the shooter.

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Thanks top Kirk Misty. Adams Arms, Samson and all the sponsors for another great match.

Squad 1 was a great group of guys with a lot of talent. I enjoyed watching Jomar, Bryan, and the other guy, what was his name?... oh yea, Kuan, break targets with their HI rifles.

I love the little rifle and pistol plates at this match. Can make or break you.

Stage 7 was a heartbreaker. Might have been fun at a local match where there is not much at stake, but not for a major. Just my opinion.

I hope to be back next year.

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Sorry Anthony, I couldn't remember whether it was Anthony or Andrew. Picked one and got it wrong. Again, I apologize. Your run was amazing. I think you only took two or three extra shots on the pistol and one or two on the shotgun. I knew it was going to be fast as you went along knocking targets off the stands. It's a pleasure to watch great shooters work. ROing makes sure that I'll shoot terribly but lets me see how it should be done. Next year I think I'll just shoot and have less of an excuse for sucking, but might actually do a bit better. Cut my time almost in half on Stage 7 when I reshot it on Sunday after everyone was done. ROs generally don't think like gamers and the squads are small so you don't get to pick a lot of brains.

no problem thanks for the complement it was the best stage i've ever run :cheers: thanks for all your hard work!!

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Here's my match vid. Many thanks to Adams Arms for coming out strong for the prize table.

I picked the same stage to start off my video!! But it wouldnt be proper without some Five Finger Death Punch!!!!!!

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This was a great match and hats off to the staff, ROs, and sponsors. Awesome prize table... gives me an excuse to build a new rifle with the new lower :D.

Scoring was beaten to death, but that's how it was done and personally I do agree with most that it should be a 5sec pen one C/D. But... is there no excuse to miss anyway? I know I would like about 20 seconds back. ;) Granted most outlaw matches have different rules sets in one shape or form be it scoring or equipment divisions. I believe Jessie even had a link to a graph/table to that at one point on another thread somewhere. Maybe one day all the matches will fall under one rule set, but I think until then, Ill roll with the punches and plan accordingly.

Stage 7, isn't there usually a make it or break it stage at most matches that I have seen (ProAm with clays maybe?). No matter the mindset, isn't the way some people see 3 Gun (or any practical shooting sport) problem solving with guns? Be it "gaming" or aiming and based on skill level, that I think was the point. I know I never train to shoot slugs on a swinging platform. It added a completely new and interesting dynamic to the match. I know that my pistol was weak and couldn't game after maybe finishing pistol in roughly 30-35 seconds, so I took some time to aim and hit 5 out of 6 with 9 slugs (ran out) with a total time of 74 seconds (5th tac ops on the stage)... and I suck :) . Love or hate it, but it was doable, I know where my POA and POI is with my shotgun and slugs.

But in all, again, AWESOME match and hope to do it again next year.

Edited by KTKlaus
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Kirk, Rob, Misty and the whole he-haw gang from Ozark;

good show! Stages were fun, ROs were PLESANT and always smiling!, even when I did a little whining to Rob everyone was plesant! A few hick-ups along the way, but hey, thats to be expected...

critical stuff;

Rifle target presentation - white targets with yellow backers make the targets INVISIBLE! With yellow backers, paint the targets BLACK!

(I hate pesky poppers with iron sights...and put the backers BEHIND the target, not beside it) :blink:

Stage 7 was tough, but not impossible. To those who chose to not really engage the slug targets; I'll bet you would really like to have a do-over, wouldn't you? :devil: Slugs CAN be that accurate, shooting slugs accurately is a skill that needs to be tested in 3gun. If you had trouble, go practice. But don't say the stage was stupid, because it wasn't...

Fav stage was 8, because I had a great run and everything clicked! (I think I even beat a bunch of auto-loaders with my pump-gun :sight: ) I do like a great run and gun stage! runner-up was stage 9...another longer, run and gun stage!

Kuan and Brian; someday you guys, someday... :cheers: that was some good HeMan shooting yall did!

Congrats to ALL the winners!

Thanks to all the sponsors! Its great to get together and shoot, but to walk away with booty to boot is really cool!

thanks to squad 9, hope to see yall again soon!


Edited by RiggerJJ
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Fav stage was 8, because I had a great run and everything clicked! (I think I even beat a bunch of auto-loaders with my pump-gun :sight: ) I do like a great run and gun stage! runner-up was stage 9...another longer, run and gun stage!


Damn, I was runner-up? That's the nices't thing anyone said to me...LOL :cheers:

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Thanks to everyone from the RO's and Sponsors, to the fellow shooters and the weather, for a great match.

I was lucky enough to shoot on squad #3. A few fellow MN shooters that I already knew, and several sponsors of the match with Samson and Adams Arms. Then there was the Huldra crew from Fleet Farm. Overall this was a great squad. Hard workers and fun to hang with. On this squad the competition didn't stop at the shooting, we were even racing to see who could reset the steel and paste the targets the fastest. Good fun.

