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Call for Advice... My first Multi-Gun

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I'm a pretty good USPSA shooter and I'm moving on up to 3 gun. Any advice on what to expect at the Northwest Multigun next week? Do you guys use strollers? What's your energy food/drink of choice? Mental prep?

Please, no discourse on firearms. They're ready to go and I'm not changing anything now.

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Yep! 3-Gunners sometimes use strollers!

I don't know when hay cutting is up there, but if you have hay fever, bring some meds! :surprise:

I get a starbucks every morning when possible, but it apparently works like ADD meds, because the only thing I do slow is shoot!

JJ likes 5 hour energy.

Lots of fluids, even in the great NorthWest! If you don't have to pee, you're not drinking enough! If you do have to pee, you have to go in those hot little porta potties at a LOT of the matches...win some, lose some.

You don't want any mental prep from me, but look at the stages and plan them just like pistol!

I find swearing out loud at yourself while shooting, doesn't help your shooting, but it lets off some steam and seems to provide high entertainment value for your squad mates! :rolleyes:

Be sure to help reset, but for 3-gun, try to be sure when you're "in the hole" you're gearing up so when you come to the line, you have all the ammo you need for the correct guns. Seen people have to go back. Seen people have to go back to the car after they've already started shooting! :roflol: (Ask around about stories of running up a hill, back to the table for a shotgun stage at Blueridge...or running back to the car on the clock to get your rifle mags!) Please set your gun down first before you run off! Better to have it all in the first place!

Ask for advice from your squadmates if you're nervous. You will get 50 different pieces of advice, and sorting that all out will help you relax. You don't have to listen to any of it! :roflol:

Have fun! That's why you're there and 3-gunners are the best people out there! :cheers:

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I think Denise covered most of it, although I drink decaf before a match. You can park pretty close to all the stages at Albany, but many people you see there will be using carts. Lunch will be available at the range, we have a little sandwich shop in Shedd that fixes it for us. Usually runs around $8 per day. Water will be available at all the stages. I always have some gatorade in my truck, you will get dehydrated if you don't push fluids. I like beef jerky in my shooting bag for when I get hungry.

As for mental prep, when you find out what works let me know.

Main thing at your first match is to pay attention and have fun. See you there next week!


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My performance enhancing drug of choice is a Monster energy drink. I shotgun it on the walkthrough of the first stage. (And chase it with water for the rest of the day) :ph34r:

I use a pack since it's easier to take on a plane or in a small car. It also has no mobility issues due to terrain.

Visualization as mental prep. If you can't visualize what you're doing before you shoot the stage using your imagination, there's no way you can expect to do it in real life.


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More than 64 ounces of sportsdrink is not healthy, I cut mine with water and typically do about 20% gatorade, 80% water. I used to eat normal breakfast and lunch, but no more. I use the 20g Cliff protein bars, almond bars and trail mix as food and V8 splash. I try to eat a little 5 or 6 times per day. This has really helped my mental and physical performance (Thanks Seeklander and Casanova for those). If you don't typically use caffeine or energy drinks, don't start.

3Gun stages are typically like 3 pretty tough USPSA stages combined. Your fist stage or so will tell you a lot about how you get through them. Patience on shotgun...keep that head down and don't think about the time. Every SLOW hit is way better than a fast miss on moving shotgun targets. Have Fun! :cheers:

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I seldom eat breakfast, I usually skip lunch unless it is available. Every once in a while I will have a goo or 5-hour energy. I drink a ton of water/Gator Aide...cause I am usually hungover (hey M.F.s this IS vaction!!!). I like to approach a stage by figuring out my reloads, and then just observe what the gun is doing and correct anything I notice that is wrong. If I don't see the Monkey playing the Cymbals in my mind, I know I am too much "inside"(thinking too much)....I think StlHead said it all, relax have fun and learn from EVERYTHING!!!

Edited by kurtm
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If your not shooting, moving, or reloading......you've already lost! ;)

Do these three things, and nothing else, and you will do fine. BTW, these are not my words, Jerry Miculek told me this once.

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Mark's advice on keeping food in your stomach is excellent. I am not a fan of energy drinks (make me shaky). Food will give you energy and strength. Carbohydrates are quick burning energy; they are your best bet for athletic events. It will also keep your mind sharp which allows you to think clearly. Stay hydrated. I drink mostly water throughout the match with a Gatorade or Powerade mid way through. I am a coffee drinker so I drink the same amount every morning to get the day started.

I am like Cameron and carry my gear. I am 30 years old and work out 4-5 days a week. Carrying a pack or in my case drag bag a few hundred yards is no problem. My guns travel in the same bag and it keeps all my stuff in one place.

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I drink lots of water during the match, and I like to run while doing steel reset and pasting targets. It seems if I can keep moving, it doesn't allow for the excess nervous energy to intrude and ruin my concentration. No energy drinks, pop, or sweets during the match or it feels like an energy hand grenade blew up inside.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finished running stages today. No zeroed stages, no DQ. I call that a good day for my first 3 gun.

Any time I do not DQ and have fun, I am happy.

Lots of water, and I keep a few Cliff bars in my bag.

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  • 1 month later...

I learned quickly to bring a bag chair and some means of hauling the gear all over the range. So many guns and ammo and carry in 3 gun vs USPSA pistol that it really makes sense to purchase a garden cart or a "man stroller"


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  • 3 weeks later...

I will be shooting my first 3gun this weekend myself. I'm looking forward to it and hopefully get the bug everyone is talking about. A few things though:

Do you have to be a USPSA member to shoot?

What are some things I should have other than the obvious (3guns, ammo, and pouches)?

