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Act of Valor


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Severely disappointed. Although the weapon play and use was spot on, I expected much more from the movie. The military lingo was poorly inserted into the dialogue. Could obviously tell the budget wasn't very high for this movie. Having close ties to the spec ops community (Marine side), I hoped for a little more. A few cliche moments also kinda turned me off. I could almost predict a few scenes ahead of time. Someone with less military knowledge or ties to that community might enjoy the movie more than I did.

I will admit that SOME of the battles were more realistic than most movies. Some of my military (prior and current) friends felt the same way I did. I don't mean to totally disrespect the movie...just guess my hope were REALLY high hearing about live fire along with a active military duty cast.

Edited by hankfan79
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I watched this movie last night with my lady. We both gave it an 8/10 rating. I have zero military experience/knowledge so I couldn't validate if what they were doing was how it really happens or not. If we have brave and dedicated Americans doing even 10% of what those guys were doing (which it wouldn't surprise me if 100% of it was based on real life) my hat is off to them for their bravery and dedication to keeping us safe :bow:

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The movie kicks the hollywood liberal assholes in the teeth. They had already said the movie was poor. I went to it just to help the ratings go up but I did enjoy the movie. So did all the people that clapped at the end. Want to know more about the seals? Read "Lone Survivor" by Marcus Luttrell. I read it twice in a month and my wife loved it, and she doesn't read much military. God bless our brothers in arms. By the way, at the end they dedicate the movie to seals that have died. Danny Dietz is one of them, from Littleton, Co. If you get a chance go by and visit the memorial, very moving. Read the book


Edited by bigstick0000
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Can't please everyone. Some people are just gonna go into this movie not wanting to like it and some people just like to hate everything.

I really wanted to walk away thinking this was the new go to military movie about Seals and the Spec Ops community in general. I just didn't get that vibe but that might not even have been what they were trying to do with this movie. If they were just trying to open the eyes of what type of courage and honor it took to serve a country...they DID do that. I did walk away being thankful...as I always have been.

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My wife and I went to see it last night. It brought back some memories that from my past as a Recon Marine. During the movie my wife says, "I remember helping make one of those", referring to the gillie suit, maid me smile be cause she remembered and seeing the excitement in her eyes as she said it. In the scene when the Seal dove on the grenade I felt my blood pressure drop as he dove on the grenade and brought tears to my me.

I do not get that feeling that often. During the 1st Gulf War 2nd Recon Bn stood Charlie Company Team Three back up. They had not had a C-3 since the Beirut bombing in 1983.

We had just returned from a mission that conducted a recon of the area when the 2nd Marine Division would cross the mine field to include marking the mine belt and marking the lanes for the combat engineers to clear.When re returned from our mission our team was putting up our gear and we heard CPL Michael Cooke yell "GRENADE" and every one hit the deck as the explosion went off. As everyone reacted and assessed the situation and turn to see the where the where explosion detonated CPL. Cooke had sacrificed his life by jumping on the grenade saving the life of of many Marines. Several others Team member received injuries due to the explosion.

I really enjoyed the movie. For those the claim bad acting and improper language and have to critique every little part because the director and producer made a few changes, I'm sorry you did not like it. Most people not have the understanding of what Special Operations do and never will unless they have been there. Take it for what it is worth. Recruiting for the SEALs and other Special Operation units in every Service have gone thru the roof over the past few years. God Bless every one of those the even had the intestinal fortitude to even apply.

My prayers go out to every team member and their families. Thank you for your service and the scarifies you make.

The Navy SEAL Creed

In times of war and uncertainty there is a special breed of Warrior ready to answer our Nation’s call.

A common man with uncommon desires forged by adversity he stands alongside America’s finest Special Operation Forces to serve his Country, the American people, and protect their Way of Life.

I am that Man!

My Trident is a symbol of honor and heritage bestowed upon me by the Heroes that have gone before and embodies the trust of those I am sworn to protect.

By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession and it is a privilege that I must earn every day.

My loyalty to Country and Team is beyond reproach. I humbly serve as a Guardian to my fellow Americans always ready to defend those who are unable to defend themselves. I do not advertise the nature of my work or seek recognition for my actions. I voluntarily accept the inherent hazards of my profession placing the welfare and security of others before my own.

I serve with honor on and off the battlefield. The ability to control my emotions and my actions regardless of circumstances sets me apart from other men. Uncompromising integrity is my standard. My character and honor are steadfast.

My Word is my Bond.

We expect to lead and be lead. In the absence of Orders I will take charge, lead my Teammates, and accomplish the mission. I lead by example in all situations.

I will NEVER Quit!

I persevere and thrive on adversity. My Nation expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than my enemies.

If knocked down I will get back up every time!

I will draw on every remaining ounce of strength to protect my Teammates and accomplish the mission.

I am NEVER out of the fight!

We demand discipline. We expect innovation. The lives of my Teammates and the success of our mission depend on me, my technical skill, tactical proficiency, and attention to detail.

My training is NEVER complete!

We train for War and fight to win. I stand ready to bring the full spectrum of combat power to bear in order to achieve my mission and the goals established by my Country. Execution of my duties will be swift and violent when required, yet guided by the principle that I serve to defend.

Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and fear of reputation that I am bound to uphold. In the worst of conditions the legacy of my Teammates steadies my resolve and silently guides my every deed.

I will NOT fail!

