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What are your thoughts on 3 Gun Nation?

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I think the having the Country singer as a host is there to show the amateur side of the game.

Showing amateur competitors shooting is going to be as exciting as watching my squadmates and me shoot. Ugh. You can see amateurs shoot all the time.

And when they interview them, are they going to have the insight that the better shooters have?

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Setting my DVR this morning, noticed the show is rated "PG, V"

V= "Moderate Violence"

What’s up with that?

David E.

I heard Bryan Ray and Rob Romero had to perform a shadow boxing match at Ozark match to settle who was in tbe shoot off since the scores that were never posted. It was very violent but it was only their shadows getting injured.

Edited by Jesse Tischauser
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How many of you are concerned with the 3 Gun Nation point series so you can get into the end of year shoot offs? I know I am counting my points.

Do you guys find it fun to be able to go on the 3GN website and see how you rank against everyone else? Almost like USPSA's classification.

Personally I really enjoy all the tips and info on the show and website.

I like the Idea , I will look at the points at the end of the year with passive interst.

At most events I have to take my buddy to the air port so I miss the shoot-offs. and the time that I don't have to leave I have some other urgent trivial thing that needs attention. so I miss them again

Being an average guy that made the shoot-off at Blue Ridge when the Storms knocked the match in to the mud. it was fun But I don't get much any joy out of shooting some else guns.

If the shoot-off had my own guns I could get interested in it.

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I can't see following , (Just ME,,, I don't follow it),The point system, many of the 3 gunners have Lives and Jobs, budgets, set amounts of vacation time, and can't make to all of the matches. So I don't see how it would be a true depiction of standings.

I could be wrong.

One of the things I like about 3 Gun, is that you pay your money Step-up and play with the (VERY BEST) I can only think of one of two other sports that you can do that.

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The format last year was better in my opinion. I rather see more people shooting stages than see Mike Voigt and the girl that got kicked off top shot go on a date.

:roflol: :roflol:


Show more 3 GUN SHOOTING and less filler/interviews with the top 8. Think of all the things we bitch about on Top Shot: too much drama and not enough shooting. If I want to see that junk I'll tune into something like Big Brother. :angry2:

Edited by ken hebert
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I dont care for the new format as much, and talked about this with the 3GN crew at the Ozarks match.

I prefer a WHOLE BUNCH of match coverage and getting to see EVERY matchup in the shootoff events. That said - I fully understand - 3GN is not a show for 3gunners to watch. It is a show that is trying to appeal to all people.... and will raise interest in the sport from those not already involved in it.

Whatever format they do - we have to remember that it doesn't need to appeal to existing 3gunners.... it needs to appeal to the shooting masses.

I am super glad they are producing the show, my hats off to the crew. It does nothing but bring in sponsors, and raises awareness so the sport can grow.

I'll watch a 3gun show no matter what they do in the show, over anything else on TV.

But I think therein lies one of their problems. The show is a show for 3-gunners, even if it doesnt try to be. I've shown it to 3-gunners, shooters and non-shooters, pretty much everyone except the 3-gunners (sadly enough) prefer Top Shot. People want to see action and get an understanding of how well someone did on a stage. Fragments of stages, long interviews, pro-tips might be interesting to us, but the non-initiated dont really care and no matter what their intentions are, my impression is still that 3GN is made by 3-gunners for 3-gunners.

Commentaries to the shooters as they navigating through a stage, maybe slow motion shots of cool/nice moves or shots, like in other sports might be cool. Showing a pro running a stage with a ticking clock in the corner, with split times, as well as penalties, would make it easier for "regular" people to understand what's going on. Showing some of the top shooters in a split screen format as they tackle a stage differently and see where they lose, or make up, time is another thing that might work.

Watching amateurs shoot is a waste of precious air time, if the goal is to appeal to the masses. No one except other amateur 3-gunners and maybe his buddies will find that interesting, to me, watching another amateur shoot is about as much fun as it would be watching Daniel H playing golf on ESPN...

Don't get me wrong, I love having a show about 3-gunning on air, but if the idea is to appeal to the masses I think the format and content need to be tweaked a bit.

Last year when I was going to attend the shoot-off I followed the points, this year when I know I wont, I dont.

Edited by gose
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I have only seen one episode. I tried to watch another episode once, but it turned out to be a re-run of the one I had already seen. I would like to be able to log-in as a competitor and at a bare-minimum be able to watch the show from the matches I have attended. Or, have an episode on the website for one week after it airs and then pull it down. I am probably in the minority of the people who haven't seen the shows, but would like to.

Don't get me started on the forced programming of cable/SAT TV. I might pick it back up one day if they ever get to an ala-carte model for the channel lineups. Until then.......I am boycotting!

