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Friday Flame 11 June 04


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I hate condencending types who tell people who have spent the last four years regularly serving as RO and CRO at USPSA State Championship-level matches to "talk to more shooters."

I hate snide liberal media talking heads (but I repeat myself) playing off the "Reagan was a good guy" stuff now, after they spent eight years (and the 14 years since) blasting him as a doddering old fool. Of course, they say he was a senile and clueless geezer with one side of their mouths, then with the other side of their mouths say that he was so sly and slick that he manipulated the entire US Government into Iran/Contra affair and came out clean.

I hate having to work at 0330 on what was supposed to be a down day.

I hate having to spend that morning listening to a clueless TSA goon tell me that 14CFR108 d(3) "the baggage in which it is carried is locked, and only the passenger checking the baggage retains the key or combination" ACTUALLY means "the baggage in which it is carried is UNlocked..."

I hate that I'll probably be in my commander's office Monday morning getting chewed out for telling said TSA goon that "Hooked On Phonics" is available at the local library, and that I'd be happy to help him sound out the big words.

These things I hate.


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Along similar lines (but not applying to those posting here)...I hate that you can't give a well-needed kick in the ass to anybody over the internet.

I am talking a good, old-fasioned, kick somebody in the ass hard enough to lift them off the ground, kick them again...until they fall down...then with the target properly presented...commence to kicking for effect.

I'm talking the kind of ass kicking that, when finished, the reciever has run the equivilent of the 100 yard dash...on all fours.

We all likely need a good ass kicking every now and then...and some are well over-due.


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Hooked on Phonics, huh? I don't think Dale Carnegie would approve of that approach. :lol:

I don't think he would approve of Flex's approach either, but I do, so it went into my signature line...

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I hate seeing President Clinton falling asleep during President Reagan's funeral.

I hate people who hate SUV's.

I hate twisted phone cords, toilet paper and paper towel rolls not pointing in the right direction, people who take to long at the ATM (what are you trying to do, hack the WOPR?) and I hate the "9/11 effect" on our lives (see Wakal's ridiculous encounter at the airport along with X number of stupid security actions that have zero effect that impede and restrict our liberties).

Happy motoring...in your EEEEEVIL SUV's! B)


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"We all likely need a good ass kicking every now and then...and some are well over-due."
Like that humor quote recently went: "He just needed killin'." :ph34r::angry:
"I hate hot weather, humidity, and high winds."
Sounds like a monsoon in the Tropics!! Where ARE you...? Bangladesh...?? :o

I hate arrogant shooters that come up and interrupt your conversation with another shooter as though you didn't flippin' exist. HELLOOOOOO! We were TALKING and you WEREN'T...!!!! (this has been goin' on with one idiot in particular for a long time; I just haven't mentioned it much. But I'm ticked off enough to mention it NOW.) :angry::angry:

I'm utterly, completely, thoroughly damn-straight-way-rabid about all this medication people are taking for "depression"...!!!! Like the Retrosexual post said, DEAL WITH IT!!! Most people don't NEED all this medicinal poison! They just need to get out and get a life and get busy!! Or, perhaps, they just need a Flexmoney firm boot in their a**es! :angry::wacko:

(disclaimer: some people DO require medication to straighten out their problems, but the percentage that need it is small compared to the gargantuan numbers of people currently "on medication" in this country.)

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I hate the hot, humid weather.

I hate that I won't get to shoot the Area 5 three gun match.

I hate the endless bandwagon jump-on'ing of all of the media weasels and other pseudo-liberal socialist-statist singing praises to President Reagan, when they pilloried him mercilessly in the past. The hypocrisy surprises me only by the current volume of it all.

I hate that otherwise well-meaning people are comparing a great president and man like Mr. Reagan to the likes of FDR, as if the latter had actually been good for the people of this country and the world.

I hate that when I go the gym now, there is usually no one there to spot me on bench presses and incline presses, and it really hurts my workouts when I'm starting to make some progress. I hate that if I go later in the evening when someone will be there, I won't have time to finish walking my laps on the indoor track afterward.

I hate that my 9mm Springfield won't shoot as well as it should.