Simper Fi,

Steve Burgess

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I took my family (wife and both daughters) to see this movie. I was amazed in the detail the movie went into. The scene of the funeral reminded me of what I read of Petty Officer Second Class Michael Monsoor's funeral.

I was even more surprised when my wife told me that she liked the movie and would go see it again. As someone else posted, it shows the true Valor and sacrifice these guys and all in the military go through to preserve our freedoms and the safety of out great country.

Thanks to all that serve our great country. :cheers:

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Just got back from it….

The dramatic parts of this movie played like a bad episode of Army Wives narrated by Forrest Gump (seriously). Some people in the audience laughed at how cheesy it was. (I was among them)

The action scenes were largely very compelling and exciting. Lots of dudes getting shredded.

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Just got back from it….

The dramatic parts of this movie played like a bad episode of Army Wives narrated by Forrest Gump (seriously). Some people in the audience laughed at how cheesy it was. (I was among them)

The action scenes were largely very compelling and exciting. Lots of dudes getting shredded.

there you go undermining the us navy now

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My wife and I went to see it last night. It brought back some memories that from my past as a Recon Marine. During the movie my wife says, "I remember helping make one of those", referring to the gillie suit, maid me smile be cause she remembered and seeing the excitement in her eyes as she said it. In the scene when the Seal dove on the grenade I felt my blood pressure drop as he dove on the grenade and brought tears to my me.

I do not get that feeling that often. During the 1st Gulf War 2nd Recon Bn stood Charlie Company Team Three back up. They had not had a C-3 since the Beirut bombing in 1983.

We had just returned from a mission that conducted a recon of the area when the 2nd Marine Division would cross the mine field to include marking the mine belt and marking the lanes for the combat engineers to clear.When re returned from our mission our team was putting up our gear and we heard CPL Michael Cooke yell "GRENADE" and every one hit the deck as the explosion went off. As everyone reacted and assessed the situation and turn to see the where the where explosion detonated CPL. Cooke had sacrificed his life by jumping on the grenade saving the life of of many Marines. Several others Team member received injuries due to the explosion.

I really enjoyed the movie. For those the claim bad acting and improper language and have to critique every little part because the director and producer made a few changes, I'm sorry you did not like it. Most people not have the understanding of what Special Operations do and never will unless they have been there. Take it for what it is worth. Recruiting for the SEALs and other Special Operation units in every Service have gone thru the roof over the past few years. God Bless every one of those the even had the intestinal fortitude to even apply.

My prayers go out to every team member and their families. Thank you for your service and the scarifies you make.

The Navy SEAL Creed

In times of war and uncertainty there is a special breed of Warrior ready to answer our Nation’s call.

A common man with uncommon desires forged by adversity he stands alongside America’s finest Special Operation Forces to serve his Country, the American people, and protect their Way of Life.

I am that Man!

My Trident is a symbol of honor and heritage bestowed upon me by the Heroes that have gone before and embodies the trust of those I am sworn to protect.

By wearing the Trident I accept the responsibility of my chosen profession and it is a privilege that I must earn every day.

My loyalty to Country and Team is beyond reproach. I humbly serve as a Guardian to my fellow Americans always ready to defend those who are unable to defend themselves. I do not advertise the nature of my work or seek recognition for my actions. I voluntarily accept the inherent hazards of my profession placing the welfare and security of others before my own.

I serve with honor on and off the battlefield. The ability to control my emotions and my actions regardless of circumstances sets me apart from other men. Uncompromising integrity is my standard. My character and honor are steadfast.

My Word is my Bond.

We expect to lead and be lead. In the absence of Orders I will take charge, lead my Teammates, and accomplish the mission. I lead by example in all situations.

I will NEVER Quit!

I persevere and thrive on adversity. My Nation expects me to be physically harder and mentally stronger than my enemies.

If knocked down I will get back up every time!

I will draw on every remaining ounce of strength to protect my Teammates and accomplish the mission.

I am NEVER out of the fight!

We demand discipline. We expect innovation. The lives of my Teammates and the success of our mission depend on me, my technical skill, tactical proficiency, and attention to detail.

My training is NEVER complete!

We train for War and fight to win. I stand ready to bring the full spectrum of combat power to bear in order to achieve my mission and the goals established by my Country. Execution of my duties will be swift and violent when required, yet guided by the principle that I serve to defend.

Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and fear of reputation that I am bound to uphold. In the worst of conditions the legacy of my Teammates steadies my resolve and silently guides my every deed.

I will NOT fail!

Simper Fi,

Steve Burgess


One of the hardest things I had to to do during my time in was present the colors to the family at funerals. It still chokes me up to see.

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I knew going in, the speaking parts were not Hollyweird standards..so what! The action sequences were fun, watching bad guys die is great. +1 for the men and women who do this everyday. Thank you. I was surprised that the seals did not use surpressors, the muzzle flashes were quite bright. wouldn't seem prudent in a gun fight, but then what do I know, Zilch!

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All in all I enjoyed the movie. There are plenty of valid points in this thread. ie the muzzle flashes, suppressors, speaking parts, however it is 100% better than if they would have put Arnold in it and had him stand in the middle of a field and take out an entire opposing army with a snub nose that he fires 500 times w/o reloading!!!

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Have you all noticed also that the seals were not shooting full auto...seems like semi auto with 2 in the body and one in the head...they make sure that the bad guys are dead...well except for the mini-gun scene...cool!

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