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One Weekend a Month


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(Note to non-U.S. members: U.S. armed forces reserves recruitment efforts explain, "one weekend a month and two weeks a year.")

Hmmmm, I wonder what part of "Reserve" they don't understand??

I fail to see the humor.

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Depends on how you look at it. I don't think the soldiers are complaining...I think they're making light of a tough situation and having some fun.

I think it's hysterical.

- Gabe

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QUOTE from Eric Warren today

Policy or political discussions of any kind are not welcome. Such as IPSC verses IDPA debates, for example. Including but not limited to: governmental, USPSA, IPSC, or IDPA.

(from benos' forum guidelines)

Is this another political statement Eric? ;) Beware you might get locked ;) Someone might get the impression that you are part of the Kaliban and anti-liberation of Iraq supporter ;)

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Why wouldn't this be funny?

Having done a serious amount of time keeping Califronia safe from Oregon, and activated once, I find it funny... I would guess close to 100% of reservists would find it funny too. It's a harmless way to blow off steam.

Anyone who ever put in active reserve time find it not funny?

Many people go into the National Guard to help thier states in emergencies (fires/hurricanes/torandos/earthquakes), as well as to help our country.

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Having done a serious amount of time keeping Califronia safe from Oregon

Now that I think is funny :lol:

As for the pic , I'll bet the folks it was intended for were the deployed unit and families back home.

Got to maintain some sense of humor in the combat zone ;)

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Funny? yes and no, depending on your experiences maybe.

I've been put in shit-holes across the globe so I can understand the frustration of the servicemen/women. I used to bitch and complain myself, but I knew where the line was. Just hearing my chief say "..a bitch'n sailor is a happy sailor.." just pissed me off even more! :) I once had my leave cancelled 3 times in a 6 month period because of hostilities in the region. There's nothing more depressing than calling your family to tell them you're not coming home...again and again.

I sure wanted to hang a out big sign a tell the world what I thought about my command, but I didn't because I KNEW there would be consequences for my actions.

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Having done a serious amount of time keeping Califronia safe from Oregon

I can completely understand California’s paranoia about being invaded by America… :P (Sorry, I tried, I really did, but I just couldn’t resist. :rolleyes: )


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Ed, I don't think the commanders would object to that, just the politicos... :D

The rest of the time I was keeping the "Red Threat" at bay... did pretty good there... I would have said Nevada or Arizona, but Oregon seems so much more peaceful, but they'd run right down I-5..

I still think Calif got all the other states crazies over the years. Now if we could just convince them to keep moving West... sorry Hawaii, or Guam?...

The reserves in general will tolerate this more than RA types. It's always possible this truck driver is the LT's boss... ;)

I'll shut up now..... Dave

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Will we now pass judgement on the relative humor and funniness of

a) all posts in the Humor forum?

B) posts in which the viewer infers political content?

c) posts in which the viewer infers political content not following the party line?

d) posts by members with reputations of not following the party line?

e) posts by me?

If you don't think a post is funny, you don't have to reply stating your opinion. This isn't the Gong Show. Plenty of unfunny jokes have been posted here without comment and and plenty more will follow.

If you think the Humor forum (or another forum) is being exploited to subvert BE's forum guidelines and rules, or is so repugnant that it degrades the forums as a whole, PM a moderator or administrator.

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Huh? :huh: Sorry Erik, I read your post twice and STILL didn’t get what you’re trying to say until I re-read the entire post and, frankly, I’m still a little confused. Of course being a little confused is completely normal for me, just ask anyone who knows me.

As far as your first post, I think it’s funny as hell! It may have struck a different chord with some others but I remember when the main reasons (that I heard about) for getting into the “Guard” were; A: I don’t have to go to Vietnam you RA sucker! Or B: see A and I found a way to pay for collage! My sentiments are 30+ years old and times change… Thank God!

My attitude about your posts? Post away! If I don’t like ‘em I won’t comment on them!


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It's both funny and not funny. Mostly it seems funny. I've known reservists. They were both ready to serve their country AND occasionally gripey about their obligation at the same time. Just normal human behavior. They managed to have fun on manuevers yet occcasionally discussed what they'd do if they were called up.

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I apologize for starting something I did not intend to start. I did not think the pic was funny so I stated my opinion. Why not? We comment on jokes we think are funny.

I did not take is as a political statement and the attack on you was uncalled for IMO.

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Just hearing my chief say "..a bitch'n sailor is a happy sailor.." just pissed me off even more!

In the Army, "A bitching soldier is a happy soldier," was immediately followed by, "It's when they stop bitching you have to worry." Because that's the point when the guy's come to the conclusion no one's listening to him and it's time to take matters into his own hands. As one Master Sergeant put it to me, "There's nothing in the world more dangerous that a Private who's just decided to try to think for himself."

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When I saw the picture I laughed. After reading the thread I was starting to think I needed sensitivity or diversity training. Then I looked at the first post with the picture again. I laughed again.

It's Funny!

From a civilian point of view. High draft number in '70 saved me from developing that 1000 meter stare.

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Reiben-Well that's brilliant bumpkin. Hey so captain, what about you? I mean, you don't gripe at all?

Miller-I don't gripe to you Reiben. I'm a captain. There's a chain of command. The gripes go up, not down. Always up. You gripe to me, I gripe to my superior officer so on, so on, so on. I don't gripe to you. I don't gripe in front of you. You should know that, you're the ranger.

Reiben-Well sorry sir, but ah let's say you weren't a captain or maybe I was a major. What would you say then?

Miller-Well in that case, I say this is an excellent mission sir, with an extremely valuable objective sir, worthy of my best efforts sir. Moreover I feel heart felt sorrow for the mother of private James Ryan and am willing to lay down my life and the lives of my men, especially you Reiben, to ease her suffering.

Mellish-He's good.

Caparzo-I love him.

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I just finished my Army War College thesis on "Army National Guard - So Many Missions - So Little Time". I almost used that photo in the article as the epigraph.

I quit shooting USPSA competitively in 1996 because I was drilling three weekends per month as a Mech Infantry BN S3 and I have not slowed down since.

The photo is funny.

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I just finished my Army War College thesis on "Army National Guard - So Many Missions - So Little Time". I almost used that photo in the article as the epigraph.


How long before you get the star on your collar?

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I can remember being on some crappy details and joking about being all I could be, same thing here. My vote goes for funny. On the other hand, having been in a National Guard unit during Desert Storm (not Activated), I can tell you that there are a lot of folks who joined with the idea of getting the GI Bill, etc., and have never considered the possibility of being activated.

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Guess being on the other side of the ocean makes me unable to understand your debate about humor.

My take is that humor is making fun of something or someone, upon a certain category of people, animals, things, etc., that might think your humor is not that funny!


No problem in there.

As long as your humor doesn't prove to be offensive, it's humor and nothing else!

To me, one othe most humorous things on the earth is to point out inconsistencies by showing an assertion made from someone at a certain time, and showing along with it the true reality that is totally different.

This is why I thought that the original post from Erik was funny, and I don't understand the debate about it.

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