I hate that I was 100% disappointed with the remake of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre." I realized the only potential benefit to watching it was looking at Jessica Biel, but they didn't even get her naked one time in the whole movie. And apparently the t-shirt ice technician wasn't on the set either. It was a waste of my time. Jessica Biel owes me!

I hate that it's unlikely that we'll ever have another president (like Pres. Reagan) who will stress that the essential element of America is individual freedom, and NOT democracy.

I hate that so few people seem to be aware that there is a difference between freedom and democracy, much less what the differences are.

I hate that I can't remember any of the other things I've been hating lately.

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"I hate hot weather, humidity, and high winds."
Sounds like a monsoon in the Tropics!! Where ARE you...? Bangladesh...?? :o


I'm in Kansas. Stupid weather. Rhino knows what I'm talking about - This weather isn't friendly to us "extra-large" boys. :lol:

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I hate people that need AC all day all the time!!! Get out and live and you will adjust!!!

He He He... Just kidding...

I hate that my kids don't know who Ronald Reagan was. But I've mandated a summer report on RR from both of them. They will learn. They can decide...

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Did Clinton really fall asleep at Reagan's funeral? Did I here that right?

If he did it would be just if he is the next one to receive a state funeral!

It's funny though, we all know that if Hillary is elected VP with John Commie.........I mean Kerry as president, Kerry will be the next one to receive a state funeral.

I also hate people (supposedly big shooters........what the hell is a 'big' shooter anyway?) who show up to matches the day before, or first or last day of a match, and shoot through without a good reason. And supposedly big shooters (or those who think they are) and others who don't help out, tape and set targets.

I like to RO them.........they get to tape then!

But I really hate not winning the lottery........you know.........the redneck retirement plan! LOL! Sorry I can't help but try to add levity and not dwell on hating stuff!


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I hate that while I was playing with my dog this morning I discovered a nasty infection in a small section of gum and the vet can't see her until Tuesday. Although I think I am troubled more by it than she is. :(

I hate that I need to use my deep cycle batteries tomorrow and both of them have dropped a couple cells so instead of having fun tomorrow I get to do the 120 mile round trip to Costco to exchange the damn things. Fricking things were fine in January/February. :angry:

I hate that both of the above events served to really take the joy out of a day off. I should have gone shooting. :wacko:

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I hate it when particular LE agencies think they own the range when they're there.

I own the range when I'm there, I don't give a crap if you're on the calendar or not. And quit blocking the damn equipment trailer with your POS Chevy Corsica weiniemobiles so I can't pull out the plate rack. Real cops drive Crown Vics anyway.

Furthermore, the next time you think you're all hot shit out there shooting a qualification course Stevie Wonder would yawn at, let me set the range up for you. I guarantee there will be more than one target for you to shoot at. Meet me on the rifle range. Target ranges *start* at 30 yards and go out to 100.

(I hope the LEOs here know I'm joking.)

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No shit! Wednesday a certain P.D. was out sighting in a dozen rifles at 40 yards, using Portugese surplus .223. (WTF?!? Sight-in with that and use a different duty round?) They left all the cases on the ground and they left their targets up to be blown away (or for someone like me to take them down). At least leave some decent Winchester brass for me to reload for my troubles.

I hate that my Hornady 55 FMJ loads shoot 3 MOA to the right of my Remington 55 FMJ, Sierra 69, Nosler 69, and Nosler 77 loads. I've already proven myself incompetent and likely to screw up the windage zero if I try to add or remove clicks between loads. I hate that I spent all my time chasing that zero instead of practicing.

Hey, aren't we supposed to flame other forum members? OK, how about you guys learn the difference between the Hate and Like forums. Your little love-fests in the Hate forum make me wanna puke! There has been one good, legitimate Hate rant the last several weeks.

While I'm hear, I hate having a whole week of non-stop funeral/memorial coverage on TV. How many U.S. troops died overseas today? Beats the shit out of me; I can't find any news on TV, just live shots of Air Force One over Simi Valley. Thank goodness for the web. Pardon me while I go read some news.

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I hate useless people, like a guy at our local match who is willing to take 12 procedurals because he doesn't want to get into the prone on a classifier and then has the gall to spend ten minutes searching and searching for his edge hit that he swears is there.

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