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When people wait for the 2nd ring

Bill Schwab

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Okay, I admit, I'm a bit hyper, but it drives me nuts!!  Is there some logical reason why the older folks among us wait until the 2nd ring to pick up the phone?  My mother-in-law does it, my Dad does it, and this gentelman who sits next to me at work does it all day.  

I keep wondering if maybe, years ago, the connection didn't go through if you picked the phone up right away.  Anyone?

Maybe I'm just anal.....

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Party lines.  Unless you lived out in the country way back when, you probably never heard of them.  Several houses shared one line.  You knew if you were supposed to pick it up by the number of rings.  Of course, once it stopped ringing, all the other neighbors picked up the line and listened in.

The digital age has done wonders for privacy, but killed off a lot of juicy rural gossip.

(Edited by EricW at 10:32 am on Dec. 12, 2002)

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My caller ID seems to activate before the first ring and does a 'gotcha' on all calls. Thank goodness.

ErikW--  Oooo, that goes back a long way. You're probably right (even though that phenom was prevalent even a little before MY time)(or maybe it was because I didn't live full-time in a rural setting). I don't think it's just "old" people... we have a young dude at the office who has the volume turned way up on his ring, waits at least two rings to pick up his phone, is sitting--for cryin' out loud--only about six inches from the phone in the first place... That must be how they do it in Turkey (that's where he's from). I dunno.

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Ditto on Pat. They realized they dialed wrong and hang up.

I love getting non-English speakers calling me all the time. (My prefix is used in a heavily Hispanic neighborhood.)

- Hello?

- (they speak so quickly I can hardly identify the language)

- Hello?

- ?Que? ?Guillermo? (or whomever)

- No esta aqui. Su numero esta mal.

- (click, dial tone)

(10-30 seconds pass and the phone rings again)

- !Hola!

- (click, dial tone)

If only I could connect these people with the telemarketers...

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Party line phones were funny.  We had one when I was a little kid.  Of course we lived WAY out in the boonies back then.  The area was so backwards the church we went to actually had an outhouse.  Sound like stories from a 70 year old?  Nah.  I'm 36.

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Hahaha...pretty funny all.

Sorry in advance for the thread drift, but I hate calls from telemarketers.  I have noticed, however, that there's a little pause when you pick up the phone, between when the computer detects your pick up, and connects the annoying telemarketer on the other end.  

I got in the habbit of hanging up quickly if someone didn't start talking to me within about 1/2 second of my "Hello?"  Sometimes I'd get a call back from some bewildered friend, wanting to know what happened, but most of the time, nothing.  I'm just presuming that means I'm hanging up on telemarketers successfully.

If you ever call me, you better say whatever it is you wanna say, right away dammit!



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Dogma, that's the answering-machine detector in the delay-- they wait for a couple seconds of silence to be sure you're message is done before they start the recording.  You can make one of those irritating "Hello?? {pause} Ha, got you, I'm not here." messages, but better yet, stick the tone from the 'doo-dee-dah This number is no longer in service" on the front of your message-- that hangs up the computers, and is the same thing those 'Tele-Zappers' as seen-on-TV do

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't been able to get the mafia (phone technician) out to my place to put in the second and third lines, so the Computer (data) and Fax machine, share the same line and are set to detect the carrier signal by the second ring.

Get the BEEP BEEP HISS in your ear a couple of times and you remember to wait.

The computer recognizes the tele marketing computers and assumes they want to initiate a data transfer and click they try to hangup and my computer has on occasion actually dialed them up and hiss and beeps in thier ear.......Ahhh it makes me warm to the soles of my feet just thinking about it.

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Just 2 rings?  Sometimes i wait until it hits 4 and the answering machine kicks in.

I never agreed that i had to jump up and answer a ringing phone.  My phone, my time...and if I don't want to answer or I want to screen the call...my business!

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I don't answer the phone.  That's why someone invented voicemail!  People who rate have my cell phone number.  That one I do answer 24 hours a day ---- but very grumpily between 3 a.m. and Noon, if I'm asleep and the caller isn't going to either the hospital or the morgue....

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Quote: from Eric Schwab on 7:51 pm on Jan. 2, 2003

Bill, maybe they believe everyone will think they were actually doing something when you called.


I can always count on you to interject humor into just about any situation  laugh.gif

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Quote: from 2alpha on 10:25 pm on Jan. 3, 2003

Bill, chill out man, how much time is this costing you?  It's not only the old people who don't answer on the first ring, you might be interupting my meditation

You're right, I DO need to chill.  I'm just kinda hyper sometimes, okay, lotsa times....I need to calm down when I'm driving too.

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I've got both a home phone (obviously) and a cell phone, but don't really like answering either. For some reason I prefer email and meeting face-to-face over speaking with someone on the phone. Nowadays I'm horrible... if I don't recognize the number on my Caller ID or if it says "Private Call" or "Unknown" I'm liable to not pick it up or answer with a "What?!"

I don't know... I guess it just stems from having a cell phone for so long (that had to be on "just in case"). The only relief you get is when you're driving through an area with no signal (a good part of Texas, Alabama, Louisiana, and Georgia on Cingular before it was Cingular).

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