What are some reasons you get DQ'd?

I am pretty proficient with most weapons, but I dont want to look like a douche at my first shoot.

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I will be shooting my first 3gun this weekend myself. I'm looking forward to it and hopefully get the bug everyone is talking about. A few things though:

Do you have to be a USPSA member to shoot?

What are some things I should have other than the obvious (3guns, ammo, and pouches)?

What are some reasons you get DQ'd?

I am pretty proficient with most weapons, but I dont want to look like a douche at my first shoot.

Membership probably depends on the club, but I would think not.

Water, food, a way to carry everything. Bag, buggy, stroller. Sun screen. Ear and eye protection.

DQ-unsafe fire arms handling. Just take it slow. You are not going to win your first time out. Have fun and be safe.

Edited by biga9999
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When you do your load out, do everything for one gun and complete the load out for that gun before you do anything else. That way you will have everything for that weapon system. What I'm saying is don't ADD, that's A-D-D, and start packing shotgun stuff while you are in the middle of loading your pistol stuff. It would stink getting to the match and not having your pistol belt and holster and stuff. No- I haven't done that, but darn near have!! Try to have your stuff a little organized, so when you are on deck or in the hole, you aren't floundering around trying to find stuff. Have a lot of fun. Do the best you can, but remember to have a good time. Meet the guys on the squad, watch and learn. Sometimes you learn how to do it, and sometimes you learn how not to do it, but either way it's all good. Let us know how it goes!

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I live on the Florida Gulf coast, and selecting clothing for hot, humid weather 3gun is a little more challenging than in some other areas of the country....with high baseline humidity, additional body cooling by evaporation is more difficult....our matches are typically not tactical so don't require BDUs, and prone or kneeling is not on hard terrain...

what works for me is as much nylon as possible... I find it evaporates water away much better than cotton...heavy duty nylon shorts, long sleeved cape back flats fishing nylon shirt (Dupont Supplex) in a light color, wide brimmed hat with open weave vent (I use ear plugs but still have a pair of the Dillon brimmed hat muffs)...sunscreen...hiking "mid" shoes with performance wicking socks...large tennis wrist band so you can hang on to your blasters

during summer months a small iced cooler with chilled water and GatorAid, and one of the water absorbing gel neck bandanas can help keep your core temp down...I try to eat a couple of bananas...a CamelBak when you are down range pasteing or range officer...watch your urine color, and save the cold drinks till after the match...

Edited by Les Snyder
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I never worry much about water, food, or performance stuff. I have yet to be at a 3gun that was terribly physically challenging where any of that mattered much, except for a couple in TX when it was over 103 degrees for two days and it was a VERY tactical team match with a lot of running.

Eat if you are hungry, drink if you are thirsty, take a whizz when you feel like it. In a three day major match, you have less than 15 minutes of actual shooting/performing. The only thing that wears you out is all the resetting througout the day, and the adrenaline dumps, which you are already used to.

Since you are already a match shooter, you know what to expect.

Since you might not be as proficient with your shotgun or rifle, I'd recommend you really focus on being safe, and keeping your mind right when operating and reloading. Dont try and go faster with these than you know you are capable.

Just relax, and try to spend as much time as you can having fun, listening, and watching what others do. The nuances of stage mgmt are incredible.

Things I used to always wish I would have brought... but didnt/forgot:

1. Sunscreen

2. Chair

3. Shade

4. Stage backpack

Edited by Kevin Holman
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Had a good first shoot yesterday. Thanks for the advice. I saw two DQ's. My focus was on being safe and not getting kicked out for something stupid. Everything went smooth. Looks like I've caught "the bug". Check out my shoot and throw me some advice on getting better.

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Watch the back lighting as this gives the picture a "washed out" appearence. It is generally better to zoom in and pan at the same time rather than trying to walk along and film. I would choke up on the F stop at least 2 more steps to avoid the slightly out of focus washed out look and watch the cammera angle. For instance it probably would have been better in the lighting you were shooting in to displace to the side of the shooter a bit more rather than follow right behind. Hope this helps, looks like wiht a few tips on lighting and angle you will be shooting just fine.

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Watch the back lighting as this gives the picture a "washed out" appearence. It is generally better to zoom in and pan at the same time rather than trying to walk along and film. I would choke up on the F stop at least 2 more steps to avoid the slightly out of focus washed out look and watch the cammera angle. For instance it probably would have been better in the lighting you were shooting in to displace to the side of the shooter a bit more rather than follow right behind. Hope this helps, looks like wiht a few tips on lighting and angle you will be shooting just fine.

Been into the hard cider again, Kurt? :roflol:

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I seldom eat breakfast, I usually skip lunch unless it is available. Every once in a while I will have a goo or 5-hour energy. I drink a ton of water/Gator Aide...cause I am usually hungover (hey M.F.s this IS vaction!!!). I like to approach a stage by figuring out my reloads, and then just observe what the gun is doing and correct anything I notice that is wrong. If I don't see the Monkey playing the Cymbals in my mind, I know I am too much "inside"(thinking too much)....I think StlHead said it all, relax have fun and learn from EVERYTHING!!!

Kurt is right. It is very important to drink a lot of liquor the night before. The BEST energy drink is Warrior Tea( orginally designed as a cure for hangovers), but you'll have to get it from amazon.com. 3gun is a whole different family than pistol shooting, so welcome to the fun and enjoy every aspect of the matches.

Kurt also makes some good point about the backlighting, and I would zoom in a little more. If you are going to post this on youtube you don't want people to see you missing targets. It is for that reason that I will play rock music over the sound, so people can't hear the extra shots and misses on steel.

Edited by ap3
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