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My only gripe is that they need to update their website with match results sooner, <_< Oh also I've emailed them several times to correct the mispelling of my last name from the SMM3G match, Normally I wouldn't give a damn but because its misspelled I don't get those points credited to me for the 3gunnation standings :angry2:

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I like the new look of the show. That being said, I dont like the format of following a couple shooters. I understand they have sponsors, and they want to give them max coverage. I like watching average guys shoot and then see the pros do the same thing. I like the idea of a split screen of two different pros running the same stage. That would be wicked cool.

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It might be a good idea to have 3GN work directly with match directors on stage design to make it as TV friendly as possible. Not every stage, maybe just 1 or 2 stages per match. Remote cameras, lots of reactive targets, good camera angles on the shooter, etc.

As far as the 3GN random team shoot off...it is really entertaining. Might be good to have the names picked out before the match starts and emailed out a couple days prior to the match. That will almost guarantee participation of the randomly picked person AND all his friends that will want to watch him compete.

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I've really like the team shootoff idea. It brings a fun new element to the end of the day. Another idea might be an 8 person random draw shootoff for the amateurs. Hold it prior to the big shootoff and the winners get prizes for good finishes. Overall Am winner gets a wildcard spot in the big money shootoff!

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I feel in order for 3 Gun Nation to be successful, non 3 Gunners have to watch the show. To that extent, there needs to be "made for tv" stages at these events. Whether they are part of the match or just the shootoff is up to 3GN. My own daughter would rather watch Top Shot over 3GN right now (unless I'm on 3GN) because the targets are visible and she can see what the shooters are aiming at. Me personally, I am happy watching videos which solely show the shooter. Technique, speed, and smoothness is what I look for. But I am going to watch 3GN no matter what.

I like the idea of following a few shooters an episode. It allows the viewers to get to know the shooters.

Filming the shooters throughout the match brings us to the tv problem. Again, most of the stages at these events are not "made for tv" and the viewer might not grasp the overall difficulty and/or excitement we, as shooters, get to experience.

I would like to see the following:

Highlight a few shooters every episode with a short interview and some clips of some badass runs from that event.

Spend half the episode on the Shootoff. But the shootoff has to change. 3GN has control of how the shootoff is setup and can make it as tv friendly as they want. Better targets for one. Also, who doesn't like slow motion? It's the only reason I watched Van Damme movies when I was younger.


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I've really like the team shootoff idea. It brings a fun new element to the end of the day. Another idea might be an 8 person random draw shootoff for the amateurs. Hold it prior to the big shootoff and the winners get prizes for good finishes. Overall Am winner gets a wildcard spot in the big money shootoff!


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It might help for 3GN to hire an acting coach and spend a little time prepping the competitors. There are a few of the "pros" that could be considered "made for TV" but not many.

Great, now you have Pat Kelley wondering which end of the spectrum that he is on. LOL!

Heck they could hire my wife. She's been acting for years.

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I really like the ranking deal that is currently used to get into the final 50. I would like to see it with out all the divisions combined though. To me its kind of like the USPSA classification system in a way. It gives you a way to compare yourself over a longer period of time to your competitors. I may not be climbing in to the Top 10 but I can try to unseat the guy in te place ahead of me. Plus it gives some credibility to the guys that are up and coming and visibility to sponsors that may be looking for those types of shooters.

In fact, I am trying to think of a way I can incorporate a similar system into our local 3 gun matches.

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Hell I think the side by side action idea is fantastic. You can really grasp how a missed shot, bungled reload, or even stopping at two spots to engage targets instead of one can impact the outcome of your overall time. For that matter, it would be interesting to see a Daniel Horner run next to a mere mortal (but still good) shooter just to illuminate how fast he really is.

I really wanted to see how I would come out in the point series even if I couldn't make it to the final match. Just to see how I ranked up against people who had been shooting 3gun much longer than me. I was pissed when they didn't make the CMMG match one of the qualifying matches. I get the feeling that was political more than anything, correct me if I'm wrong.

I think the goal of the show should be twofold. Increase public awareness of the sport and attracting new shooters. You have to make it entertaining to make people watch it. To attract new shooters, I think you need to demonstrate that not everyone at the match is a pro. Nobody is going to come out if they are intimitated by what they see on tv. Sprinkle in a few "regular" guys runs to take away some of that intimidation.

Shootoffs- Seriously, it's getting old with the same people. At least add a wildcard. The idea of a separate shootoff with random players is great. In fact I think I said that first in another thread. :P

And Jesse, that comment about your wifes acting is hilarious. I take it she doesn't read this stuff!

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Shootoffs- Seriously, it's getting old with the same people. At least add a wildcard. The idea of a separate shootoff with random players is great. In fact I think I said that first in another thread. :P

There were a few first timers in the shoot-offs at Ozark.

I think a charity bet against the shoot-off winner would be very cool. Draw a name, let them bid over-under their percentage against the winner and go for it. I am sure there are sponsors that would step up for a direct donation to the match designated charity. A small prize for the guy/gal if, and only if their time is better than their bet percentage agsint the shoot-off winner.

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