Stage #7 was a stage I enjoyed shooting far more than I thought I would. I went into it with the idea I was going to give it 9 good shots at the targets and see how it went. The only part of any stage I didn't like was the wall on stage #6. I saw several shooters starting to slip when the edge of their shoe lost traction. For safety reasons and for reasons of fairness, I think there should be 1x2's or 2x4's screwed across the width of the barricade so it would allow people of different heights, weights, flexability ability, etc. to be able to find a safe purchase for their feet so they could be secure while shooting. Just a thought. A couple of the stages might have been set up just a little differently to allow for easier/faster/safer reset while the competitor was still shooting. Overall though well done!!!!

My favorite stages were Stage #8 and Stage #9. I thought all of the RO's did an exceptional job but the two on stage #9 gave the most thorough walk through directions I think I have ever heard on a stage.

The sponsors were awesome. The prize table was something I wish I had taken a picture of.

Edited by Brian Payne
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HEAR-PRO would like to thank everyone that stopped by and talked to us at our vendor's tent this past weekend.

We also want to thank Kirk for providing us with some great spots to set up and for helping us out on a few pieces of equipment.

TJ Parrish and I shot the match with the staff on Thursday, and had a great time.

I think O3G will be a yearly attendance for HEAR-PRO.


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I can never figure out why people complain that one stage or another is unfair , or shouldn't be in a MAJOR match , WHY ?, EVERYBODY has to shoot it , everybody has the same chance.

Guess I just don't understand :(

Did you forget about the $250 you paid for a good time?

Whether it's a $25.00 match or $250.00 or an RO it's STILL the same , EVERYBODY shoots the same stages.

? ?

Just like I tell the complainers that race at my track , "The guy that beat you , rode the same track you did , if you want to beat him , maybe you should practice more "

This is not directed at ANYBODY , just a general "I don't understand why " ?

My scores SUCKED , BTW , mag problems with pistol and rifle :angry2: that never happened before

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I can never figure out why people complain that one stage or another is unfair , or shouldn't be in a MAJOR match , WHY ?, EVERYBODY has to shoot it , everybody has the same chance.

Guess I just don't understand :(

Did you forget about the $250 you paid for a good time?

Whether it's a $25.00 match or $250.00 or an RO it's STILL the same , EVERYBODY shoots the same stages.

? ?

Just like I tell the complainers that race at my track , "The guy that beat you , rode the same track you did , if you want to beat him , maybe you should practice more "

This is not directed at ANYBODY , just a general "I don't understand why " ?

My scores SUCKED , BTW , mag problems with pistol and rifle :angry2: that never happened before

If I pay $250 for anything I think that gives me the right to say whatever the heck I want about the item I purchased. I thought that slug portion of stage 7 sucked, period. If you don't agree you are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.

If the targets were bigger or the swing not present it would have been awesome. More than 90% of the shooters had penalties for not hitting the targets. That's about 80% too high.

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I'll preface by saying I'm new to the 3 gun game, Ozark was my 2nd big match. But, I agree that if the intent of the stage was for shooters to actually be able to hit the targets, then either the targets needed to be larger, or the platform needed to be stable. My gun shoots slugs great, but I was only able to hit two of the mini ipsc steels. In hindsight, the slug targets were almost like bonus targets. I think the design of the stage encouraged the strategy of just throwing 6 slugs downrange without taking the time to aim. If that was the intent, it worked.

I did have a great time at the match. I enjoyed all the stages, I just enjoyed 7 a little less. While there were some bumps,it was nothing to get upset over. I plan on returning next year.

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I can never figure out why people complain that one stage or another is unfair , or shouldn't be in a MAJOR match , WHY ?, EVERYBODY has to shoot it , everybody has the same chance.

Guess I just don't understand :(

Did you forget about the $250 you paid for a good time?

Whether it's a $25.00 match or $250.00 or an RO it's STILL the same , EVERYBODY shoots the same stages.

? ?

Just like I tell the complainers that race at my track , "The guy that beat you , rode the same track you did , if you want to beat him , maybe you should practice more "

This is not directed at ANYBODY , just a general "I don't understand why " ?

My scores SUCKED , BTW , mag problems with pistol and rifle :angry2: that never happened before

Because a $250 buy in major match shouldn't have a pure dumb luck make it or break it stage. The guys that smoked it had a great run sure, but I bet none of them could repeat the performance with 10 trys.... When things like the overall winner and division winners are decided on a stage like that, you know it is a problem from a stage designers perspective. Let me put it this way, in my humble opinion, if 70+% of the shooters in the match can't clean an array in a reasonable time every time they shoot it then it doesn't belong in a major match.

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