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Distance to local match

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I need some help with this one guys and gals. How far do you currently travel to your local range/match and what would you consider to be too far for a local range/match?

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For a local (as in regularly attended) match, I'll drive 90 minutes.

When it gets much beyond that, it has to have more appeal than simply being held on a free weekend. There are a few clubs in my area that are 2-5 hours away, but I still try to attend each once a year for thier big level II and III matches.

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I live in a pretty gun friendly state, one that seams to have a huge black hole, My local match is 1.5 to two hours away in morning and usually 3 getting home in the summer. It is usually run like a level II every month so its a good match. I havent made many of them due to work schedule. May have to go back to IDPA, and there is one steel match.

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Depending on where I live, as long as it takes. When I was in Kansas, 90+ minutes 1 way. OK City was just too far to go every month, but I drove it 3 times (2hrs+ one way). In Florida, about an hour max. Home range is 20 minutes and I go there less and less all the time. Motivation isn't there.

Edited by remoandiris
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I attend a match that is 1.5 hours away each month. Another monthly is 15 min and there are two that I rarely attend that are 30 min away and 1 hr away. Which weekend they are held on is the biggest concern for me. One range is considering a monthly 3-gun match. It is 2 hours away and that is about as far as I will go for a monthly match.

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It's your car your time and your gas, not really any reason what we do has any bearing on what you decide.

Joe, the reason i am taking this impromptu poll is because i am fixing to purchase some timber land that is 30 min from town and I am a little worried people may not won't to drive out to join and shoot. It would be a simple range at first if I can pull it off. Then add other events and shooting accessories.

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I'm pretty spoiled b/c there are 5 monthly matches that are within 45 min. I'll drive up to 90 minutes or so but that depends on how desparate I am to shoot and how good the match is!

Edited by sidnal
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ah so how far will other people drive to your range, now I gotcha,,,

Thats gonna be like any other business. Supply and demand, Where I live almost anyone that wants to can shoot in there back yard, and if they cant they have a budy whos they can, so you wouldnt get people to drive very far for a target range.

Match attendance will also be supply and demand related. The better your matches are, and the fewer alternatives, you'll get people from farther away. Fredericksburg Va fills up every month (bout 100) a week ahead of time for both reasons, They have a great monthly match and there isnt any other supply south. So its gonna depend on your area and the competition.

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It's your car your time and your gas, not really any reason what we do has any bearing on what you decide.

Joe, the reason i am taking this impromptu poll is because i am fixing to purchase some timber land that is 30 min from town and I am a little worried people may not won't to drive out to join and shoot. It would be a simple range at first if I can pull it off. Then add other events and shooting accessories.

For 30 minutes..."build it and they will come"

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My home club is about 20 minutes away. I shoot both IDPA and USPSA there every month. There's another IDPA club about 40 minutes away that I shoot every month. There's a USPSA club that puts on great matches about 90 minutes away that I go to if I have the day free. There's another USPSA club about an hour away that I only attend if my girlfriend is away as it's a smaller 4 stage match. I drive an hour for a 4 stage indoor match in the winter because it's the only chance to shoot USPSA Dec-Mar.

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I think that dedicated competition shooters usually put their desire to shoot a any particular match in the following order….

(1) Overall Quality of match – Stage Quality, How well/efficiently the match is run, Quick posting of results, etc.

(2) Competition level – How many good shooters are going to be attending the match.

(3) Weather Resistance of the Range location – Is the range prone to funky weather conditions that make life miserable. Such as excessive wind/dust or horrible muddy conditions when it rains.

(4) Distance – How far is it to travel to the range.

I am lucky to live almost dead center of where most of the ranges are located that host USPSA matches. The furthest distance I have to drive in any direction is 1.5 hours to get to the range. Most of the ranges that host USPSA matches require about 45 min – 1 hour of driving time. My upper limit is probably 100 miles. If a club match is more than 100 miles from where I live I will look for a match that is closer or just go practice instead.

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I'll consistently travel every month to a local match that is an hour away. The 90 minute one's maybe only once a quarter. Around here (Charlotte, NC) there's a local match every weekend that is within 90 minutes away.

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